These are a few of Harpers pics we had taken. It's hard to believe our baby is turning 1!!!! We love you Harps!!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
I'm horrible at keeping updated on all that we have done. It's something about the three kids thatI seem to get behind on things. :-)
On January 9th we went to Disneyland. It was so much fun!! The kids had the time of their lives and they ask us everyday when we can go back to disneyland! Or if we can just live there!! Even Harper was a trooper, she absolutely loved the nice weather and all there was to see. She even did great on the rides. Kannon LOVED yhe characters and Karter HATED them!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
So I still am so far behind on all of my blogging that I need to do to catch up. I thought I would post about Karter since he is the only one I didn't blog about yet! (Several new posts below this one.) Karter is so random and ALWAYS has us laughing! He seems to come up with the funniest things to say! He can also fall asleep ANYWHERE!!! Here are a few pictures that we have caught of his crazy sleep habits. Unfortunately these aren't even the best ones! I have to retrieve so many others from my broken computer some how! There are MANY more to come!
So I never did update about Kannon. When we took him to Primary children's hospital we found out some of the most amazing news we could have ever asked for! We found out that Kannon has an arachnoid cyst. It is of no danger to him unless for some crazy reason it were to pop! It should not grow any bigger than it is, and he is good to go just the way he is!! NOTHING has to be done to it! They would like him to have another MRI in another year just to make sure all has stayed the same and if it has then life goes on!! We are SO blessed to have this little boy and to experience all these things that he and we have gone through in the last while. Here are a couple of pictures of him with his broken arm. His arm is almost working 100% now!! He has been doing physical therapy for the last month to try to get it back to what it should be. The physical therapist has got it to pretty much straighten out but now he is working on the nerve damage. *Christmas post below*
I can finlly post pictures and update our blog!! YAY!! Derek got me a new computer for Christmas that I actually know how to work! Before he would leave me with his mac and I had no idea where to even begin with that thing! We had a wonderful Christmas this year! It was fun to watch the kids now they understand a little more what is going on. The pictures aren't quite in order but this is some of the fun we had.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
It may be time for another update!
Where has time gone? How life changes with the curve balls we are thrown!!
We are still here and alive since we have added little Harper to our home. We can now say that she is the happiest and funnest new addition to our home. Harper had cowlick for the first 6 weeks of her life. It was by far the hardest thing I have had to do yet in my life!! She would literally SCREAM from 5 o'clock in the evening till 10 or 11. It was not a fussy time, it was full blown screaming for the whole time. It was so hard, she was a full time job, and then there were her brothers that were another job. Oh and yes I was still supposed to be making dinner, cleaning the house, and washing clothes?? We pulled through with much help from family. Thank you all very much! She is such a sweet little girl now and we still love her to pieces! However, she has learned that life is so much more fun when you are held, so the girl is held ALL day unless she is sleeping. She has us all wrapped around her little finger!!
Then there was Kannon! On September 10th we were at my sisters house. Derek and the boys were outside playing kickball. Derek came rushing in the house completely freaked out and Kannon was in some obvious pain and screaming. Derek told me to get in the car we were headed to the hospital, Kannon had broke his arm!! I told him that he really needed to calm down, we didn't even know that Kannon had really broke his arm. (Derek is always telling me that I am always over reacting and telling me that I need to calm down!) So I thought I would take the opportunity to rub it back in his face a little and help him calm down, however, I was really unsucessfull and he ended up being the calm one! Derek then informed me that Kannon's arm was broke in half, and when he picked him up off the ground he had to pick up his arm because it was laying on the ground bent completely in half the wrong way!! It was BROKE! I immediately freaked out, and headed for the car! That was one of the longest 5 minute rides to the ER. We ran him in and told them what had happened and told them we needed some pain medication asap. They tried giving the poor kid an IV 5 times before they were successfull. He was in so much pain for an hour and a half before he was givin anything to help him. When they went to do the last IV he said he was just so tired and he just wanted to go home. After we got him some pain medication they took an x-ray of his arm and said that he would have to have surgery. They planned on doing it the next morning since he had just eaten and they didn't dare put him out in those conditions. The specialist came in and found that his little arm didn't have a pulse so he said he would need surgery right away. He was taken back and it took about an hour and a half and they were able to bring him out around midnight. We were so scared of all the things that could go wrong and we just wanted to hold our little boy once again. The doctor brought him out and told us that all was well. He had put three pins in his little arm and told us how bad of a break it was once again. He had to stay in the hospital over night and was released the next day around noon. We had to take him in the next week to have more x-rays done because it was such a bad break. The bones had shifted and the doctor was nervous that surgery was going to need to be corrected. Another week went by and we had to do x-rays once again to find out if things were still shifting. This time the doctor felt good about it and he only had to keep his cast on for two more weeks at this point. This last Monday we were able to get his cast taken off and his pins removed. It was only a total of 4 weeks from the day he broke it. These little kids heel so fast. Kannon is trying to figure out how to get his arm to work. it doesn't bend or move like it used to, and his fingers hardly work. It was a horrible break and will take much time to get him back to where he is supposed to be. Two days later Kannon had an appointment with his pediatrician for his immunizations and what not. So on Wednesday (10.12.11) I took Kannon over to his pediatrician. The doctor came in and took a look at him and did his little routine and asked if I had any questions. I told him nope he was great, the only reason we were here was to get his immunizations and a flu shot. The doctor was on his way and Kannon got his flu shot. No big deal. Then the thought came to me that maybe I should have the doctor look at the bump on Kannon's head. (A year ago we found a bump on Kannon's head, we didn't think much of it, but took him to the doctor to get his opinion. The doctor told us that he wasn't really worried about it now, but if it hadn't changed or gone away in 6 months then we were to let him know.) I got the doctor back in the room and told him that Kannon's bump hadn't gone away, if anything maybe it had gotten a little bigger. The doctor showed some concern and went and got the other doctor to take a look at it. They both decided that it would be best if we just had a cat scan done just for the record. I came home and told Derek that Kannon had a CT in a few hours at the hospital. He asked me why I didn't really seemed concerned about the situation. I told him that Kannon was completely fine, he acts fine and is smart and there were no worries. He is just a little boy and all little boys have bumps and bruises! We took him up to the hospital and had the CT done. A couple of hours later we got the results! We learned that our sweet little boy has a brain tumor!! Oh how I have taken things for granted! The doctor informed us that Kannon would need to have a sedated MRI done so we could get a better idea of what this was. To make this very long story as short as possible, Kannon has an MRI scheduled for this Thursday. Regardless of if this tumor is cancerous or not it will have to be removed. Kannon has an appointment on November 7th at Primary Children's Hospital. We want to get him in sooner if possible but we are dealing with one of the largest children's hospital's around! After the results of the MRI we will have even more details and the doctors will have more leverage of whether he needs to be in the hospital NOW or if we are ok to wait till our appointment. Those who have looked at Kannon's CT really believe that the tumor is not cancerous, but harmful and needs to be removed. We are hoping and praying that we will be able to deal with our little boy just having to have this removed and not having to take it to the next level of cancer. It has made me realize how fragile life is and that I cannot always escape the hard things in life. How grateful we are to have this little man in our home! We have some pretty crazy pictures of his x-ray and other pictures that I will post hopefully soon. We are living life in the fast lane right now! I wanted to post this for my journaling for the future.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Our newest addition!
Our BABY GIRL!!!! Harper Lynn Oswald. Born: Friday May 20th, Weight: 7lbs 8 oz., Length: 19.5 inches. We could not be happier with our little girl. She is the sweetest baby that has ever been born and we all love more than we could have ever dreamed of! Please excuse my lovely self!!! Our first family picture of 5!!
Our story: On Thursday I had gone to the doctor to have my weekly check up. The doctor checked me and told me that I was dilated to a 5 and dang close to having a baby! I was all sorts of excited and thought I would be having a baby at any given second. Well... I didn't! I went to bed that night still pregnant and MAD at the world!! Friday I woke up and got right on the treadmill , I was determined that I was going to have this baby on my own and not have to show up to my induction appointment at the hospital on Monday! I walked a mile and NOTHING!!! Not even a single contraction! I was so mad. Derek left to work and I got the boys ready and we decided to walk some more. The boys rode their bikes and I walked to Derek's office. Another mile down and not even a contraction! I was getting so mad that I was doing all of this walking and nothing was happening! I was dilated to a 5 for pete sakes!! So Derek took us home and I just sat there still MAD at the world! So at 4:00 I decided I would not give up with out trying one last time, so I got the boys ready and we walked to Derek's office AGAIN! Another mile down! No contractions just a lot of pain in my back and lower stomach. I came home just as upset as ever and in a alot of pain because I had walked so much at 10 months pregnant! Derek's parents called around 5 and wanted to know how everything was going and wondered if I had decided to have a baby yet because they were going to head to the cabin. We told them to just go ahead and go because I was not having a baby! They told us they would stop by on the way and see if we had changed our minds. So at 5:45 they stopped by to see how I was doing. I was in a lot of pain, I had convinced myself that it was from all the walking. His mom asked me questions and convinced me that you don't feel that way just from walking. Derek thought we should go to the hospital but I didn't really want to go just to be sent home because I wasn't in labor. So Derek and I did leave and go to the hospital, I didn't take a thing with me because I knew that I would be home in an hour. I didn't even tell my boys good bye or that I loved them! What a good mom!!!! So we get up there and I am having consistent contractions by this point. They get me in the room and the doctor comes in and checks me and says let's have a baby and breaks my water right there! Around 10:30 the nurse noticed that her heart rate was dropping so she said she wanted to check and see if the baby was getting close because sometimes the heart rate will drop if they are in the birthing canal. She checked and Harper's head was right there and no one or nothing was ready so she ran and called the doctor and started preparing everything. In the meantime I was trying so hard not to have a baby till the doctor came!!! She told me not to push but I felt like the baby was just going to slip out any way!! The doctor showed up and 2 pushes later we had a baby! It was a million times easier the third time around! Things couldn't have gone any better and we couldn't be happier! We love our princess!!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
We LOVE nice weather!!
How do you get your child so tired that they will sleep standing up??Give in to them and teach them how to ride a bike!! :) This last week Karter has been on this little bike just pushing himself around with his feet. He has been asking for my help non stop! The first day or two I would just pull him around, and then I gave up hope on him! I told him that I would help him learn how to ride his bike after his baby sister came because at this point it is absolutely miserable to be bent over for an hour trying to teach a kid how to pedal a bike! However, he would not take no for an answer and would not stop pushing himself around on this bike! So yesterday I gave in and we figured out how to ride this bike! He rode his bike for almost 4 hours! When we pulled him off to come in for dinner he was so exhausted he fell asleep standing up! I love having nice weather! It wears my boys right out!! I have no idea how I am supposed to keep up with three of them outside this summer but I guess there is no turning back at this point I will just have to figure something out! I only have about 20 days to do some figuring!! We made our fist trip to Bear World! The boys had a great time and loved seeing the animals! I put them on the rides not thinking a thing of it because they loved them so much! Last summer I was 200 pounds lighter and I could actually ride with them so they weren't scared at all! This time around I decided to save myself the humiliation of not being able to fit in the ride and opted to just send the boys. Karter was not a fan of going with Kannon! Poor kid! This baby hasn't even came and he gets told no all the time!! I can't wait to have this baby so I can have the energy these two require!
Hopefully I will be making a post VERY soon with pictures of our newest family member! We don't have much longer!
Hopefully I will be making a post VERY soon with pictures of our newest family member! We don't have much longer!
Monday, January 10, 2011
It's a BABY.................................................
GIRL!!!!!!!! We found out at the Doctor today that we are having a baby girl!! We couldn't be more excited! This morning I woke up at 4:00 A.M. and I couldn't fall back asleep because I have just been dying to know what this baby was! With Kannon we were so excited to have a baby that it didn't matter boy or girl. With Karter my pregnancy was completely different so I just automatically knew he was a girl, I didn't even need the ultrasound I was so certain!! Haha good job Cody! With this one my pregnancy has been different but I had NO IDEA! Everyone would ask me which way I was feeling and I honestly didn't know! I REALLY wanted a little girl but I just planned on it being a boy so I didn't set myself up like last time! I got my great news after 45 minutes of the longest ultrasound known to man! She was face down and as stubborn as could be! She was not going to let me in on the good news! We are so excited! And yes I am going shopping tonight!! :)And yes it feels really weird to talk about a she when I am reffering to my family! I don't know what to think about that yet! Can I do little girls?? :)
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