Monday, July 13, 2009

Park Day?

Ok Friends who are in town, what day(s) is good for a park day? I want to start one at 9:00 a.m. for summer. I am out of town a lot just like you but whoever is in town can get together! School is around the corner and then we can get more serious about it. But, in the meantime: I am going to go to the new park on Clovis and Alluvial with the spiderman thing you can climb on. And the park has those covers over most of the park! Bonus, for my toe heads. So, I will be there Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. if you want to come. Great set up, bring a snack, water, and all your kids.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Fourth of July 09

Our Fourth was spent at my parent's house! So fun! Weather was awesome, Jacob played golf, we ate outside, it was not your traditional "fog fourth" in Pebble Beach! We did our own fireworks because there were not any in Monterey this year. It was just as good because the kids had so much fun with the sparklers and poppers. We then watched the Washington fireworks on t.v. Ellie spent two weeks with Grandma and now wants to move in! So, we are all back under one roof together. Ellie and my little bro Jay are so cute together. She loves spending time with him! It was nice to cool off so now back to the heat!