“Life is to be Enjoyed, not just Endured.”

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Children's Museum

Steve had last Thursday and Friday off. Yeah! So we decided to go to the Children's Museum for some family fun! We had a great time. Jaxson's favorites were the bubbles and the train room. Steve got really good at making bubbles. They had a grocery store for the kids and all kinds of hands on exhibits. I hope to get a year family pass for Christmas. It'd be great to take Jaxson whenever I can.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Baby Bump

The baby bump is making an appearance! It has grown quite a bit just in the last couple weeks. I'm wearing maternity pants (mostly for comfort.) Shirts depend on the style. I try to accent the baby belly in hopes that I don't just look fat.
I had a doctor's apt today at 12 weeks. They had a new portable ultra sound machine and I got to have another ultra sound! I love my doctor's office! It actually looks like a real baby! (Instead of just a blur.) I got to see the baby moving. It moved it's arms and kicked it legs, it was so cute! They can't tell the gender this soon but my ultra sound to find out what it is will be at 18 weeks. Just in time for Christmas Vacation!

Halloween Fun!

This Wednesday we went to our church for Truck-or-Treat. People decorate the trunks of their cars and the kids walk around the parking lot trick-or-treating. Unfortunately it was raining so the festivities were moved indoors. Jaxson cried putting on his costume and whined most of the time we walked around. He didn't really appreciate the event and didn't understand why he couldn't eat the candy already in the bucket. A couple days ago he wanted to wear my witch hat. It was really cute, he kept it on all evening. I can't wait for Halloween to come! I hope he likes real trick-or-treating better!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Family update

I wanted to just post a little update about what we're up to.
Jaxson is turning 2 next month! I'm very excited planning his "Doggie Party" He's talking up a storm and as most of you know he's really gotten the hang of talking on the phone. (Instead of just listening and smiling!) He seems to learn something new every day! His latest obsession... seat stealing. He thinks it a very funny game. Every time Steve or I leave a chair for a moment and then want to return to our seat Jaxson runs as fast as he can and climbs up on it. He says with a silly grin,"Mama's seat!" or, "Dada's seat!" It's pretty cute! I usually make a big deal of it and pretend to sit on him which he finds hilarious. He's at such a fun age!

Steve is doing well in school. He enjoys it for the most part. He's been going to the gym and running 4 times a week and I'm very proud of him! He's been great these last couple weeks taking on a lot of extra chores for me and spending time with Jaxson. He's really excited to spend time with his parents who are in town this weekend. We'll also get to see his sister and her family the next two weekends which is always great!

I'm hanging in there battling the morning sickness. (Or all day sickness.)I had a couple good days and hoped I was over it. Ha! I'm now back to throwing up once or twice a day and nothing sounds appetizing. Hopefully I only have a couple more weeks of this!

The new baby is 10 weeks and about a inch long! Everything seems to be going great!If you want to see what the baby looks like go to:

The weather has been so hot and humid here that one day I took Jaxson outside and let him play with the hose. He needed a shower afterward but it was worth it! I sure wish fall would come soon....

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Very Merry Un-Birthday!

Jaxson's best friend Samantha has been talking non-stop about birthday parties since their other friend, Macie, celebrated her's a couple weeks ago. Her mom, Emily, said she was thinking about making cup cakes and giving her a present to open for fun because her real Birthday isn't until March. I thought it was a great idea! Friday we baby-sat their kids and threw Jaxson and Samantha an Un-Birthday party! They colored pictures, played with play dough, opened a few gifts (I'd already had), played with balloons, and ate cup cakes! They had a lot of fun!

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