Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kangaroo Jumper

In Primary, all the kids were having a great time singing.  Then they started to sing "Do As I'm Doing".  In this song, a kid is chosen to pick the action of what the rest get to do while they sing this song.  This particular time, they were to jump like a kangaroo.  Poor Elliott didn't look before he jumped and rammed his head right into a corner of a hymn bookshelf directly above him, splitting his head open.
 You can see the gash which ended up being 1/4 - 1/2 inch long.  The great debate was whether he needed stitches.  It was bleeding a lot (which head wounds do), so we asked our friend who is a nurse anesthetist what he thought.  We sided with better safe than sorry, especially since his hair was so thick we couldn't see the extent of the cut.  So I stayed at church with the other kids while Dan took Elliott to urgent care.
The result was 2 staples in his head.  The doctor thought she could just tie his hairs together to close the wound, but thought better of it and resorted to staples. Thank you doctor!  The staples came out a week later.  Months later, Avery still takes you to the doctor to get staples out when she plays.  :)

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Random April Pictures

My kids are such good kids.  Don't get me wrong, there are moments when I want to rip my hair out (which is probably why it is getting so gray), but overall I have some pretty awesome kids.  I love them to pieces!
 Donovan snuggling with Avery watching a show.  The boys have graciously let Avery choose Tinkerbell, or princess movies, or My Little Pony any time she wants.  As you can see, Donovan hates it!  ;)  They've requested that I not tell their friends that they actually like all those "girly" shows.  :)
 Like all kids, Avery doesn't fancy nap time, so she finds creative ways to spend in her room.  Most days I've found her with piles of her clothes because she has played dress up.  We've had to remove pictures and trinkets on shelves because she rips and destroys.  Books are no longer aloud because they end up in pieces.  We had to take the mattress off the top bunk (nobody sleeps there right now) because she would climb up there, rip the curtains from the window, and scream because she couldn't get back down.  I had to laugh when I found her asleep and these magnetic kissing bears hanging from the top bunk.  I love her so much and her cuteness even when she tends to be destructo-girl.
Happy are the days when they play nicely together.  :)