Sunday, September 27, 2009

PiNcH YoUrSeLf, YoUr NoT DrEaMiNg!!!

WE ARE BACK. This summer as flown by. Here is what has been going on in our life.....

*In May I got put in as the new Young Womens President. Crazy, I know... It was a wild start, but now I am in the groove of things and things are going good.

*In June my awesome friend Mandi built a tumbling gym and we started teaching. This fall we have over 120 students. It is so much fun. Mandi rocks, she is so organized and on top of things. All I have to do is show up and teach.

*Dan has been crazy busy farming. He loves it. We all do!

* Kael is 2 going on 15. He is the funniest, wildest, sweetest thing ever. He makes our lives entertaining. He has the craziest personality. We are in the middle of potty training and things are going ok. Not great but ok... He turns three in Nov. and our goal is to have it down by then. Here is a funny story on him.....
Dan and I have been on a co-ed softball team. Kael did pretty good at not getting into much trouble as we played. One night I could not find him and a man came and asked if I was looking for a little boy. I said yes he is wearing red slicker pants and a gray shirt. This man started to laugh and said, "Well there is a little boy with no clothes on going down the slide." Yes, it was Kael. When he has to go pee, he takes all of his clothes off. There was my little boy sliding down the slides at the softball park NAKED!!! I was so embarrassed.

*Last but not least, as you scroll down the pictures you may notice that I am putting on some extra pounds. I promise I am not letting my self go. I am almost 6 months pregnant. It is a little girl which I am so excited about. Kael cried when they told him it was a girl. He wants it to be TARZAN. I told him that it was a little sister, but he could still call her Tarzan if he would be happy. I have been super sick up until 2 weeks ago. I am starting to feel lots better.

Well there is what has been going on with us. Scroll down an check out the pics.

Fun at the lake!!!!!

We had lots of good times at the Res this year. Kael loved it everytime.
This was how he feel asleep on the way home one day.
For Young Womens we went to the Res. Here is Kael and his friends Ty and Kolten.

Mine and Anna's sand castle.

Kael getting warm on the sidewalk.

Monday, July 27, 2009

July 09

Kael at the kids parade in Delta.

Dan and Kael walking down the street.

Kael on the 4th. He was really into it this year it was super fun.

Family photo.

We were at my parents on a sunday afternoon and I had my camera and got some pics.
Here is Kael and Aunt Danni. He loves, loves her....
Me, my dad, and little sis.

Grandpa Dean was scaring Kael with this owl. It was super funny.

Grandpa Dean, Kael, and Grandma Connie.

I caught Kael before the rodeo. He was playing with his dad's tools.

The Larsen gang (minus Dan) at the Ute Stampede Rodeo.

Kael was in a stage were he did not want to ever get his picture taken. I tried to sneak one, but of course he wouldn't look.

My flowers that Dan and Kael suprised me with on my birthday.

In Holden on the 24th of July. This was our families float.

Grandpa and Grandma getting ready for the parade.

Dan trying to get Kael excited for the kids races. He did really good, but at the end of the race he started to cry because he did not want to be done.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 09

We finally made a get away and took a family trip. Ok, just to Salt Lake, but it was super fun. We went up on a Thursday and went and ate at the Mayan. Kael loved it there. I asked to be by the divers and he did not say a word throughout the entire meal. Later that night we went to a Bee's Game. That night we stayed at a Hotel for Kael's first time. He loved it. That morning we were eating breakfast and he keep saying "come on lets go back to our bedroom."
Friday morning we got up and took Kael to the zoo. He loved it... It was a short vacation, but with farm life that is about all you get in the summer.

Kael running up and down the hill.

Kael and I with the Bee, he was a little bit freaked out.

Kael showing us how the lion's mouth was open.

Dan and Kael

On the train... Kael's favorite!

Family Photo.

Monday, May 25, 2009

May 09

We were at my mom's house and this is what I came outside to find. The scary part is my mom and Dan were sitting there watching him.

Shoes, socks, and everything....

This was my cousin Kelsey's wedding. She was super beautiful!! We love her.

My camera was being super bright so sorry for the shine.

Here is the boys branding cows. We decided to take the video camera out and I am so glad that we did, we got some great shots.

Yes, my car is stuck in the only mud hole in Delta!

Colleen and Kelli (Dan's mom and sister) came out to show the boys how it is really done...

Colleen roping and Kelli throwing down!

Me and Kelli. We were the scribes and video people for the days. Please excuse the no make-up!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Easter 2009

We had a really good Easter, even with the weather being so nasty. Wednesday Pat and Mandi brought their kids over to color Easter eggs. It was so much fun. I think that the adults had more fun then the kids did. Kael loves to hang out T-bone (Ty) and Rerina (Catarina). Friday night Dan's family was going camping. We went but did not spend the night. Sleeping in the rain just didn't sound to fun. It was actually really nice weather while we were there. On Saturday we headed out to my moms. She always has an Easter egg hunt for the kids. She usually spoils them. We had to do it inside, but they still loved it. Saturday afternoon we usually go out and shoot helium balloons with my family. We attempted it and we got to eat and then it started to rain and we didn't get to shoot, but we are rescheduling. Sunday we just stayed at our house, went to church and then just hung out. All in all it was a very good Easter.

Friends and My Picture Frame

Some of my amazing friends from high school got together and went to the Selgae Spectacular. Millard's drill teams end program. It was so good to see them and get to sit and chat about the good old days. We really need to do it more often.
I love these girls.
Sally, me, Katie, Sarah, and Graham

So this was my Christmas Present that just got finished. I guess it is better late then never. It was well worth the wait. My hubby is so talented. He hates when I put in an order for my frames, but he does such an amazing job. (when he finally does it)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What's been going on in March!!!

Be prepared for picture overload...........
I asked Kael what he was doing and he told me that he was on his way to church.

Here is my cute little boy, that is not so little any more.

Ladies watch out!


Kael and Trip. Best buds.

We are finally putting grass in our backyard. Everyone help us pray that it work! :)

My Boys

When the weather was warm we decided to have a camp fire and eat hot dogs and marshmallows.

Kael eating all of uncle Ben's chips.

Dan and Kael

Hannah, Chloe, and Kael. He loves these girls.

Mom and Kael.