Thursday, December 31, 2009

dear lifeylife.....

new year's eve
alone at home
semua org either busy with own work or too tired to even care...

end up
me sorng2 kat bilik
last2 nanges sbb depression

a perfect way to celebrate a new beginning kan?


Friday, December 25, 2009

God help me , but i hate her!

dear lifeylife.....

ketahuilah bahawa mbak suti(pembantu rumah ini yg makan gaji buta ini) adalah sudah melampaui batas maximum kesabaran i yang sememangnye tak berapa nak high ni...
so kite kene percepatkan proses perpindahan rumah!!!
if not so, i will turn out to be such a monster dan mungkin menjadi terkurang garam hajar!
so lebih baiklah cepat2 packing and melarikan diri segera
i am doing the right thing, no?
sebelum tu kite berdoa dulu pada Yg Maha Kuasa,

"oh Tuhanku, berikanlah aku sedikit lagi kesabaran utk menghadapi mbak suti beberapa hari ini... amiieenn.."

jom sambung packing!!!

owh btw!
td tgok avatar!
interesting!!! nice graphic. mengarut skit cite tu but sometimes we could use some fairy tales to keep us going right?

papai darlings!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

so darn misekin!

dear lifeylife....

ujung2 bulan mcm ni harus la rs sesak takle bernapas
nak makan pun korek2 kotak tgok kot2 ade food2 yg masih tersisa
end up makan bubur je la

namun, walau hanya bubur, harus la bergizi kan?
with broccoli and shiitake
(ade balance dr yg kemaruk nak wat fried mushroom hari tu la~)

td petang check acc, tgok2 MARA tersyg da masukkan allowance bulan depan
hoooray! bayar trus sewa bilik siap2, supaya sedar diri yg duit senarnye xbnyak mana pun
oh MARA, sile la naik kan allowance kami!

ah, kegembiraan tgok duit allowance masuk hanya lah sementara
pas bayar duit sewa rumah, trus jatuh misekin balik
ahha! talking bout rumah sewa, i akn pindah starting next month
sbb my land loard naikkan sewa, xmampu da nak bertahan kat sini
i really like this house
coz i dok 4th floor n this floor mmg best, and tenang and senyap and full of privacy
i really really love this room
plus floor ni ade balcony yg sngat luas with such a nice view esp at dawn and time sunset
malam pun lawa, sbb nampak Taman Anggerek
siyes lawa!
tp harus bagaimana lagi kan....

speaking of which, i really need to start doing all the stuff packing, organizing, cleaning and whatnot
da berbuih2 da mulut dok kate nak packing barang nak pindah, tp satu hape pun lom buat lagi
ape nak jadi niii

ok stop now and start packing!
(lepas tgok cite setem, promis3!!!~)


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

sape kate jd Dr bosan?!

dear lifeylife...

best woo jadi dokter!!!
  1. leh bgn pagi gile and kol 630am gerak ke Rumah Sakit Angkatan Laut Mintohardjo, stuck lam traffic jam stroberi dlu for a few mins
  2. leh dok merenung all the x-ray and the CT-Scan picts secara rawak smpai pening kepale sbb walau berjam2 merenung all those picts, still confused sbb interpretation gambar sentiasa bertukar2 due to the lack of experience in reading x-rays picts
  3. boleh berkeliaran carik patients dgn harapan dpt ngintai diorng jd model tangkap gambar x-ray or tgok diorng berbaring2an for CT-Scan or tgok diorng wat Ultrasonogram(esok akan berusaha dgn lebih gigih lagi!)
  4. boleh makan tanpa henti sbb sekitar RSAL mmg bnyak restoran best2! yay! boleh gain weight! yay! boleh melebar! yay! boleh jadi bulat macam belon! yay!(seriously being sarcastic sebenarnye xbest!)
  5. on the way balik leh singgah sini!!!!

the cheese cake factory

right:nining's:delight choco

both intan's
left:delight choco
right:chocolate blanc

ruri's:strawberry cheez

my very first attempt of eating fried mushroom
bertekad utk membuat fried mushroom sndirik cuti x'mas ini!

my iced lemon tea
very refreshing

baek lah!!
harus tidur now
esok is another tiring day as the days before
and esok petang after class my group-mate ajak g makan mane ntah
kalo larat esok i'll blog about it okeh
now tidur dulu n semoga mimpi2 indah sahaje


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

11th Jakarta International Film Festival

dear lifeylife....

hari ni ade tayangan filem Gubra by Almarhumah Yasmin Ahmad
sbb i belum pernah tengok secara penuh(sekerat2 je tengok), so i've decided to go to the Blitz Megaplex with some friends to watch Gubra la kan.
dkat sana, dah amik tiket semua, baru sedar yg later after the muvie, akn ade Q&A session with Sharifah Amani and Orked Ahmad(kakak Almh Yasmin Ahmad-nama Orked from Gubra and adik beradik cerita tu adelah based on Orked Ahmad's name but the story line itself was based on Almh Yasmin Ahmad's life)

i enjoyed the muvie so much, and as soon as the muvie ended, the whole panggung was giving such an appreciative applause for the muvie(sngat mmbanggakan to be there mase tu, hehe~)
but during the Q&A session, sgat terharu sbb Orked was kind of emotional when she talked about he late sister
at first, sharifah amani dtg and talked with her full semngat waja, pasal how she enjoyed working with such a beautiful spirit like Almh Yasmin Ahmad
then the mic was passed to Orked Ahmad, and immediately the whole panggung went dead silent... sebabnye suara Orked Ahmad pun da start sebak2 tahan nangis... sngat terharu...

by the end of the Q&A session, we went down and talked to them, they were happy to see us malaysian around(siap tukar2 phone no, emails and all la). even asked us very eagerly to come for the next muvie, esp Muallaf and TeleNtime(as i belum pernah tengok both muvie lagi.. pity me), so we are planning to go n watch both muvie jumaat nnt
cerita Muallaf kene berbayar tiketnye, n tiket da abes dijual, but we are planning to ask kak Orked to help us out so dat we can join to watch the muvie, but for TeleNtine, mmg already free but kene ke Blitz awal sejam la to get the tickets...

ok la
it's getting late n i need my beauty sleep now
sebelum tu
some piccas of today's Gubra session
ok then,
moin moin~

11th JIFF

with org seni

kak Orked Ahmad

Sharifah Amani and us

::oh yes, lupe nak ckp, lpas abes klas trus g Blitz tu sbb takut xsempat. dats y berbaju kurung, siap bawak beg keja sumbat2 the white coat dalam tu bawak berat2 kehulu kehilir::

The Three Billy Goats Gruff...

dear lifeylife...

tibe2 teringat kat cerita yg satu ini
dulu mase kecik2, Uncle Ted salu pos kan buku2 cerita kanak2 for me(selain dr Lego, mainan blocks, cards, baju and macam2 lagi)...
and this cerita adelah one of it
The Tree Billy Goats Gruff....
and dulu when i was 4, 5 or 6 years old, mak salu baca kan cerita ni to me(dan juge cerita2 lain yg Uncle Ted hantar)
siap dgn sound effect and all
pk2 balik funny la pulak kan
but i loved it to bits!!
and tonight i am missing it...
why? entah la... i dont know. just let me be ok? hehe~

so here it is...
The Three Billy Goats Gruff!!
(not 100% sama, tp more or less 95% sama la dgn the book Uncle Ted gave)

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Once upon a time there were three billy goats, who were to go up to the hillside to make themselves fat, and the name of all three was "Gruff."

On the way up was a bridge over a cascading stream they had to cross; and under the bridge lived a great ugly troll , with eyes as big as saucers, and a nose as long as a poker.

So first of all came the youngest Billy Goat Gruff to cross the bridge.

"Trip, trap, trip, trap! " went the bridge.

"Who's that tripping over my bridge?" roared the troll .

"Oh, it is only I, the tiniest Billy Goat Gruff , and I'm going up to the hillside to make myself fat," said the billy goat, with such a small voice.

"Now, I'm coming to gobble you up," said the troll.

"Oh, no! pray don't take me. I'm too little, that I am," said the billy goat. "Wait a bit till the second Billy Goat Gruff comes. He's much bigger."

"Well, be off with you," said the troll.

A little while after came the second Billy Goat Gruff to cross the bridge.

Trip, trap, trip, trap, trip, trap, went the bridge.

"Who's that tripping over my bridge?" roared the troll.

"Oh, it's the second Billy Goat Gruff , and I'm going up to the hillside to make myself fat," said the billy goat, who hadn't such a small voice.

"Now I'm coming to gobble you up," said the troll.

"Oh, no! Don't take me. Wait a little till the big Billy Goat Gruff comes. He's much bigger."

"Very well! Be off with you," said the troll.

But just then up came the big Billy Goat Gruff .

Trip, trap, trip, trap, trip, trap! went the bridge, for the billy goat was so heavy that the bridge creaked and groaned under him.

"Who's that tramping over my bridge?" roared the troll.

"It's I! The big Billy Goat Gruff ," said the billy goat, who had an ugly hoarse voice of his own.

"Now I 'm coming to gobble you up," roared the troll.

Well, come along! I've got two spears,
And I'll poke your eyeballs out at your ears;
I've got besides two curling-stones,
And I'll crush you to bits, body and bones.

That was what the big billy goat said. And then he flew at the troll, and poked his eyes out with his horns, and crushed him to bits, body and bones, and tossed him out into the cascade, and after that he went up to the hillside. There the billy goats got so fat they were scarcely able to walk home again. And if the fat hasn't fallen off them, why, they're still fat; and so,

Snip, snap, snout.
This tale's told out.

this is the exact front page of the book Uncle Ted gave me!!
saye sngat terharu!!!

::org tamak selalu rugi, bagai anjing dengan bayang-bayang::
::next cerite The Enormous Turnip plak.. hehe~::

Monday, December 7, 2009

why women cry so easily?

dear lifeylife...

life with its ups and downs
and i found myself cry helplessly despite my ego every now and then
it must be confusing for the one who always there to see my tears fall
and to hear me sob for the simplest reason ever
i understand coz i am confused myself...
but it feels so good when it is over, i really dont know how and why but it sure does give me comfort... :)

so here u go guys, something for u to ponder,
think about ur mom, ur sister, ur aunts, ur friends
and all those people who are granted with the XX chromosomes
sometimes it is just it.....

Why Women Cry Easily !
One day, a young boy asked his mom.
"Why are you crying?"
"Because I'm a woman" she told him.

"I dont understand," he said.
His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will, but that's okay."

Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mom seem to cry for no reason?"
"All women cry for no reason" was all his dad could say.

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry finally, he put in a call to God.

When God got back to him, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?''

God answered, "When I made women, I decided she had to be special.

I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet her arms gentle nough to give comfort.

I gave her the inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times will come, even from her own children.

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going and take care of her family and friends, even when everyone else gives up, through sickness and fatigue, without complaining.

I gave her sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances even when her child has hurt her badly. She has the very special power to make a child's boo-boo feel better and to quell a teenager's anxieties and fears.

I gave her strength to care for her husband, despite faults, and I fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife but some times tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.

For all of this hard work, I also gave her a tear to shed, It is her's to use whenever needed and is her only weakness."

"When you see her cry, tell her how much u love her and all she does for everyone. And even though she may still cry, you will have made her heart feel good." "She is special!"

::talked to GOD on the phone? pfffttt.. mngarut! hahaha~::

Thursday, December 3, 2009

give empathy not sympathy...

dear lifeylife...

now i tgh stage EYE
mmg minor nye stage even tho we have test every single day tp takpe, semua tu xde sesusah mana, at least xsesusah menahan air mata bile kene tgok mata patient(esp old people, coz i have this thing about old people)...

what happened today, sedang kami bergembira bermain dgn this eye loupe thingy to inspect our friends' eyes, tibe2 ade sorng makcik masuk ruangan mata with her daughter i presumed, she was around 60, late 60 mayb, i dont really know whats the problem, but she sat at the slit lamp with our lecturer, and had her eyes checked, the the lecturer called us to come nearer and said,

eye loupe

"now i want u to look at her eye, she has mature cataract and...bla bla bla(telling us on how to use the slit lamp).."

slit lamp

and the woman with cataract, just sit there, stare blankly as we looked into her eyes... she's very old, and she cant see!! my eyes started to blur with tears("telan awa!! telan air mata tu!! jgn nanges depan patient!!!", i said to my self..)

next, was the Shadow Test, and next the visual test(usually using the Snellen cart but she cant see that far so we tried the counting fingers and the hand motion test)
u see, she has a mature cataract in her right eye and an immature cataract in her left eye..
so her visual is very very very bad!

Snellen Chart

when we finished doing all the tests, we bid her Good Bye and Thank her for letting us check her eyes. obviously, we were the one who had to thank her a great loads as we are just students and just merely looked at her eyes and didnt even treat her, but what made me so emotional is how she thanked us back, so gratefully, as if we had just treated her eyes! lepas die keluar trus berair2 mata...

that is so unprofessional man! we doctors have to be empathy and not sympathy, tapi bagaimana? kata hadi, "kau kene anggap semua manusia tu sama tanpa perasaan", kata intan, "bile patients dah sakit teruk, n lambat dtg, aku just ade perasaan marah saje, n bukannye kesian, sape suruh die lambat dtg jumpe dokter", kata awa, "die org tua, n i really cant stand the blank old stare from their eyes, tak tahan, luluh rasa hati"

kesimpulannye, cik awa xleh ngengade nak keje secara tetap kat department Geriatric okey?!

::melihat normal iris form the slit lamp adelah sngat mengagumkan, SUBHANALLAH! cantik nye ciptaan Allah, the iris nmpak mcam hamparan baldu, warna coklat keemasan, sngat cantek! my jaw literally dropped open ms tgah tgok iris tu::

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

kalu hati yang bergoyang mau tnya siapa?

dear lifeylife...

Penyanyi: P. Ramlee
Filem: Anakku Sazali

Tanya pada pokok apa sebab goyang,
Nanti jawab pokok angin yang goncang,
Tanya sama langit apa sebab hujan,
Nanti jawab langit tanyalah awan.

Awan nanti kata aku kandung air,
Sampai tempat sejuk aku pun cair,
Tengok dalam air nampak bayang-bayang,
Campak satu batu bayang pun hilang.

Tanya sama hati apa asal sayang,
Adakah tandanya nampak dipandang,
Kumbang rayu bunga bulan dan bintangnya,
Punya tanda-tanda hubungan mesra.

Tanya sama hati pernahkah merindu,
Ingat masa lena apa mimpimu,
Masa berjauhan apa nan dikenang,
Bila difahamkan itulah sayang.

Jikalau tidak kerana sayang,
Kuntuman kasih tak mungkin kembang,
Andainya jemu mengganti rindu,
Jambangan mesra tentulah layu.

Tanya sama hati pernahkah merindu,
Ingat masa lena apa mimpimu,
Masa berjauhan apa nan dikenang,
Bila difahamkan itulah sayang.

Friday, November 27, 2009

never to give up life...

dear lifeylife....

as crappy as life could be, there must be someone out there worst than us,
it's not about to change everything into perfection
but to live the imperfect life perfectly
to love the imperfect people perfectly
and to survive an imperfect situation perfectly
never to give up coz that is the worst decision ever made on planet earth

::selamat eid adha semua::

D'Masiv - Jangan Menyerah

Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurna
Jangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadi

Kita pasti pernah
Dapatkan cobaan yang berat
Seakan hidup ini
Tak ada artinya lagi

Reff 1:
Syukuri apa yang ada
Hidup adalah anugerah
Tetap jalani hidup ini
Melakukan yang terbaik

Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurna
Jangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadi

Reff 2:
Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan
Kebesaran dan kuasanya
Bagi hambanya yang sabar
Dan tak kenal Putus asa

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

APGAR score

dear lifeylife...

org tua2 selalu berpesan,
jgn ketawa kuat sngat nnt akhirnye menangis.

but in APGAR score, crying is always good!

English Appearance (skin color), Pulse (heart rate), Grimace (reflex irritability),Activity (muscle tone), and Respiration.
German (Atmung, Puls, Grundtonus, Aussehen, Reflexe),
Spanish (Apariencia, Pulso, Gesticulación, Actividad, Respiración)
French (Apparence, Pouls, Grimace, Activité,Respiration)

::air mata, silalah cepat kering::

Monday, November 23, 2009

good byes and hellos...

dear lifeylife....

bye2 my beloved precious weekends and hello my restless weekdays....
bye2 sexy PJ and hello boring white coats...
bye2 cozy2 room and hello stinky labs...

gud nite people!
go to sleep coz it's going to be a GREAT day tomorrow despite anything that might come our way!
be strong and survive!

::bad dreams, bad dreams go away, good dreams, good dreams, here to stay::
::bad dreams, bad dreams go away, good dreams, good dreams, here to stay::
::bad dreams, bad dreams go away, good dreams, good dreams, here to stay::
~u have to do it 3 times for it t work~

Saturday, November 14, 2009

kawan2 jgn tak tdo b4 exam ok?

dear lifeylife....

yay! dah lepas surgery and pharmacy!!!
semoga lulus dengan warna yg berterbangan

scalpel holder and blades
my minor set
2 weeks in surgery mmg sngat stressfull la
i dont know why
must be bcoz of the the lecturer doctor sorang tu yg muka masam cetung almost all the time
dah la almost setiap hari ade pre-test then followed by post-test sebelum test sebenar
hari test sebenar tu which was last wednesday, the night before, i hit the bed so late and terkebil2 tak bleh tido coz stress yg amat dgn surgery
i think i went to the lala land just right b4 subuh masuk kot
after subuh tu i thought lets rest at the lala land just for a little while more sbb sngat penat
n mase tu baru 5am and the exam willl start at 8am
so pk i had at least 2 hours more to let my brain rest
but God Gracious the next thing i know was i terbagun dgn terpinga2 caused by the in-calling call from my group mate asking me where was i and the lect were asking us in already!
it was almost 8.10am and i wasnt even had my morning bath yet!
masa tu, rasa nak koma dah! and the panic attack were worsening the situation..
the heart was running and pounding very hard, the stomach was getting very2 upset, the head was being dizzy and mula rasa terawang2, tangan dah started to be shaky and trembling, the palm started to sweat very heavily, the whole body terasa sejuk dingin.... ah it was not a very nice feeling i had! not nice at all! senang kata it was awful!
tp kemudian by the time i smpai kat campus, my group mate kata td die panggil just sbb nak undi turn exam and turn i adelah no.9 out of 10 group mates i sume tu...
and i gave out a very loooongg greatful sigh...
gosh takmo la jadi mcm tu! teruk2 sant teruk! takmo ag dah!

ok tunggu punya tunggu
smpai lah turn i
masuk, stright ke exam tindakan
biasa nye anamnesis and physical examination dulu
tp my other colleague was doing his anamnesis and physical examination with another lecturer doctor
me, cabut undi case dulu
oyeh! dapat needle thoracocentesis! kind of senang la actually so proceed la ngan amik alat2 nye sume and get ready
then the lecturer doctor came and told me to start the procedure
yada yada yada..... then tibe part anesthetic injection
tibe2 die tnye i how to kire dose die
deng! i really forgot how nak kira
i tau satu ampul yg i pakai tu ade lidocain 2% 2ml
and i mmg tau how to kira sume tu and even if die nak i dilute the lidocain tu pun i know how
but my pengiraan mmg jenis nak cepat so i really dont mind the details cara kira sume
n she wanted me to explain that of all other thing?! so ape ag, i sambung la panic attack i tu kat depan doctor plak!
it was funny pk2 balik, naseb dpt doctor yg baek ati n tolong ingatkan i! if dpt doktor yg tak berapa nak baek tu how? mau nages ek?
ok to make the long story short, maka berakhirlah surgery
then belum ilang penat n stress, trus masuk pharmacy(the next day of course)
well takpe la
dah lepas sume tu
da lulus da pun surgery
just nak tunggu result pharmacy ajek lagi
**surgery adelah menarek! jom kite jadik Surgeon lah jom!!**
**tp bagaimana ngan cita2 nak Gyne??**

to celebrate berakhirnye surgery aritu, nining and i went to Roxy Sq to have lunch together and end up buying ourselves some CDs utk dinikmati pada hujung minggu yg sngat berharga tersebut...
i bought Grey's Anatomy season 5
lama gile da meninggalkan Grey's Anatomy ni
well as i remembered season yg lepas2, takde plak i nanges2 nengok cerita tersebut
tp this season? y o y? have i gone soft???
so macam mane nak jd surgeon ni kalo soft2 mcm ni? cannot oh cannot!
however, looking at a human being, talking to him and end up he, dying in ur hands(literally) and u cant do anything to help but to let him die easily and with less pain will never be easy! never going to be! am i dat strong to handle that???

Meredith Grey::
"Doctors live in a world of constant progress and forward motion. Stand still for a second, and you'll be left behind. But as hard as we try to move forward, as tempting as it is to never look back, the past always comes back to bite us in the ass. And as history shows us again and again, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it."

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

asek takde letrik je! masak rendang ah jom!

dear lifeylife....

ah nak update blog juge walau besok ade final surgery!
konon nye nak meluahkan ketidak-puas-hatian yg melanda sbb lately jakarta selalu ade gangguan bekalan elektrik
oh siksa oh siksa gile sbb sini sngat panas and pengap la oh oh oh
xsanggup nak menanggung tetesan2 peluh yg dah macam gerimis mengundang tersebut

last time takde elektrik i made up my mind utk turun dapur memasak rendang daging+paru
teeeeeettt!!! wrong decision deng deng deng!! panas gile menyesal memulakan aktiviti memasak rendang smpai rs mcm nak mmbiarkan rendang hangit di kuali sahaja lagaknye
tp dgn kesungguhan dan kelaparan yg membuak2, kusiapkan juga rendang yg xseberapa sbb xde kerisik tu yg kemudiannye dimakan dgn instant roti canai(bwk dr mlysia terchenta) di balcony sbb tak sanggup masuk bilik panas gile!

setelah kejadian takde letrik smpai memasak rendang, ade plak kejadian takde letrik pagi buta kol 130am++ smpai xleh tdo sbb mcm dok dlm sauna hebatnye!!
pastu td ptg balik kelas kepanasan pun xde letrik lagi!
oh pakcik letrik indonesia, tolong lah repair watever kerosakan yg ade tersebut dgn segera!!
xmampu da ni oi!

ok sile belajar sekarang kang esok tergagap2 waktu memegang patients mau memakan penampor patients lak kang sbb tak reti wat Rectal Toucher tu nnt! ataupun xjumpe carik lubang mase nak wat Catheterization mau menetes2 peluh xpayah tunggu xde letrik la ye! bagaimana pula kalau tersalah sental mase wound toilet ataupun tersalah jahit mase wound suture??

au revoir~

Thursday, November 5, 2009

thnx to aja!

dear lifeylife....

hari ini hari berblog belajar sedunia!

aduh bnyak nye nak kne cover
tiap2 hari exam best gile(ok i'm being sarcastic!)...

esok?: catheterization, benign prostatic hyperplasia, Ca prostat, gallstone(choleliths), urinary tract infection, dan termasuk tajuk2 yg da lepas2 malas da nak tules sbb terlalu bnyak! oyeh!!

ok sambung belajar!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

status seorang teman di FB

dear lifeylife.....

pasti ni kata2 lect dr kepada my friend tu
uh it's such a simple thing tp sngat deep

"kamu tuh harus berterima kasih sama org2 miskin, krna mereka kamu bisa jadi dokter. smua pengalaman yg km dpt dari teori itu, dipraktekkan pada mereka. minta aja, 'pak, celananya d buka', langsung d buka. 'bu, pakaian nya d lepas', langsung d buka pakaiannya. lagi pula, km bisa MEMPRAKTEKKANNYA GRATIS LAGI"

so thnx semua sbb kasik saye belajar badan kalian...
terima kasih atas semua ilmu yg saye dpt dr badan kalian...
halal kan ilmu2 tu semua oke?

till then people

Friday, October 30, 2009

ye saye xde kije!

dear lifeylife....

br pas berwebcam ngan 1 bdak kecik botak dan 2budak xbrape nak kecik@lebar..

ah xde mende nak ckp
just nak btau saye sdg merindui anak2 Che Mat Su yang lain
td ms webcam budak kecik botak btau smlm die makan coco crunch
trus i bergegas ke indomart beli coco crunch ngan milk
nampak tak betapa rindu nye i kepada budak kecik botak itu especially?
thehehhe~(tersengeh2 dalam sebak)

tu je!
enuf for today i guess..

ok tschuess.....
(smbil menunduk dan tersipu2 malu)
lantak la korng tak paham pebende yg cik awa tgh mengarut ni pun!! buahaha~

Thursday, October 29, 2009

tante girang~

dear lifeylife...

saye malas!
saye malas masak!
saya malas masak tapi saye lapar!
saya malas masak tapi saya lapar namun saya sudah bosan!
saya malas masak tapi saya lapar namun saya sudah bosan makan kat luar!
saya malas masak tapi saya lapar namun saya sudah bosan makan kat luar jadi saya harus masak!


saya malas!(and the cycle continues~)

dan selayaknya seorng tante modern yang bersuamikan businessman yang sngat workaholic smpai xde mase nak makan kat rumah banglo mewah kami yg selebar padang bola dan setinggi 14 tingkat ini, ditambah pula tante baru je menghantar ke10-10 org bibik pulang ke kampung utk bercuti, maka mengakibatkan dinner tante menjadi sngat tidak sehat!

sbb saya malas so saya masak bnyak2 trus
agak2 leh simpan makan esok plak
wat was i thinking??!!

ok, obviously tahap kemengarutan dah mencapai max point nye
dan mungkin akan menghasilkan spaghetti dan meat balls bersaiz raksaksa!
oh itu hanyalah dalam cerita Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs sahaje ke??

i'm outta here guys!
esok exam so wish me luck!


.::. tante=makcik=saye=saye adelah makcik tua!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

i was once a SEXY and glamorous girl! wekwek!

dear lifeylife...

tau tak cite2 typical high school salu ade satu grup SEXY mean girls yg glemer n sume bdak2 nak jd cam diorng or at least nak kawan ngan diorng?
ahha! harus lah tau kan!
well, i was one of them!(without being mean but we are SEXY!!! muahahahha!)
tp bukan ms high school, tp ms primary school ok?!
tak caye?
ni lah bukti2nye

ok sile gelak smpai golek2 n sampai terkeluar usus perut pun xpe
i really dont mind, coz it is really funny ok!
bak kale cik elira, mmg rs nak tampor je muke sorng2!

keglemeran bermula seawal darjah 2
ini buktinya!
(sile click gambar for a slightly larger view)

ha tgok la peminat2 kami kat blakang tu
kan da cakap kami mmg glemer!!

dan diteruskan ms kami masuk dajah 3
yg kat tgh tu nama die teacher normah
she was one of the teachers yg bertanggung jawab dalam aktiviti cungkil mencungkil bakat kami2 ni...

costume and prop da tukar
tp ahli tetap sama

kegemilangan diteruskan smpai darjah 4, 5, and 6
tp bukan lagi hanya berenam but the six of us join mnde2 lain mcm nasyid(siap pernah nasyid ngan Raihan tahuuuu!!), koir, band and choral speaking...

ni gambar band
gambar yg laen2 xde
nnt kite try carik2 lagi!

ah malas la ckp bnyak2 ag
makin tgok gambar tu makin mnyampah je rs

nak tdo lah!
td tgok cite Cloudy with a Chance of Meatball!
ah siyes best!

papai people!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

dear lifeylife...

ade sape2 rs nak makan McD tak?
ah asek makan je lately!
kilo badan semakin bertambah
bentuk juga semakin tak menarek

takpe la
just tot u people might enjoy this one

till then ok people!

Monday, October 12, 2009

burung murai ke sparrow tu, bah?

dear lifeylife...

u people ingat tak iklan ni?
mesti ingat kan?
terharu kan tgok iklan ni???

wat about this one?
perasan tak persamaan jalan ceritanye?

i just wonder, is it merely a coincident or what?
watever it is, amik le moral values nye okeh?
sile sayang mak n abah kamu2 semua
no matter what happened okey people??

loads of love

.::. baiklah! i admit it my vision blurred with tears ms tgok both of the short muvies.. uhuukk~

Sunday, October 11, 2009


dear lifeylife...

what do i need to leave the insecureness feeling behind me?
i really2 dont want to feel this way anymore...
coz it's killing me!
do help me!
help me!
i need u to help me to forget! more importantly to forgive...

promise u'll help?
promise me and keep ur promise ok?

till then

Monday, October 5, 2009

projek Satay Station

dear lifeylife....

as i said before, we went to Satay Station alright!
after so much adventures and disappointments at the beginning
siap pusing2 satu kg pandan lagi okeh (piiissss incik Khar.. piiisss (^,^)v )

malas la nak cite bnyak2
sile lah tgok gambar yg xseberapa neh!
(still in raya mode n jiwa masih bertepek kat rumah, tambahan camera yg "hilang mood utk digunakan" akibat masalah teknikal tertentu, maka berakhir dengan penggunaan camera LG cookie Pink yg cumeil sahaja.. T___T)

persekitaran yg cozy
dgn restoran berbentuk rumah traditional

errr... pebenda dah namanya mee ni?
mee rebus bunda!!
(courtesy to incik Khar)

satay2 kami yg superb
daging yg berketol2 besar puah hati nak geget2

rakus smpai licin!
sebelum terlupa!
di sini saya ingin menyampaikan berjuta penghargaan kepada incik Khar kerana bersungguh2 menjayakan projek Satay Station tersebut
dengan bantuan Google Maps of course!!!
walaupun cubaan pertama xberapa nak berjaya serta diiringi dgn beberapa dengusan kasar dr incik Khar dan berakhir dgn makan di KFC kg pandan, namun percubaan kedua tetap berjaya!!
tahniah incik Khar! tahniah! anda mmg the best!!(bodek dgn cemerlang)

oke la
enough with all the Satay Station talk
obviously mmg sedap
esp satay daging die
lembut n sedap...
(mmg patut incik KHAR smpai topup2 satay daging tersebut[dalam rangka pembuktian bahawa die xberkira sgt dgn saya.. muahahahha!!])
i loooiiikkeee!!

owh btw
arini da start da my KKD(kepanitraan klinik dasar) session
my 1st stage is interna and anasthesi...
so far so good.. so just keep hoping for the best =)
doakan cik awa okeh pembaca sekalian?!

meminta diri dahulu ya
toodles people!

.::. projek Satay Station diakhiri ngan incik Khar mengadap Atok cheras bg memenuhi arahan Emak supaya incik Khar beramah mesra ngan Atok.. wah! incik Khar berjaya mmbodek Atok nmpaknya!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

dear lifeylife.......

pejam celik pejam celik,
cuti da nak abes
saye masih belum mau pulang ke jakarta!!!
tarikh flight makin dekat
hati masih berkata TIDAAAK!!!!

ah sedih melanda!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


dear lifeylife...

lusa sudah smpai!!!
awa belom siap packing ag!

sape yg drop kat my lifeylife ni,
i just nak wish u all

(ah cliche nyeee.. tp nak wat camne kan, dah ni je ucapan yg seswai..)

sbb myb lpas smpai mlysia nnt,
dtambah pula ngan smpai nye adik2 ke KL(esok myb)
harus lah i da malas da nak update blog
dats y lah i wish u guys awal2

till then people!
have a blast on ur Hari Raya
but still dont forget to rememeber those people who have less..

.::. arini i berbuka 'on air' ye kawan2...
.::. saye mngidam satay lepas ngengade tgok jalan2 carik makan aritu, so smpai KL nnt nak g makan satay kat Satay Station Kg Pandan,the exact place yg JJCM tu makan satay(^,^)v... we'll see does it worth all the credits tonite!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

lusa oh lusa...

dear lifeylife....

lusa akn sampai jugak nnt
nak balik jumpe minah ni...

the most innocent love affair ever...
kak long windu a'an..

till then

Saturday, September 12, 2009

and auli said and i quote, 'he might go around saying, "ooooh ice cream f*ck"'

dear lifeylife...

sile dgr leklok!
hahahha comel gile kot!!