One of the highlights of the year for the community if which I am the local school principal is the "Dahlia and Arts festival". It is always a busy time, and the local primary school has to be involved.
So, today it was my task to drop off the entries into the local Flower show. Our school is a "
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden" school and as such we have a large vegetable garden.
This meant I was up early and off to school to collect the entries which had been prepared yesterday.
It also means that:
I now have a car with a front seat full of water (how was I to know that the "Herbs in water in a container" would spill as I took the corner a little too fast?)
The large pumpkin grown by Grade 3/4 has a knock on its side (Yes, I should have put the seat belt on it when I drove home last night)
The aforesaid bowl of herbs needed a revamp - the basil wilted overnight, so I neeed to whip into the garden a grab a bunch of leafy green stuff to fix it up - I hope that it was Salad Burnett I grabbed and not some weed
I have learned that the silver beet was meant to be in that glass carafe for showing - not just for the night, so yes, I did have to go back to school to collect it
I have also discoveed that "10 runner beans" really means "10 runner beans on a plate with a serviette underneath them" - thank goodness the supermarket was open
ditto for "3 cucumbers OK" - (and for those not in the know OK does not means "looks allright" it means "one kind"
and I now know how to open the large display fridge in which the "basket of vegetables" spent the night at the front - this, sadly was after I spilt it trying to get it through the too small windows at the back. (sorry to the gardening guru who arranged it beautifully yesterday - I tried!)
and all of this BEFORE 8.00 am on a Saturday!!!!!
I must have looked stressed because the kind lady steward at the show made me a coffee as I mastered the art of finding the sticker and matching the exhibit and the card on the tables.
No photos - no time.
I have dashed home for a coffee and a cake before I dash back for the "Gala Parade" which in our school's case involves little girls and boys doing Cornish dancing along the highway, wearing lacy white dresses and flowers in their hair (and for those who are of a similar age to me, it also involved teaching mothers how to make hair curl using "rags")
Don't mention portable sound systems to make the music loud enough to me - if you thought the Flower Show was stressful, it was easy in comparision!!!!! Let's just say that in the end we hired one!