Friday, 28 November 2008


Really TGIF (Thank God It's Friday)... it has been a quick week because I was really busy. After Monday's blog I can't seem to find time or energy to blog. Looking forward for the weekend, organised some of my travel and food pictures. I have always wanted to blog more about travel and food.. but.. heh.. still planning. =p

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Monday, 24 November 2008


If I am still in UK, I would love to have this. Saw it at a window display while I was walking down the commercial district during my previous business trip I made to Melbourne. Price tag is also very pretty (at AUD300-yish).

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Ghost story...

During lunch today with workmates...

Colleague A: When I was young and still staying in kampung [kampung is village/hometown.. and..i think his kampung is somewhere in Pahang], there was a religious school nearly and there was a time that has mass possession happened.

Other Colleagues: yeeeekk!! SCARY!!!!

Colleague B: How come?

Colleague A: Apparently the school was built on a land where they used to do scarification for black magic!

Colleague C: So what actually happened?

Colleague A: 500 students were possessed.


All colleagues look horrified

ME: Wow.. that was a massive number of ghosts.. five hundreds?! Where do they come from?

Colleague D: [Roll eye and ignore me]... and some of the likes the ceiling fan and jumped onto it and hanged to turn with the fan.

ME: monkey ghosts?

Colleague A: [keep in ignoring me]... and the 'head' of the gang actually said that 'they' were from hell and came to make havoc.


During dinner, at home with TTB and hubby.

ME: OH! My colleague told me a ghost story today.. he said last time at his kampung there was a mass possession at a religious school. 500 students were possessed. Guessed what my reaction was to this?

TTB: Wah so many ghosts

ME: HOW DID YOU KNOW??!?!?... anyway, my colleague also said some of them were attracted by the ceiling fan and hang onto it.

TTB: Monkey ghosts...

ME: [SHOCKED!].. you knew this was my answer too?!?!?

We spent a lot of time laughing... conclusion of the story.. TTB actually do know me very well.

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Detox with fruitjuices

TTB and I just went through a week (actually only 6 days as we ran out of fruits today) of fruit juices aiming to do a detox and also to have better skins. So i have been pampered the whole week by TTB waking up extra early to make fruit juices.. and the variety she came up with is just brilliant. We have...

Monday: Green apple, Carrot and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice

Tuesday: Red and Green Apples with pears

Wednesday: celery, cucumber and honeydew melon

Thursday: Watermelon, pineapple and apple

Friday: kiwi and carrot

Saturday: Papaya, celery


P/s: Actually I can't really remember some of the combination. Heh.. will let TTB to correct me =p

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

"We think that if we don't check our emails our workplace will stop running and everything will fall apart"

This is what a friend of mine recently quoted and it is a behaviour he observed from himself. I reflected that I too have this habit. As a workaholic myself, I do agree to this statement. I can't survive for not checking my work email at night before I go to sleep. And sometimes I checked again in the morning before I go to work, it is as if my staff/colleagues will work between 11pm to next morning 6am and attended to my email?! Although some of my collaborators do reply my email but it really doesn't make any different to them (especially those in UK that has 8 hours time difference now) whether I reply at 6am or 9am when i get to work right? So why do i bother? Sometimes I find my behaviour not logical and really such a workaholic!!! Even when I am on leave, I check my work email, when i am travelling abroad, i check... luckily i don't have one of those blackberry that i can check my email as i travel!

So at the end, I concluded that I (we?) really do think that the world revolve around me (us?). I also think that sometimes we do need to think it this way in order to work harder. I wonder whether you will agree with me =p

Friday, 7 November 2008


I seems to have lost tract of time.. suddenly it is Friday. I have been extremely busy this week that I also feel a sense of lost now on Friday night because there is no deadline tomorrow. Weird...

Monday, 3 November 2008

Monday is nearly gone!

Today is one of those long meetingssssssss days.. it is as if I've spent the whole day being very busy but at the end nothing seems to have progressed. All the tasks on my "to do list" are still on the list!!! Tomorrow will be another long day... but I am very happy that at least the blue Monday is nearly gone! Tomorrow will be a better day!

Think positive, keep positive and be positive!


Sunday, 2 November 2008

"99.99% marriage is just misery.. but I have nothing against marriage"

This is what I heard from a friend whom I met up for dinner when I was in Melbourne (yes! i am back!). He is a dear friend as we have known each other for a long time but never close and it was the first time we actually sat down alone to chat. It was certainly very good to catch up with him and he is just such a gentleman. We spent the time during dinner talking about absolutely everything and of course naturally one topic fall on marriage and relationship. It is funny when he said that 99.99% of marriage end up in misery but he has nothing against marriage. Well... that statement, to me, sounded like he is 99.99% against marriage. He did say that he hope mine is within 0.01% (i hope so too.. so far so good). Relationship is something really very amazing.. because it is always subjective. I realised that the level of your understanding and feeling towards relationship especially in the love department changes as you get older (mainly influenced by your experiences in life).

I am one of those lucky ones who has my 1st boyfriend as my last and he is my hubby now (coming Jan we will be celebrating our 8th anniversary). However, I do understand (or more accurately describe as I can imagine) how you feel if you are one of those who go through numerous relationships (or might still be searching for the Mr Right). When I was young, my perception of love is very pure (I think generally we were like this once), it is either love or no love.. no grey area and it is a BIG deal plus everything must be absolutely clear, either right or wrong. At that age, I would never understand why there is a saying that "love is never right or wrong"... However, I find that as I get older, I begin to understand a lot of things. Just like on Friday I was listening to the radio and someone on air said this: "It was because of not understanding hence brought my first girlfriend and I together, but it is because of understanding each other than has caused our break-up". This is actually very philosophical, but it is really true. Of course all these are specifically on love. Marriage however is a different subject all together. Marriage can have right and wrong. To me, marriage is a commitment of a life time promise you gave to each other. It is not just a piece of paper. In the modern world we are staying now, marriage has become something different, has a different quality. Sad..

Nevertheless I still believe in fairy tale ending, the happily ever after. Do you?