Close ups
Oil on 7x5 canvas panel.This is my contribution to this week's WDE at Wet Canvas. Ros did the honor of hosting this week and provided a bunch of great photos!
Musicians seem to be good subjects. Studious, concentrating, the goal of producing audio art! That's the attitude I usually look for.
The challenge was to do a value sketch (notan)in three tones – black, grey and white.
Simplify - do a very simple line shape sketch.
Squint - Reduce the shapes to as few as possible.
Small - Work small and fast – if your sketch is too complex do another more simplified.
I tried the notan approach and I can see how it would be very beneficial. Like many others I've always been in a hurry to start slappin' paint on. This forces you to slow down and plan. I didn't follow my notan very closely, but, hey...I'm new to it!
I did the sketch on the panel with a Tombow Pen. It did some nice blurring and backwashing when I applied thin acrylics to tone the support ( it's not waterproof like I thought it was). So I left some of it visible in the finished work.
This is about 90% painting knife.
C&C welcome. Thanks for looking and commenting!