

happy halloween!

And what are we, you ask? Reese... a bumble bee. Jen....a flower. Deke.....

Any ideas?

Do you need a closer look?

Still no thoughts?? He's a jar of honey. And yes... those are bit o' honey's all over him. You're all jealous aren't you?

Here's a closer look at our little bee...

... our little bee who soon turned into an angry bee...

Last Monday we celebrated with the H's and today with the N's.  At N's, we happened upon the Wicked Witch of the West...

Who turned out to be Grandma :)

We had one killer leaf fight.  Of which yours truly started. Ya'll better bring it next year, cuz you're goin' DOWN.

The whole Fam Damily:

And now we're off to trick or treat!

Happy Halloween!

p.s. i would love if any of the harbies would email me some pics from the other night :)


mi familia

This is my entire family (excluding Deke, who wasn't able to take work off. Total bummer. Oh yeah! And baby Eliza who was born a few days later.). Yup. every last one of us. It was taken at the airport last month when my little bro got home from serving an LDS mission in Mexico. I think I pretty much have greatest family ever.

This is my little bro, Brad:

He's a good egg, that Bradley J.  Who ever gets this guy is one lucky gal.

Anyway, we were all able to be together last month, which is a rare treat indeed. You see, for the past 6 years or so there's always been someone living out of state or on a mission or something. I LOVE it when we all get together. Each and every person adds a little spark to the mix, so when someone's missing it's just not the same. Needless to say, I had a fantastic time - espcially with Annie and clan here from Texas! I love it when ya'll come to visit!

Me & Reese, Annie, Kayla, & Preston:

Little Miss Kayla was able to FINALLY meet tiny Reese. I love this girl. She was so excited to finally have a girl cousin. She was the best helper and was always checking on Reese to make sure she was ok. We can't wait to have her back up here at Christmas!!! Kayla - Reese can't wait to see you and she sends her love ;)! And she's so flattered you wanted to pick out a pumpkin as "teensy, tiny" as her. XOXO.

Can't wait til' Christmas for round 2!!


oh october, how i love thee, take 2

(for take one from last year click here)

Since conference weekend was out for the count (see prior post), we ventured to the cabin the following weekend to get our fill of autumn leaves. While surprisingly not as vibrant as last year, the foliage still had much to offer. There was just a little more brown mixed in than usual :).

Without further adieu, the pics..

This deer walked right in front of us, turned it's head and stared us down.


Deke being a gomer

Sunday morning we awoke to this...

Cheers to fall!

a feast for the soul

For me, fall is the epitome of all things comfort: hearty stews, warm spices, chunky sweaters, garden harvests, and cozy afternoons wrapped in down blankets. General Conference is my soul's equivalent fall. It nourishes and warms my spirit so I feel ready to withstand the winter's of life that will inevitably blow in.

The past few October conferences have found us at, where else? Our beloved cabin. It's only fitting seeing as how I feel closest to God amongst the beauty of His mountains. There's nothing like sitting on the couch, looking out the window over the little valley clothed in its' autumn wonder, while listening to God's words given through His prophets. It's spiritual rapture.

Due to several conflicts this year, we weren't able make the trek to the cabin. Instead, a quick trip up Emigration Canyon to Little Dell Reservoir while listening to the Saturday afternoon session had to suffice. The leaves were impressive along with some of those homes - HOLY SMOKES. I didn't know any homes existed up there. Goes to show my Salt Lake County naivete. Guess I'm a Davis County gal.

Anyway, both words and landscapes surpassed my already high expectations and filled my spiritual tank to full. It was just what I had been needing.

yes...she's wearing a Harley beenie...


she smiled

She smiles all day long, yet somehow whenever I whip out the camera she stops. What's with that? Here's the one and only (slightly blurry) smile I've been able to catch.


1 month update

There have a been a lot of milestones going on around the Deke and Jen home as of late (see prior post for one), not the least of which is our little peanut turning 1 month. 1 MONTH. Holy smokes.

Just today she finally started REALLY smiling. We were smiling back and forth for probably 20 minutes, and what do you know, as soon as I whip out the camera she stopped. The little stinker. I weighed her on her month birthday and according to my mom's scale she's gained more than 3lbs since leaving the hospital. Wow. Something must be working right. The little lady continues to blow out diapers by the dozens and belch with the best of them. She loves to be swaddled and snuggled all day long.

She's simply enchanting.