Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring Break 2011

     For spring break we took the kids to Orlando and spent the week visiting all of the Disney and Universal Studios parks.  My parents' timeshare needed to be used this year and we were more than happy to use it.  Thanks Mom and Dad!!  Now that we've seen them all, in fact we went to Disney last year, we've decided that we won't do a marathon park hopping trip again.  It was a blast, but very exhausting!!  
     Evan is really into Mickey Mouse right now and we knew he would have a great time.  He was so excited to see Mickey that we literally had to restrain him from going in front of everyone else up to him.  It was like watching a teenage girl at a rock concert!  He was yelling and screaming his name.  We got a kick out of it and so did those around us.  He not only loved Mickey, but all of the characters.  In fact everyone got a hug from Evan.  We have quite a few hug pictures.:)  The rest of the kids had a great time too.  Miranda and Ryan had a good time especially since they are both tall enough to ride all of the rides.  Olivia got frustrated when she wasn't tall enough, but went on all of the ones she could.  Her sense of fear hasn't quite kicked in yet.  This trip was definitely different because of having older and younger kids.  You have to be sure you try and satisfy both!  It will be really nice when we are all big enough to ride all of the rides, won't have to utilize the child swap or a stroller!  Of course that means they'll all be big and that is not something I'm ready to think about, so we'll just move on.  We had a great time and are anxious to revisit Disney again!  Maybe next year?!

Evan meets Mickey for the first time at Animal Kingdom

We've been listening to Harry Potter in the car as we travel from activity to activity, so the kids were excited about visiting the Harry Potter part of Universal Studios Islands of Adventure.


Magic Kingdom

Universal Studios

Hollywood Studios

Miranda in front of her favorite roller coaster at Hollywood Studios

Cheer & Easter

In March Miranda's cheer squad went to Nationals in Myrtle Beach, SC.  Duane was out of town and my mom was kind enough to come and watch the other three kids while Miranda and I had a girls weekend.  It was a lot of fun and the girls did a fantastic job!

Miranda the Cheerleader

Miranda had the best coaches!!
 Before our vacation we spent Easter at my parent's house and had a great time at the pool and the beach.

Easter 2011

Ryan Turns 10

I know, I haven't been very good about keeping this thing updated.  This post is loooong overdue considering Ryan turned 10 April 2nd.  Maybe, I've avoided this post because I'm still in denial that I now have two kids in double digits.  No, it's probably just because life is crazy and unfortunately this blog is not top on my priority list.  

Anyway, Ryan is now ten and I can't explain where the time has gone.  It flies by so quickly and I try not to think about having less time left than I've had.  Although Ryan can be a challenge at times, I love him and he is a good kid.  His stubbornness will come in handy one day.:)  I am blessed to be his mother. 

Ryan got the Percy Jackson series to read and Evan wasn't happy he couldn't open the present

Ice Cream Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting at Ryan's request

Mmmmm good!!