Saturday, September 10, 2011

Eastern Idaho State Fair

We went to the fair this year with Grandma and Papa Barron and Uncle Nick. We thought Bryson would LOVE seeing the cows, horses, birds, pigs.....pretty much all the animals. He seemed like he didn't really care until he was able to get down and actually interact with the animals, AKA touch and pet the animals, or and FEED the animals!!

 Papa let him ride the horse, although it wasn't a real horse.....but he sure did love it!!
 His Great Grandpa Luthi would be so proud with this!! He is brushing a HUGE cow.  He fit in well to my mom's side of the family!!
 Asher screamed after this goal stuck his head out and Asher touched his nose.....he wasn't very happy, but he was also pretty tired, it had been a long day. Poor kid.
 This crazy goat, if that's what it is....REALLY wanted everything and anything he could get to eat....he was very impatient!!
 At the end of the night we ran into these, and Bryson was on cloud nine!  Once again, Great Grandpa Luthi would be so proud!!
There was no rides this year, because Bryson wasn't tall enough.  (It didn't bother me, cuz I don't like the rides so much).  We still had a good time and hopefully next year, for Bryson's sake, he will be tall enough to ride at least a few of the rides.

First Time to Tautphaus Park Zoo

During the long Labor Day weekend, my dad wanted to take the boys to the zoo. Bryson liked the monkeys and the birds (his favorite movie right now is RIO). I don't think that Asher really cared, although when we were in the petting zoo part, a goat stuck his nose/head thru the fence and Asher was able to touch it and he thought it was pretty great.

Thanks mom and dad for taking us to the zoo.  We had a good time!!  Next year....HOGLE ZOO!!

Bryson's 3rd Birthday

Bryson turned 3 years old on September 6th.  I can't believe that 3 years ago I was going to the doctor for a follow-up ultra sound to see if he was still breech and if he had grown any, little did we know that we would be scheduled for a c-section the next morning.  We were blessed with a beautiful 4 lb 12 oz little boy.  He has been such a blessing in our lives and I couldn't imagine my life without him.  He is a rambunctious little boy that keeps us on our toes!! 
We had a few parties for our little guy this year.  The first was with the neighbor kids/families.  We had the Kofe's (Benny, Trish, Tre, Kaylie and Kue) and the Baker's (Jeb, Jenny, Tyson, Eric, Ella, and Conner) to the first party.  It was a construction theme (since Bryson loves tools and fixing things).  We had a construction hat pinata that the kids had a blast busting open.  The kids played while the adults visited.  It was such a good afternoon and my Bryson had such a good time!! Thanks to the Kofe's and Baker's for coming!! Here are a few pics of that party.

We then had a family birthday party on Labor Day.  We had everyone there! Papa and Grandma Brown, Papa and Grandma Barron, Aunt Shaw and Uncle Jon, Uncle Nick, cousin Brittany and Chad, Uncle Kirk, mommy, daddy, and brother Asher were all there.  He was super spoiled.  He got clothes, a police helicopter, remote control train, tool box, Elefun (game), and a bike with training wheels.  He had so much fun.  We had a BBQ and then cake.  We are so happy that we have so much family to help us celebrate with us.  Here a few pics of this party.

I do believe that he had a great birthday.  We love you Bryson and hope you have a good year!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

SLACKER! name is Celeste Barron and I am a blog slacker!! I haven't blogged for months!! Guess I need to take a few minutes and get everyone caught up.
At the end of April, I got laid off from First American Title after 9 1/2 years of employment there.  It was kind of a blessing in disguise.  I have been able to stay home with the boys and get unemployment.  I do want to start watching kids in my home so that I can continue to stay home with the boys.  I am pretty sure that Bryson has enjoyed being home, but I am sure he'd like to play with kids his age more often.  So, PLEASE, IF YOU KNOW OF ANYONE LOOKING FOR A IN HOME DAYCARE, SEND THEM MY WAY!! I would love to get this new part of my life started!!
Alot has happened the last few months....I got laid off, my sister got married, the 4th of July, Asher started crawling, eating big people food, I've started using doTERRA essential oils and LOVE them, took the kids to Island Park for a day for 4-wheeling and rafting.....there is more, but I can't remember it all now.
Here are a few pics that I have taken the last little while....not in any particular order...
 Asher's first taste of baby food......
 He wasn't too awfully sure of it......Love his face though!!
 He was more worried about the camera instead of eating.
 Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Barron's.
 There was like 50 eggs just for him in their backyard.....spoiled little turd......
 Then it was off to Grandma and Pappa Brown's house for his other egg hunt.....
 The Easter Bunny left something on the tree for was an airplane with sunglasses, and his own bag to carry everything was pretty cute.
 Going thru the loot with Grandma Brown
 The glasses that came with that airplane pack, and the bag is on the couch behind him....just his size

 This was one of the games we played.....she wore this for a few minutes and then left the room.  The ladies had to remember and write down as many items that the could that was stuck on the apron....I think there was like 25 items....or more, I can't remember.
 Another game we did....the bubble gum game.  We had Jon record his answers to some questions that we turned around and asked Alecia.  If she didn't answer the same that Jon did, she had to have a piece of bubble gum.....this was her after the game....she was not impressed.
 Of course Bryson had to help open her shower cute!!
 They got married in the Draper Temple, it was a very spiritual fun thing to be apart of!

 At the reception, Bride/Father dance
 Bryson did so good considering it was a long day....I think at this point he was getting ready to just run and play....oh yeah, and he wanted Aunt Shaw and Uncle Jon's wedding cake.....or as he called it...."birthday cake"......Aunt Shaw gave him the second piece (after they cut the cake and fed each other, Bryson was right there to get his piece...Thanks Alecia and scored lots of points with him!)
 My cute little Asher.....thank Heaven for this walker....he was EVERYWHERE in this thing!! Saved us from lugging him around the entire reception.
 Now, if anyone knows Asher, you know that he spits up........ALOT........and ALL THE TIME.  Ironically, I got him to look at the camera and to smile and right as I pressed the button to snap the shot.....he spit up/threw up......That's my boy!! Caught in action!!
 Bride and Groom's first dance........I love them!! They are such a cute couple!  WE ARE SO EXCITED TO HAVE JON IN OUR FAMILY!!
 The cake
 Bryson eating his 'birthday cake' from Aunt Shaw and Uncle Jon
 Alecia and her new mother in law made all of the decorations.....the centerpieces were beautiful!
 Jeff, Alecia's father in law, and Jon hollowed out some logs for these centerpieces....NICE WORK
 This was their sign was a tree and everyone put their finger in a stamp pad and then stamped their finger on the tree limb and then wrote their names next to their finger print....cute idea huh!
 Jon's Jeep decorated by his family and friends....they filled the Jeep with balloons and they put oreo cookies all over the windows, along with the streamers.....looks pretty good!
 Aunt Shaw and Bryson at the end of the reception....I just love these two!!
I can hear him laughing just by looking at this picture! He loves Alecia, and I am pretty sure she loves him too!
I feel so crappy cuz I didn't get any pictures of the Open House here in Idaho Falls....I guess I was too busy walking around since I new everyone that came, that I didn't get any....Bummer!!

I have more pics to post, however, they are on my phone so I have to figure out how to get them on the blog.....hmmm. Til then....I hope this post finds everyone having a fun and safe summer!