And what are we, you ask? Reese... a bumble bee. Jen....a flower. Deke.....
Any ideas?
Do you need a closer look?
Still no thoughts?? He's a jar of honey. And yes... those are bit o' honey's all over him. You're all jealous aren't you?
Here's a closer look at our little bee...
... our little bee who soon turned into an angry bee...
Last Monday we celebrated with the H's and today with the N's. At N's, we happened upon the Wicked Witch of the West...
Who turned out to be Grandma :)
We had one killer leaf fight. Of which yours truly started. Ya'll better bring it next year, cuz you're goin' DOWN.
The whole Fam Damily:
And now we're off to trick or treat!
Happy Halloween!
p.s. i would love if any of the harbies would email me some pics from the other night :)