Sunday, April 29, 2012


As pregame to next month I spent four days in Venice, Italy. It was nice to have some sun and days to draw the city. The whole city is on water sort of and connected by canals and small ally ways. It was strange not to see any cars or bikes. I really loved all the old building that are falling apart and potentially sinking.

My favorite part of my trip was Burano, An island a bit away from Venice. It was full of brightly colored houses, canals and lace shops (that is their specialty). Oh and men in striped shirts steering boats are real. They even wear the hats (but maybe just for the sake of the tourist).

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Fumetto is up and running. By an unfortunate error my name was misspelled, so for those who were looking for my work you can find me under "Danielle Bürle" or "Danielle Buerle" at the Rössligasse 12 with Kornel Stadler and Jonas Baumann. I dropped by yesterday and it looks great. So if it starts looking like this you are in the right direction.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Post and Print

With the Fumetto Comicbook Festival around the corner, I got my prints ready. I am really happy with the result.

Also Ragehaus has posted a wonderful spot about Lost at Sea. They are great site to read anyways so I suggest you check it out.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


For months I have been slipping in little pictures from my master thesis. For my project I wrote and illustrated a story entitled Lost at Sea about three strangers who are connected by a traumatic event on a whale watching boat. Well, now there is a legit website where you can read and see more about it. 

Also, the Master program has been kind enough to organize something together with the Fumetto Comic Book Festival and my Lost at Sea project along with work from Kornel Stadler and Jonas Baumann will be shown in a satellite gallery in the Rössligasse 12. 
Offical Fumetto Website
There will be 7 prints available. Some are unreleased so come take a look. In good spirits here is one of them.
Oscar's Search  Page 19 from Lost at Sea

Monday, March 5, 2012


Every time there is a pause in work, it is time to update.
So my website has new things on it.

And of course I would love to hear what you think.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

That Show

"Wintering" will still on display at the 
WWA Gallery February 18th – March 10th, 2012 
part of
Of course it the pieces are for sale, If you have interest please contact the gallery (

I really want to thank everyone to going to the opening. I heard it was amazing and am really sad that I couldn't make it. Thank you for Jessica Dalva for sending the pictures.

Monday, January 30, 2012


February is approaching. Rapidly.
February 18th at WWA Gallery there is going to be an amazing show. Below I have for you the photo shoot of the hats I knitted. They will be available in my series called "Wintering"

Knit with 100% wool, Applied 23K gold leaf

"Light Keeper"
Knit with 100% wool and white organic silk headband

Knit with 100% wool and hand spun alpaca
More infomation at WWA's Page

You should really take a look, it is going to be full of talented people, including Jessica Dalva, Jessica Cooper and Sinae Park.