Thursday, August 13, 2015

Costa Rica Part One

We were finally off to Costa Rica. Lee Astle was traveling with us to meet up with his family who had been in Costa Rica for the previous three weeks. On our way to San Jose, Costa Rica, a volcano erupted. The airport was closed and we were diverted. The flight attendants and pilots were excited. We got booked into the RIU Guanacaste all inclusive resort for a night. It is even on the beach. Much nicer than the Holiday Inn. In addition, we were able to rent a car there for the same price that we had reserved in San Jose and it is was much closer to our final destination. 

We traveled by van to Monteverde to pick up the Astles and spend some time in the mountains. While we were there we zip lined and visited a butterfly sanctuary. 

Costa Rica Via Phoenix

About a month before we left for Costa Rica the airlines messed with our flights. It is a very long story, but we ended up with a three day layover in Pheonix on the way to Costa Rica! We were so excited. It ended up being such a blessing because we were able to spend some time with Great Grandpa DeKay just about a month before he passed away. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Short Hair

Winnie decided to get her hair cut really short. It suits her personality--fun luving and sassy.

Romeo Where Art Thou?

Lady MacBeth Hair

Hannah tried out for the school play and landed the part of Lady MacBeth. The play was a spoof on Romeo and Juliet and so Lady MacBeth was a small humorus aprt which was perfect for Hannah.

We spent several Sunday mornings practicing Lady MacBeth hair for the part. We had quite a bit of fun and ended up with some really cute styles.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day this year Robert and I decided on a brunch date to our favorite restraunt which happens to be in Girdwood. Jack Sparts was awesome. I had my favorite, eggs benedict and Robert had the crepes. 

After lunch we had a family date to the rock gym. All the kids had a blast, but Winnie killed it!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Daddy/Daughter Date

February 12th Robert and Winnie attended a daddy/daughter date at church. The played games ate ice cream and learned how to line dance!