Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just Random Pics

I just had to post these pictures, cause (1) I think they are cute and (2) there are cute stories behind 2 of them. I just think my son is the cutest thing ever.......lately, he has been eating every 2 hours (I think he is having a growth spurt) and he doesn't sleep much during the day. Here, he finally fell asleep after "talking" to us for about an hour. He LOVES to lay on his back and talk and talk and talk and I LOVE to listen to him.

This was Friday night.....I was still exhausted from Thursday nights all nighter with the girls and he would not go to sleep.....he would just cry every time we would put him down. Finally, Dustin laid him on the kitchen counter and he stopped crying and started jabbering away. After a few minutes his eyes became heavy and this is where he fell was an odd place to wake up and find my son sleeping with Dustin, Nick and Deanne talking around him. It was cute. Hey, whatever it takes to get him to sleep, right!!

This was last night. Nick recently got a boxer puppy. His name is Jager (pronounced "Yager", but that is how Nick spells it). The first couple of times the two dogs were around each other, Jager wasn't sure of Brogan.....I think he was scared and still not sure of his surroundings. But after a few play dates, they have become good friends. Whenever they are around each other.....they play so hard. They run around the coffee table, down the hallway, around the kitchen table, out the doggy door, outside, and back in the house. Jager is still small so he can go under the coffee table and taunt Brogan......he just doesn't play fair!! But I have to hand it to Jager, he is pretty smart! They will do this routine the entire time Nick is at our house. But last night, to our surprise, we found the two dogs passed out on the kitchen floor, so Dustin had to get a picture of it, cause chances are it won't happen again anytime soon!!

Twilight Midnight Premiere/Girls Night Out

The Twilight Premiere was here at last!! I have been so excited for this night! The weather was nice all day long, so we didn't think the wait outside would be to horribly bad, and it wasn't.....just a bit windy towards the end of our wait. I was smart and had Dustin meet me at the theater around 6:45 and we dropped off my car so that we wouldn't have to park clear out by Hillcrest. Then my niece, Brittany, and I decided to make a drive by around 7:45 to see how the line was outside the theater. At that time, the line was going from the doors, along the front and down around the side of the building......we then met up with Brittany's friend who told us that she heard that they were letting certain theaters in at certain times. So I went to ask and the rumor was confirmed. Ours was being let in at around 9:50, so we left and went to my house to pick up my friend and neighbor, Crystal, who agreed to go last minute......I didn't have to twist her arm that much though!! We had my nephew, Brookx and his girlfriend, Lindsey drop us off at about 8:30---we stood in line for little over an hour and then got our seats.....GREAT seats might I add, thanks to Britt and Crystal running into the theater to get them.....smack dab in the center! Then the wait really began. To keep everyone occupied, some people got together and played Twilight Charades with scenes from the movie and the books. We just watched, but it entertained us!! The movie was supposed to start at 12:00, but because of "technical difficulties" it didn't start til 12:30. It was a pretty good movie, I thought, but I am a die hard Twilight fan. We got home at about 3:00 AM and I went to work at 7:30......long night, but well worth it!!

Bryson's Blessing

Last Sunday, November 16th, we blessed our sweet, little Bryson. It was a wonderful day, and he was oh so very cute in his little, white suit. We blessed him in our home since the Dr. didn't want us taking him to church until at least the middle of December. Bryson was full of it that day.....literally! This is how the afternoon went just before the blessing: We planned on bathing him before the blessing, after we fed him. So, I was getting him undressed, I should had known what to expect when I changed his diaper because he had been grunting and acting like he was trying to push a bus out, and holy cow....he pooped a lot. Well, before I could get his bum clean, he decided to go a little bit more, so that clean diaper was now soiled. So, I got another one out. After I cleaned him up for the second time I started doing up his diaper and he grunted and pushed......SERIOUSLY, I thought to myself......and yes, you guessed it, yet another diaper was soiled! Finally, he was done, so I got him in the bath and got him smelling good again. By the time bath time was over, people started showing up at our door. We had finished his bath in time!! Well, then he decided to get fussy......Great!! I didn't want him to fuss during the blessing, so we got him a bottle and then he fell asleep......he didn't make a peep during the blessing, Brogan on the other hand, who was locked outside, had a lot to say!! Dustin did a wonderful job on the blessing. We had our friends and family there for Bryson's big was a wonderful day and experience and we are truly blessed to have Bryson in our lives. Thanks to everyone that came and helped out with the luncheon and blessing. We have great friends and family and want you all to know how much we love you!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

OUCH....My baby got his shots!

Last Tuesday was Bryson's 2 month check up and shots. He weighs 7 lbs 6.5 oz and is 20 in long. I think he is so big! However, others might think he is still pretty small. But compared to what he was when he was born.....he is big! He did really well with his shots.....alot better than how I thought he was going to. Dustin held on to his arms and the nurse held down his legs and I was the one he was looking at.......later I found out the reason why Dustin wanted to hold on to his arms......that way, it was MY face he was looking at when he got his he would be upset with me......I have to admit, that was clever on Dustin's part, but Bryson soon forgot and loves me even though he was shot twice in one leg and three times in the other. He cried hard for a few seconds, but as soon as the nurse let go of his legs.....the screaming and tears immediately stopped. I was amazed at how well he little trooper, such a big boy! We gave him Tylenol and I didn't notice a fever or anything, so he handled his first round of shots VERY VERY well and the rest of the day he was showing off his Taz band cute! So, we are done for another 2 months, then we will play that game again. Gee, I can hardly wait.....ha ha ha.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

I couldn't really find a costume for Bryson to wear this Halloween because he is still so small, even the smallest costumes out there wouldn't fit Miranda Johnson gave me the idea of making him a mummy costume. She made one for her son last year. I am not as crafty as her, but I decided to give it a whirl. This is what I came up with. I think it turned out pretty cute. I felt bad for the kid cause when he had the mummy costume on, he couldn't really bend his arms, so in a way, he really was a mummy. Ha Ha. I hope you all had a Happy Halloween! "GET ME OUT OF THIS THING....SERIOUSLY, WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING TO ME!"
See what I mean about his arms not being able to bend :(
He was Mommy's Little Mummy!
Dustin and I bought this onesie before Bryson was is a newborn size, so it was a little big on him, but hey, it worked and he still looked dang cute in it! This kid can pull anything off.

Just a few Pics of Bryson

So, I haven't really posted anything the last few weeks, cause I suck. But here are a few pictures of what we've been doing lately......focusing on Bryson. He is the light of our lives. He is growing so fast....well at least Dustin and I think he is. When people come over, they comment on how little he still is. But Dustin and I think he is so big compared to what he was when he was born. We aren't sure exactly how much he weighs, but we will find our his length and weight next Thursday when we go in for his 2 month check up and the oh so dreaded shots! Yeah, so excited for those, let me tell ya! He is about the size of a full term newborn......maybe between 6 1/2 and 7 pounds.....not quite seven and last we measured (about 2 weeks ago), 19 inches long.....Any guesses on how much he weighs you guys.....leave me a comment and we will let you know next week! Bryson has the funniest facial expressions, even when he is asleep!
Bryson and mommy cuddling
Bryson's "Lion King" moment. He really is KING at our house!!
Chattin' with Nana Barron
We put him in this outfit today, cause he is outgrowing his preemie clothes....this is NEWBORN, and it is a tad big on him......he is in one of his many awkward stages, I am sure!
Cousin Britt came to see Bryson before she went to California!
Tummy Time with Brogan!

Bryson Meets Great-Grandpa Luthi

The Friday after my Grandma's funeral, my Aunt Tami, Aunt Dixie and Uncle Sherm brought my Grandpa down for a Dr.'s appointment. I was very excited to find out that they would be stopping by my house to meet my little boy. Sadly, Grandma would not be there to meet him. When they got to my house, my Aunt Tami didn't want to hold Bryson because he was too small and he intimidated her and my Aunt Dixie didn't hold him because she was starting to get a cold and didn't want to get him sick. So, the men......yes that's right, the men of the family were the only ones that held him that day. My Grandpa said to my aunts......"Well if you won't hold him, I will...." that was pretty awesome. I took so many pictures of Grandpa holding him....primarily because we didn't have Grandma there, so I was not going to let that moment get away without any pictures. Bryson stared at Grandpa for a while and went right to sleep. I know that my Grandma was probably right there beside my Grandpa at that very moment.......I wish she could have been there in person though. My baby Bryson LOVES Grandpa Luthi.....but how could he not love him.......and Grandpa loves Bryson. It was a good afternoon!