Thursday, August 16, 2012

Save the date Sept. 1

Contemporary Cute Boy Baby Announcements
Announcements for every life event: graduation, wedding & baby.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just a note that we are still alive

It's been a very long while. We are just busy as always. Hayden is in 5th grade and Ry is in 1st - and he LOVES it.

We've had a 10th birthday and a 7th birthday. We've had a fun summer, we've had crazy weather. We have just had a pretty good year. Hopefully I will get more time to do this again.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Just Rylan

This kid cracks us up! He's always coming up with some goofy thing. I took this picture of him sleeping. He usually sleeps with about 20 stuffed animals, including the giant pillowpet and giant bear. He always has so many animals that he has to scoot clear down to the bottom of his bed so they can all fit in there together.
Just an update on his girlfriend situation. I had heard through the grapevine that he and Kassidy had broke up. So when I asked him why they broke up, he said he told her "that he just wanted to be friends". Seriously, what 6 year old says that! I'm surprised he didn't drop the old "it's not you, it's me" line.

He is still dyslexic with some of his words. He still says Yew Nork, and Vechron. We were talking about vacations the other day and he told me that his teacher wants to go on vacation to Majaica. He loves listening to music, he informed me the other day that his favorite station is the Mekisan music station.

Hayden is always trying to correct him when he says stuff wrong, but I don't want him to. I love his little Rylanism. Besides I don't have the heart to tell Hayden that we have never corrected him calling an egg yolk, an egg yoge; and granola bars are not called granilla bars :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

I just have to say, that I love the little town we live in. It's so quiet and pretty. The people are so nice. Plus we some fun small town things to do.

This last weekend Dee's siblings came down and we went to dinner then went to the Red Barn for a hay ride to the pumpkin patch, and then back to the barn for ice cream and donuts (which I highly recommend!)

You can't really see Will in this picture, but he was so excited to sit with the big kids to eat.

For some reason, Dee always ends up sitting next to Florrie in pics, I'm beginning to wonder about them...

Mac was being so crazy!
The weather was perfect, the night was beautiful - and we had a fabulous time!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It is official, both of my boys are in school. Yes, I know Ry has been in preschool for the past two years, but now he actually attends an elementary school. He has been so excited for school to start, and he is sooo ready.

I have to say that I took him today with mixed emotions. I was so happy because it made him happy to be able to go, but as any mother of a kindergartner will tell you, I was very sad!

I am having a very hard time sending Rylan to school. I had not planned on him being my last child, I had always planned on having more kids. So I had it in my mind that I would be going through all of these milestones again, so in my mind this wouldn't be the last time for all of these experiences. It's very hard realizing that this is the last time I will get to see the excitement of a child going to school for the very first time. I wish I had cherished all of his other milestones more and made the most of these important times in his life.

So, even though I am sad - how could I not enjoy this cute boy on his very exciting morning?!Such a proud big brother :)
What could be better than having one of your favorite friends in your class? Their back-pack hooks are even right next to each other. They were very happy to have each other there this morning. Rylan & Kassidy

Monday, August 30, 2010

Ry's actual birthday

Yes my baby is a 6 year old! He is officially a big kid, missing tooth and all! He has grown up so much this year. He is definitely ready to start school; and I would be lying if I didn't say that it makes me very sad.Rylan is such a great kid and we are so lucky to have him in our family :)

He's so funny, all he wanted for his birthday was a Pillow Pet and to go to Build-a-Bear. he's pretty easy to please!

Yes I am that mother that let's my kid climb all over things even with a broken arm!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rylan's 6th Birthday Part 1

I know I have been on picture overload lately, but I just have sooo many. I have a problem - I have taken after my grandma, and I take WAY to many pictures! [that's not a bad thing Grandma :-) ]

We went to the Dinosaur Park in Ogden for RyLaN's birthday. That is all he wanted to do, he has been planning on it for about 6 months!

It is such a great place, there is sooo much to do!

I just wish my children had been born in the spring, because it was so stinking HOT!

I think it must be ALL 9 year old boys that are weird, not just mine!

pArKeR LOVED the dinosaurs!

If your mom is coming to get you to change your diaper, just sit down! Then there's no way she can get you :)

I think it ended up being more fun than Ry had anticipated. We had an awesome time!