Friday, 27 February 2009

Columnar Basalt & Ice Circles

While many see these apparently perfect ice circles as worthy of conspiracy theorizing, scientists generally accept that they are formed by eddies in the water that spin a sizable piece of ice in a circular motion. As a result of this rotation, other pieces of ice and flotsam wear relatively evenly at the edges of the ice until it slowly forms into an essentially ideal circle. Ice circles have been seen with diameters of over 500 feet and can also at times be found in clusters and groups at different sizes as shown above.

When a thick lava flow cools it contracts vertically but cracks perpendicular to its directional flow with remarkable geometric regularity - in most cases forming a regular grid of remarkable hexagonal extrusions that almost appear to be made by man. One of the most famous such examples is the Giant's Causeway on the coast of Ireland (shown above) though the largest and most widely recognized would be Devil's Tower in Wyoming. Basalt also forms different but equally fascinating ways when eruptions are exposed to air or water.

Mammatus clouds

True to their ominous appearance, mammatus clouds are often harbingers of a coming storm or other extreme weather system. Typically composed primarily of ice, they can extend for hundreds of miles in each direction and individual formations can remain visibly static for ten to fifteen minutes at a time. While they may appear foreboding they are merely the messengers - appearing around, before or even after severe weather.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Blue Holes

Blue holes are giant and sudden drops in underwater elevation that get their name from the dark and foreboding blue tone they exhibit when viewed from above in relationship to surrounding waters. They can be hundreds of feet deep and while divers are able to explore some of them they are largely devoid of oxygen that would support sea life due to poor water circulation - leaving them eerily empty. Some blue holes, however, contain ancient fossil remains that have been discovered, preserved in their depths.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Moving Stones

The mysterious moving stones of the packed-mud desert of Death Valley have been a center of scientific controversy for decades. Rocks weighing up to hundreds of pounds have been known to move up to hundreds of yards at a time.. Some scientists have proposed that a combination of strong winds and surface ice account for these movements. However, this theory does not explain evidence of different rocks starting side by side and moving at different rates and in disparate directions. Moreover, the physics calculations do not fully support this theory as wind speeds of hundreds of miles per hour would be needed to move some of the stones.

Sunday, 22 February 2009


Recent getaway to Kota Kinabalu and stayed at Sutera Harbour.

It was really soothing to be next to the sea side... with the sea breeze blowing gentle.. the slightly salty smell of the air.. and when i look up and stare ahead.. seeing the sea stretch to touch the sky.. all these seems to be able to take my stress away... all the worries about work & future seems so small in comparison to the sea. I am very glad that i made a last minute decision to do this.. and i hope the zen will stay with me longer.. or at least till my next getaway (still planning).

Friday, 20 February 2009


I always thought that i am a patient person.. but i am beginning to wonder whether i am. There are a few things that really annoys me and the most 2 are traffic jams and delays that are beyond my control. What brought up this subject? Well.. i was at the airport yesterday leaving to KK to visit my dad in law. Arrived early to check in because i want to escape from work earlier (took half day off). But when i arrived at the airport, i found out that my flight was delayed 30mins. Which is not bad at all as long as they told you in advance. So waited longer.. then everything went smoothly, board the plane without problem. But guess what?!?! There were further delays.. and inside the plan was really stuffy and hot. I dozed off for a while then when i suddenly woke up and glance at my watch i was shocked that it was an hour delayed!!! This really annoyed me... on top of this, this is MAS! So naturally you expect better service from them than air asia. But i found that the air-hostess are rude .. there is really a significant difference in their hospitality if you compare domestic flights and international flights. In addition, you can also see a distinct difference on how they threat foreigners than Malaysian and this really disgust me! If you are in a service industry, regardless of the origin of your customers, you should treat them the same. I understand first class or business class should have better treatment, this i am in no doubt and have no problem. But at the same economy class?! Sigh...
On top of that.. the guy sat next to me kept on using his mobile phone. When the plane was about to take off, the he was asked to switch off his phone. He pretended too and when the air-hostess walked away he switch on his phone again and did texting! GRR.. i really would love to throw him a punch. Didn't he realised the danger? So ignorant!

But.. i am glad to finally arrive and everything is as smooth as it should be. Had a relaxing night and now just being chill... sometimes we just need a getaway.. to just have a different scenery and do different things. Refocus and recharge....

Sunday, 15 February 2009


Just taking TTB's advice and just write when i feel like it.. although i really donno what to write. has been a good day. The usual ordinary Sunday.. and ordinary is a good. When i was younger, i would not like ordinary. Thinking that it is too plain too boring. Well.. as i get older, i think my heart cannot take too much excitement. I guess also i have gone superstitious to think that if there is good there is also bad. The balance of life. Hence, i rather choose ordinary.. so it is still good and happy.. but just ordinary. Hence if anything bad happened it will also be the ordinary type.. hence won't be too bad. Hmm.. even i think this is a weird theory.. but i do believe it.

Back to work tomorrow.. and no more public holidays to shorten the week. 5 full working days.. hopefully the working time will pass by quickly and the non-working time will linger slightly longer.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Blank page

From my blog entries you would probably think that i write blog very seldom... it really does seem this way. But in the actual fact i write blog very frequently just that a lot of times i decided to just delete what i have written or decided not work publishing the post. There are a lot of experiences some small and some major ones that when i happened i actually composed the whole blog in my mind and promise myself that i will do it when i get my hands on my laptop (with Internet access of course). But.. hee.. as you can see by now the action only reach so far in my mind.

Sometimes the blog is just too boring to be poster, or i don't think anyone will be interested to read... or i just don't know how to continue and hence given up.. now.. this is probably one of those i really donno where this is going and hence it is as if i am talking gibberish. I guess it doesn't matter to just leave it like this.. does it? Hee... afterall.. this is my blog!