Well eight months later and I finally remember that I really, really, no REALLY need to be better and update our blog. So much has happened I do not even know where to start. Lillie has grown by leaps and bounds. She finally figured out how to roll over during the summer and attempted to start crawling in the fall. It took us until late fall/early winter to figure out how to pull to a stand and now we are a creeping fools. She is determined not to walk without assistance but she can figure out a way to creep around the whole house without letting go of something. My favorite moments are when she is creeping along a wall like a cat bugler and suddenly realizes there is nothing to hold on to and spazzes out.
We now have twelve teeth, four new molars that appeared in January while we were trying to kick a flu bug. Oh what fun that was...
David has finished his Culinary degree with Utah Valley University. He is currently working on a Bachelors in Business Management while working with Heirloom Restaurant Company. You may remember that he started working with them about two years ago and honestly this is the best move we could have possibly made. He started working with Communal and was transferred to the Cafeteria Co. portion of the company last winter. During the summer he did an internship with Pizzaria 712, and has now gone full circle as he was recently hired as the corporate sushi chef for Cafeteria Co. He is extremely excited for this new opportunity and as usual I am dragging my feet worried about the possible things that could go wrong and scared of the changes that it will bring.
And now for a photo bomb
Our days usually go as follows: I leave for work around 6:30 every morning and David stays with his time with Lillie until he leaves for work and drops her off at the Wee Care Day Care. There she plays with some wonderful teachers and learns all kinds of things. I pick her up around 3:30 and we head home for 'num num's' aka a yogurt parfait. The poor child is convinced that yogurt, even plain Greek Yogurt, is as yummy as ice-cream who am I to tell her differently. We then play with toys, find random sensory activities on Pinterest and at some point in the night she inevitably asks for Elmo as she adores Sesame Street.
Currently Lillie weighs about 22 lbs, has recently made the move to a forward facing car seat, is about 29.5'' high, knows how to sign 'all done' and 'more', learns new words every day, has a great love for dogs-grandmas-Elmo-her Elephant toy-light switches-and her daddy.
As for me things are basically as normal. Wish more than anything that I could stay home with Lillie and have a crazy master plan to make this happen. Currently it is a secret but it will hear the light of day eventually and when it does maybe Lillie will finally get a little brother or sister? I figure that is all at least a year or two out but never hurts to start panning now.