Thursday, February 28, 2008

She's Already 6 Months!!

Oh, the Sweet Scent of Love

Well, I came home from my Mom's on Saturday, anxious to get back to my boy and we had a perfect relaxed Saturday. Well, I don't remember the reason, but my hubby went to the store that evening. He was supposed to surprise me with the brand of bread he was getting (it's been 5 years), instead he surprised me with something more. He brought me a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers. Perfect timing because the roses from Valentine's Day had just gone kapoot. It wasn't just the fact that he surprised me with flowers (so not expected having recently recieved some), but it was how they were presented. He brought me into our office to show me a song. (I hadn't noticed him fiddling with different things.) Then he had me stay in there and once it started playing he brought in the flowers and started to dance with me. Anything like that brings forward my tears no matter how frequent! Just so precious! He sure is the perfect Eternal Sweetheart for me. Thanks honey!
Shhhh! Don't tell him I told you about the flowers and song!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


10 years ago...

I was 14 years old (almost 15), and a freshman at Canyon HS in CC, CA. I was loving the Stake Dances. Sis. Diaz was my seminary teacher. Awesome. My niece, Natalie, was just born and so I’m sure I was spending plenty of time doting on her and the older two. I was being very diligent on my hw, of course. What hasn’t changed? I still love to dance (our ward just had a “come as you were” dance—you had to dress like you did your senior year- funny!), I still love my nieces and nephews, I still keep in touch with and treasure my same friends, I’m still thinking about my future dates (although they’re all with the same guy), and so on. What is different? Well, I’m married and a mom, I live in LV (back then I didn’t know people actually lived here), and I’m not trying to get Jason to go out on actual dates instead of just hangin’ out (Sorry Suz, should I try that again when he gets back?).

5 things that are on my list to do today...

1. laundry- whites, towels, sheets
2. make some cookies
3. work-out
4. vacuum
5. play with my little one

What would I do if I became a billionaire?

First, set aside amount for taxes and tithes. Next, put finishing touches on yard (perfect time of year). Set some aside for a Mediterranean cruise (not the time to go right now). Invest in some more flips and rentals (perhaps an apt. building with that amount). Give David some for his stocks. Buy a beach house in So. Cal—right on the beach— one that can fit a lot of people, and then keep the key under the mat. Next, send my mom out to find her family ranch (there’s a good girl’s trip) and then get it for her. Share some with other’s to purchase a house for themselves. I haven’t completely decided where I would like to focus my donations- cuz I would certainly be able to do a bit in that area. There’s plenty more, but I’m sure you’ve heard enough.
5 Jobs that I have had...

1. 2nd grade teacher
2. Brady Industries
3. Nanny (4 families In Park City)
4. Loco Lizard Cantina
5. Thomasville Home Furnishings

5 Things Some People Don't Know About Me...

1. A pet-peeve of mine is a picky eater :)
2. I like to knit. I am currently knitting Christmas stockings for my little family that match ones that my grandma knit. I have figured it all out except for the foot region- anyone have instructions on that part?
3. I have trekked the Amazon Jungle- swam with piranhas, walked through a swamp, held a little alligator and a huge anaconda, ate ants and cocoa, climbed and swung from vines, and saw a few of the most odd animals I’ve never seen.
4. I speak Spanish (as fluently as one can after not using it for 6 years)
5. I have a brain tumor… its on the left side between my ear and temple. I have my last MRI and a WADA (yuck) test next week--- if it’s still there (rootin’ for its disappearance- if any want to help, I’m all for it) then they’ll be doing some slicing in April.

Alright, Jen-Rose, I did it! Hope you enjoy it. :) I tag Tiffany, Crystal L., Suzie, Annie Scott, Robin, Danielle C., Kristen G., Tyree and Whitney. I'm excited to learn this stuff about you guys!

Brady Babys Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Free family tree search - Roots

Friday, February 22, 2008

To Jen Rose

I got an email from my beloved and on the ball cousin, Jennifer Rose. (I don't exactly know why her middle name stuck to her first name-- no other Jennifer in the family, but it did and it always will.) Well, she pointed out that I haven't put anything on my blog for a couple weeks. I decided to do one just for her.
Jen Rose, I was looking through some pictures and happened upon one from our McKeon Easter Egg hunt at Grandma Phil's and Grandpa Howard's house. So cute! You are definitely short in comparison to Mare (who's just 1 year older)- kept you cute and dainty. I'm showing off my treasures, Mare's eating her's, you are guarding your's and Molly is watching to make sure that none of the boys come to snatch her's. :)

Do you remember the life size Prince Charming that was in their front yard? Check out this picture of Mare treasuring her moments with him. I'm sure I have one of you kissing him. I'll get it to you as soon as I find it! I think it is of you and Molly, maybe Jenna too. He's looking better after Erin's touch-ups on him. He is still getting lovin's from the next generation. Sheesh, soon enough Gidget will be linking arms with him. My mom and I were just talking about him yesterday. :)

Here is a picture from our grandparents 50th anniversary... notice Jen Rose already preparing for Baby Joe, pushing the stroller.

This was a sad day, the passing of our grandma. I wish we would have had more time with her. She was only about 68 years old. Such a talented and wonderful person that we could have learned a whole lot from. Jen is standing between Mare and I, wearing the white dress and big bow. :) Of course!

We sure do have a great family and did a whole lot together growing up! Hope you enjoy these pictures, Jen!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Goof Troop! Meeting

In elementary school some of my friends and I made a club called "Goof Troop." We had official I.D. cards, meetings, and location. My friend Angela (AKA- Brooko) made the really neat ID cards. You could say that we held another meeting (without all in attendance though) on Jan. 11th.

I looked back through my scrapbook, photo albums and yearbooks when Angie came to town. Tiff (a member of the club) lives here in Vegas, so when Angie was here we got together for lunch. Tiffany has a baby boy just two days older than our little one. It is fun to throw around memories when you've been friends for as long as we can remember-- sleep overs, birthdays, school (all the way since Kindergarten), girl's camp, and so on. Thank goodness for email and it's help with keeping friends in touch no matter where they are and what they're doing. I get a kick out of comparing now to what we talked about regarding our futures 13 years ago at our sleep overs. Enjoy my then and now pictures!