Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Awesome Programs

I forgot to blog another activity that we went to to celebrate Halloween. Our library puts on really neat programs for the kids. Usually we forget about them, but this time our friends, the Drauts, called to remind us.

The kids got to make fun bookmarks, and played fun festive games where the kids won little prizes. Then they got to have some yummy treats while listening to the cat in the hat (Miss Beth) read some Halloween stories.

It was another fun activity where the kids got to dress up!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cute Cow Roller!

This is the cutest cow I've ever seen!
Nama & Papa Earl sent some cute Halloween outfits and we thought this one was moo-velous! :) I told the boys that this is the only time they can ever call their sister a cow!

Avery sure loves her brothers!
Just chillin!
Then we got an idea. :) What does a cowboy love best but herding his cows? I love how Avery has that "cow" in the headlights look. Round her up cowboy Elliott!
Then Avery finally got the 'moo'tivation that she was lacking and finally rolled over! (Her dr. said that she was very strong and could probably roll over, she just didn't have the desire to yet.) Yay Avery!!!
Very happy to be rollling! (sorry it's sideways, I can't figure out how to fix it)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Call Me "Grace"!

Here's a cute picture of Donovan studying his scriptures. He loves to read them and is an excellent reader! He loves reading books for himself and to his younger siblings.

Our friends the Drauts came over and wanted to help us clean up our yard.
I think the kids just wanted to play in the fall leaves - we get a ton of them and they haven't completely fallen off yet. (at least we are getting less leaves with one less giant tree)

Then when the work/play time neared its closing, the kids were playing in the back of Clifford (the Draut's reddish 15 passenger van). Ross decided to get out, ever so not gracefully, face-planting onto the pavement. He sort of busted his lip, but nothing major.

But this morning his lip is a bit fatter and doesn't look so sweet. My poor baby!

He also had a scary tumble down the stairs a few days before (again thankfully nothing serious happened). Should we call him "Grace"? No. But hopefully this trend of accidents will make an abrupt end! I don't want to have any serious injuries here!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

4 Months

Time has been flying so fast! Avery is now 4 months old. She is growing so big!

At her latest dr. appt., they said if they didn't know better they would have mistaken her for a 6 month old. She is a few oz. shy of 17 pounds and off the charts for height. She certainly gives me a work-out carrying her everywhere!

(she's actually laughing here, not screaming - I'll try to post a video of her adorable laughter soon) She is the happiest baby I know, she didn't even cry until the very end of getting a few immunization shots.

When she's not laughing or sleeping, this is usually how you'll see her. Getting as many fingers into her mouth as she can - she really does have a small mouth though. :) I am so in love with my cutie girl!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Dan!

Happy Birthday Dan!

Anyone who knows Dan, knows he likes to be a little goofy.

and most of my pictures have silly rather than serious faces. :)

And... I love that about you! I love you sweetie!
Happy 31st Birthday!

Friday, October 08, 2010

Pounds A"weigh"!

Dan has wanted to lose some weight for some time, so when his work was having a nation-wide UOP weight-loss challenge, he got signed up. In the 3 months, Dan worked out by running a lot (you have to remember that he busted his knee during this too, which made it more difficult) and eating good portions. He didn't go on any fad diets, or weight loss plans. He just did things in moderation and ate the appropriate amount of calories for his desired goal. The result? Dan lost 57 pounds (over 18% of his total body weight) and ended up getting 3rd place in the competition! I'm so pround of him! He wants to continue losing and getting healthier. Right now he's also been losing his pants, so the only downfall is that he now needs a new wardrobe!

He looks so slim! Great job baby!


Avery is a very good eater, can't you tell? She is roughly the same size if not bigger than my friend's babies a month older than her. But I love it! We'll find out for sure what she measures at at her 4 month check-up next week, but according to our scale (which often exaggerates!) she is 18 lbs. We'll see next week.
Lately her shirts are getting soaked in the front. This is why:

She eats her hands in-between meals!
What a cutie pie!