Friday, February 26, 2010

Surprise...We're going to Disney World!!

Over President's Day weekend we took an impromptu trip to Walt Disney World. The kids had no idea we were going. They thought we were going to Vietnam and had told everyone. We told them Vietnam because originally we were going to go to Charleston, SC and they had a replica of a Vietnam camp there. They bought the story and while we were driving south Duane broke the news that we were not going to be able to go to Vietnam. The kids were very disappointed and when asked where they would rather go, they said they didn't know. We passed back the envelope with the tickets inside and asked them if it would be okay if we went to Walt Disney World. Needless to say, they were very excited!! Despite the larger crowds, due to the holiday weekend, and cooler temperatures we had a great time!!
Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate the day we went to Epcot. It was cold and the rain was pouring down. It was so bad that we didn't even get to the country portion. We did get to meet a lot of characters and still managed to have fun.
Evan got a kiss from Snow White.
So, maybe we didn't tell a full lie when we said we were going to Vietnam. The Magic Kingdom's Jungle ride takes you down a river that is located in Vietnam. I know, it's a stretch, but hey we got a good laugh.
We didn't know that Evan could handle eating meat, but he showed us he could when he couldn't get enough of this turkey leg. I think he ate half of it!
We loved that my Mom came to join us for our day at the Magic Kingdom! The kids had a great time going on rides with her. We're also glad that the weather was much better than the day before.
About 18 months ago we went to Tokyo Disney and Olivia was so disappointed that she was not able to meet any of the princesses. Since then, we have promised Olivia we would bring her to Disney World and she would be able to meet Cinderella. Just days before our trip she said her dream would be to go to Disney World and meet Cinderella. I guess this is proof that our dreams can come true.:)
Evan was such a trooper as we dragged him around everywhere. Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom is a great place for little ones because even they can ride most of the rides.
Our final day at Disney was spent at Disney Hollywood. Miranda and Ryan were very excited to go and ride some bigger rides.
On the Travel Channel, Miranda had seen a special on places to eat at Disney and had her eye on the 50s Prime Time Cafe. We decided to give a chance and it was fun! The best part was that the waitress was the one who corrected my children on their table manners and encouraged them to finish their food. For once, it wasn't me who was being the nag!! Duane and Ryan became members of the clean plate club and we all left filled to the brim!
As a family, we love to watch American Idol. One of the newer attractions at Disney Hollywood is the American Idol Experience. It was just like being on the show! Park guests try out for the show, perform and then the audience gets to vote who participates in the big show at the end of the day. The winner of the big show gets a pass to the front of the line at a real American Idol audition. It's great for anyone 16-28, but doesn't do much for the older contestants. We had a lot of fun!

Playing Catch Up

I'll try to play catch up here with what has been going on the last couple of months. We've been busy with life and blogging has not been high on my priority list, but the two youngest are content with playing, so I decided to go ahead and catch everyone up on the latest happenings in our life.

The kids were super excited that we go some snow here in NC and spent time outside playing in it, well maybe only 15 minutes. I don't think they've adjusted to the climate difference just yet. Miranda was convinced her hands were going to freeze and break off. The kids got 2.5 days off of school due to the county's inability to plow the roads. They were happy and I was happy to get some days to sleep in past 6am.

I have to say that wrestling was a challenge this year. Ryan has talent and could be quite good, but lacks confidence. I told his coach that he needs a "practice" match each tournament in order to get his nerves under control. He would get so worked up after the first match that he would start to hyperventilate and want to give up. I don't care if he gets pinned, but quitting is not acceptable. It's embarrassing to watch your 8-year-old son roll around on the mat crying that he can't breathe. The funny thing is that if we can convince him to finish the tournament, he always does much better and even wins. The other parents assure me that it's "normal" behavior and that if there is a next year, he will do much better. After seeing high school age kids cry after losing, I'm not sure.

At Ryan's second tournament he managed to place third. At his final tournament he placed first, which is deceiving because there were only two of them. It was the weekend we go a lot of snow, so there was a poor showing. He did extremely well, of course after his "practice" match, and won the second and pinned him in the third. The other guy was 5lbs heavier and at least 6inches taller than he was. We were proud that he ended the season well. We'll wait and see if he wants to do it again next year. For now, I'm enjoying the hiatus until baseball season begins.

Evan is growing so fast it is hard to believe that he will be a year old in a few days!! He's not walking, but has start pulling himself up. Since he's the last, I'm in now hurry for him to walk, especially since he seems to find enough to get into just dragging himself along the floor.