Sunday, July 6, 2008

Best Concert of the year....Duh!!

Well, it was that time of year again. June 27th was the day.......yes, you guessed it, Tim McGraw came and sang to me!! He has sung to me for the past 3 years, and I LIKE IT, I LOVE IT, I WANT SOME MORE OF IT!!! Alright, Alright.....he wasn't only singing to me, but I can have my personal fantasy, right!!
This year it was at the USANA Ampitheater instead of the Energy Solutions Center. The sound was so much better at the USANA! I have to admit, when we got to the concert, our seats were on the grass, and we were pretty far back, and to make things worse.....they didn't have the big screens up, for the people in the far back to see the stage. So, I was bummed from the beginning. Half Way to Hazard opened......yeah....they weren't that great (but that is just my opinion). Then Jason Aldean had his few songs, and he was better than the other band, but still, I couldn't see anything, so I wasn't really impressed. The more he sang the more discouraged I was getting, was this really how the whole concert was going to be?? I couldn't even see with the zoom on my camera maxed out. But, when they were setting up for Tim's concert, the big screens came out. Man, was I relieved!! My night was getting better.
Of course Tim did a really good job. He is my favorite, so even if he sucked, I still would have thought that he was wonderful. He was so darn hot.....(yes, Dustin knows about my infatuation with Tim McGraw, and he knows nothing will happen, so he's alright with it....he just laughs at me.) The concert was fantastic, Tim had a 30 minute encore......yeah, he is amazing! And now it is over.....hopefully he will come again next bet your bottom dollar that I will be there!!

My sister-Alecia, me and Alecia's best friend-Alli. We had a blast at the concert!! Alli is a hoot....when we left the concert.....she stuck her body out the window and put her arm out and told the other cars to "STOP", surprisingly enough....they listened. We got out of there pretty quickly with the help of Alli.....thanks chica, you rock!
Here is the screen that was on the at least made it to where I could see without using my camera zoom!! He is hot....look at those arms!! He must work out!
Ah, look....he is waiting for me to come and get my long awaited hug!! I am coming will take me a minute to waddle up there, but I will be there!!!!

Brogan's First "Real" Camping Trip

While I was at the concert in Utah last weekend, Dustin went camping with his family. I was a little apprehensive because he was taking Brogan, and although we took him last year to Island Park, he was just a puppy and was on the leash the whole time. This weekend, he was going to have free reign of the forest. AHH....I don't know if I was really ready for him to take this step, he is still my little puppy for heaven's sake. They came back on Sunday and Dustin filled me in about the weekend. Brogan was on cloud nine. He didn't really stop exploring and running until Saturday. Friday was filled with smelling and checking out his new surroundings with my in-laws dogs...Dakota and Harley. They even went four-wheeling and Brogan rode on the back when he was exhausted from running. He was pretty comfortable up there, comfortable enough to stand up on his hind legs and put his front legs on the shoulders of Dustin or Nick (whoever was driving at the time) and look around at all of the things around him. What a dork!!! Doesn't he know that you are supposed to stay seated when you are on a moving vehicle?? Obviously not. But he actually laid down to rest at the campsite on Saturday afternoon.....he was tuckered out. Then they got home on Sunday and he crashed.......he didn't even seem to excited to see me, it kind of hurt my feelings, but he soon made it up to me. I think it was a mix of him being mad at me, cause I had left for 3 days and he was "dog tired". Here are some pics of their trip.

Come on Nitz ... Let's go PLAY!!!


Video of Brogan Fighting Fire ...

Brogan's not so sure about this Fire Stuff...

Harley and Brogan FINALLY resting

He's a model Boxer, He should be on a Calendar

This chair's big enough for 2!

Visiting with the Winders

This camping stuff is EXHAUSTING...

This chair is just big enough for 1...

. Nick and Brogan catching up on some ZZZ's