Sunday, 29 August 2010

Fatigue, tension, stress.. all modern sickness

I am on holiday! YAY!
But i fall ill yesterday. Had breakfast with a local friend and then as we were shopping around i feel nausea. So decided to get back to hotel to sleep a bit. BUT.. when i woke up i threw up and have mild diarrhea! OH NO! Went to see a local doctor but since this is Miri and a small town, all clinics are off during weekend, so we had to go to a specialist centre. Waited for 20mins for the doctor, and the doctor diagnosed that it must be the air in miri that is not agreeing with my stomach. HA HA.. very funny. But it can be true since my friend had the same breakfast that i had anyway and my hubby had some of my dinner last night.

Well.. i have a different theory. I think it is stress and fatigue. Been really hectic at work and a lot of side job which some i don't want to accept the offer but it was too good a friend to turn down. Hence have semi accepted it. Well.. will see how. So my theory is.. when i get a chance to wind down and relax.. my body system decided to go for a ultimate overhaul.. it decided for me that i need more sleep and more rest. Hence a mild indigestion that cause symptoms like mild food poisoning. Actually just a week ago i had a really bad gastric. So bad that i need to see my GP to demand for the strongest medicine.

The question is.. i really don't know what is the best way to destress during normal days. And it is the modern world that give us all the sickness caused by fatigue, tension and stress. I really should try to go to my yoga class more often.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Colleagues.. friends.. acquaintances..

What is the difference between colleagues, friends and acquaintances?
One of my previous colleague once told me that there is no friends in workplace, they are all his colleagues. I find this statement rather cruel... not to mention a bit grey view of the world and somehow a sad statement.

Then i was thinking.. how would you define all these three terms afterall? How to draw the line between them?

From (yes.. i am lazy to dig out my big and heavy paper version of the oxford dictionary.. hence google the terms online. Haaaa...)

Colleagues = Partners in office/one chosen to work with another.

Friends =
1. A person attach to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. A person who gives assistant.
3. A person who is in good terms with another/not hostile.
4. A member of the same nation/party.
5. A member of the religious society of Friends.

Acquaintances = A person known to one but not a close friends.

It is all easy and good to define these as above. But i do believe that in workplace we have friends too.. and our colleagues can be our friends. It is really a bit harsh to say that in work place there should be no friends. It is also a sad thing don't you think? It will be really lonely to be so... but there are people who choose to be such and i guess it is a form of protection for themselves. Nevertheless... i choose to not be in this group. I have a lot of friends who are and were my colleagues.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Life changes

There are a lot of changes in life. Some we choose it to be and some are "forced" upon us.. and some.. we didn't even realise but it just happens. The changes recently for me? Well.. a lot. But one of the most major one are the changes the little baby has brought upon. We knew there will be a lot of adjustment to make but sometimes we just didn't realise how much.

1) We don't go out late anymore, latest will be back home by 10pm but even this is rare. Norm times are between 8.30 to 9.30pm. Yes.. the 30mins between 9.30 to 10pm makes a difference on how much transformation my little daughter has made to reach a full "monster". =p .. last time.. well.. no fix time can be even 1,2 or 3am!

2) The place we choose to hang out must have good baby diaper changing facilities. Previously we tend to think more of good clean toilets but this can be tolerated if there is good sales at a certain place.

3) Restaurant we choose to go must be spacious for the stroller and also not noisy.. and non-smoking preferably. Last time.. it doesn't matter that much as long as there is good food.

4) We have a big bag with us not as compared to before baby time, just a small handbag. These days we have to bring spare clothes, spare diapers, milk formula, milk bottles, drinking bottles, hot water...etc etc..

5) Monday blues... previously this is more of laziness to get back to work on Monday.. these days.. it is laziness+missing baby like crazy.

6) Topic of discussion these days will always involve babies to a certain extend.

7) Schedule... well.. similar to point (1) these days we have to schedule everything around the baby. Just like the trip we recently took to Malacca.. we have to schedule our rest time, meal time around baby's feeding time.

8) Spending.. we have to even more careful on our spending to make sure we have money to spare for milk, diapers... and other things. Actually need to start saving money for her future.. tough one!

... and there are many many more!

Monday, 26 July 2010

Just need to get use to it.. is it?

Whenever there is a change, we tend to feel uncomfortable with it regardless of what it is. Sometimes even if the change is to the better we still need time to adjust ourselves. Hence, the question is that:"for whatever it is, we just need to get use to it, is it?"

I used to hate traffic jam and get really cranky with it. I am not saying that i do not hate it anymore, i still do, but i have accepted it (after 3 years!!!) it is something that it is beyond my control, hence might as well just 'get use to it'. I no longer feel angry when there is a traffic jam leading to work.. i just .. well.. try to enjoy the radio or chat to hubby on hands-free.

However, is this applicable to everything in life?

There is going to be another major change in my life.. house moving.. there will be a lot of chain reactions. Hopefully, won't take too much time to get use to it. I am sure my little daughter would take on the change much much easier ^_^

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Change strategy

Yes.. need to change strategy for loosing the pregnancy tummy.. BUT WHAT?!?!

Monday, 19 July 2010

Driving manners

I was in my car driving home just now and was wondering what shall i blog about since it has been a while.. then suddenly the big lorry behind me was flashing the lights! YES.. i shall talk about driving manners today. Actually i was not driving slowly or anything close to slow! I was already on 80km/hour!!! and i was at the middle lane. So.. it is not really that slow!!! the speed limit of the highway is at 80km/hour! So.. i didn't do anything nor bother to give way because i think the lorry driver should have better driving manners. First.. if he really cannot take my "slow" speed, please change to the fastest 3rd lane and over take me! or.. do it on the slow lane.. why not? there were no cars around! YISH!!!!!!!! the sticker behind his lorry clearly state 70/80 so 80 is highway speed limit! So tempted to copy down the "Aduan" phone number and complain! But.. i wasn't fast enough as he did over take me at the slower lane.. and zoom away. SIGH....

Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Changed a new look for the blog.. hope to bring better inspiration. ^_^

Actually, i had a tetris moment yesterday. One of those game whereby it is about to be game over and i still keep stacking up the tiles. Too much expectation at work i guess.. and i suddenly am not sure what to teach for the next class!!! It is one of those nightmares whereby you will show up in front of the class and have no lecture!!! Worse.. in nightmares i will probably be naked too (weird that we do have dreams like this!).

Anyway.. i have no inspiration.. is it something that needs to be nurture or it will come eventually? I have also lost the sense of direction at work.. kept wondering is this what i want for my future? Hmm.. no answer.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Single parent

Hubby is away for 10 days. I can feel how hard it is to be a single parent.
Not only the physical work of taking care of a baby... but also emotionally it is hard especially if you have always relied on another person to share the feelings, moan or laugh with.
Moreover, for those mothers who are full time staying at home to take care of their child/children.. i salute all of you!

Anyway, luckily it is only for 10 days. I am so lucky that i am not a single parent.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010


Wow.. my last entry was half a year ago!
Lots have happened since then, some good, some sad, some bad.. but all in all, still a good year so far.

A lot of times i feel like writing something in this blog but ended up not doing it. I guess is laziness coupled with no reader anyway. HA...

Saturday, 2 January 2010

2nd day of new Year2010

2 days gone, time flies when you are happy and having fun. It is true, these two days are off days and hence I have my hubby and sis with me. Family times are wonderful times. Baby is growing well and although there are times when we couldn't guess what she wants and she has turned into a monster of screaming cries but still cute and I still feel like i want to kiss her to no end. HA HA HA.. well.. i suppose all mothers feel the same. I sometimes wonder how different would it be if this is a boy? hmm.. can't imagine, i would want to replace anything about baby Emily. Anyway, 1st dinner on the 1st day of Year2010 was my creation. My first roast chicken! Checked our recipes from BBC Good Food website, compared a few and take a few ingredients here and there, also checked out my Jamie Oliver cook books, hence created the roast chicken that i did. It came out fantastically well and delicious. Everyone likes it including mom! Wow...

2nd day of new year baby Emily has her vaccination, cried a bit but seems find. In fact she is very well and keep smiling. Hmm... probably got a bit drug and feel happy. Let's wait till tomorrow as the doctor said she might develop fever and hence will be uncomfortable and hence will not be a happy baby. Nonetheless, 2nd day is a good day, went out shopping with the whole family which consists of hubby, baby, mom and sis. A good trip... no stress at all, it will be nice to have all family trips like this.

So far.. good start into Year2010, let's hope the rest of the year is equally good if not better! Always be optimistic! ^_^