Friday, August 04, 2006

Just before Layla

The vaz's came over to our house and watched a movie just before Layla was born. This prized picture shows Julie at her max- not bad considering I look that way after eating pack of danishes.
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Alberta Summer Games

Although this shot was taken somwhat late, you can tell what happend;)
Jolyn, Jim, Devin and Jana.
Southern Alberta co-ed 4 Volleyball champs
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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Vacationing in Vegas

Enjoying the scenery at Caesar's Palace

This is what happens if Shaune gets ahold of your camera!
That's a nice a picture.....
Here's our pool at Tahiti Village
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Viva Las Vegas!

A nice shot of the two of us....except for the big Sphinx that's taking up most of the picture
This is a picture of the Belagio water show, with little Paris in the background. Devin always wanted to stop and watch--hope they're paying those whales well!
Shaune and Court joined us for a few days at the Tahiti Village Resort---it was beautiful!!
Las Vegas Temple
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Spending Time in Saint George

Erin taught Caden some new moves. Posted by Picasa

So you think you can dance

Friday, July 14, 2006

Zions Park

Shaune, Courney, Caden, Erin and I hiking the Narrows. The temperature that day was about 108F but in and around the water the temperature was much cooler. Props to Courney for hauling Caden the entire time- I wish someone could have carried me.

Where's Waldo? Shaune always finds weird places to perch.

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Monday, June 12, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Erin planted some flowers as a finishing touch to our front yard. They look great.
The day after she planted them, they all fell over- they were dying of thurst. With a little water they sprouted back up. This process of killing and resurrecting the flowers is Erin's favorite part. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Anyone for Jell-o

Here is Erin spending some time with Ally and her cousins; I think Erin is the only one having fun. Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 19, 2006

Lobster Feed 2006

This year we had the Lobster Feed at the old shooting range in Lethbridge. The weather was great, the food was spectacular but it was the company that made for a wonderful evening.

Is Ally ever caught off guard in a picture?
Here Erin and Ally are getting the Lobster ready for a hot tub.
Here's Erin just after placing a lobster in the pot- if you think her expression is funny, look at Grandma in the background.

Note to self: Multi tasking can be taken too far.
Here I am trying to play soccer and eat my 4th helping of black forest cake. Posted by Picasa

It's never too late for grass

Erin shows up long enough for a couple pictures.
This is what happens when you get in the way.
If only it was socially acceptable to wear sod.
Don't worry this isn't the finished product. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Magicien ?

Do you believe in Magic?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Art exhibit at the Wallace's

Spencer and his friends came up with the idea of an "Evening of Art at the Wallace's." Everyone had to bring their masterpieces and talk about them.
Erin brought her "Blue-Footed Booby," a REAL bird she made in grade 6. Imagine the questions she was asked about her "bird."
This is Devin's self-portrait. His inspiration was himself. He presented his masterpiece as an abstract neo-classical work, adopting form and structure from the cubism era.
Erin, Davie and Devin looking "artsy!!" We personally like Davie's shoes. Posted by Picasa

Easter at Grandma Jean's

All the cousins making Grandma's "new craft."
I embroidered a wedding cake for my friend Mandy's wedding card.
Look at that smile- she thought my card was beautiful (or will think that). Posted by Picasa

Tat and Chandler's Wedding

Tess, Tat, Erin and Megan. Four best friends and past roommates all together again! Good times!

Erin's high school posse. Posted by Picasa