Lately I have been studying the Book of Mormon (BOM). This may come as a shock, don't fall out of your chairs :). I wish I had some cool thought or linky to send you to a for more information if you want it, but for now all I can do is give you the link for you to copy and paste in your browser. It is only one more step and in typing all this I likely could have figured it out but alas I have to jump in the shower to get ready for work and get the kids off.... I digress
Here is how I see it. I had a very interesting conversation this morning with my BOM institute teacher who also doubles as my riding partner :). She is pretty amazing. Ok. Really amazing.
We were talking about 1 Nephi 12-18 this morning. A few points I would like to make that she pointed out to me, because she is far better versed than I.
The story of the broken bow: Nephi is trying to provide for his family. This is a very basic human act. Feed, cloth, shelter, that kind of stuff. So now his bow is broke and what is he to do? Everyone is hungry, tired of being in the desert, and very UNHAPPY. This is the tip of the ice berg for Lehi and he starts murmuring. We will define murmur at a later date.
Nephi then proceeds to make the best of a bad situation. He takes it to the Lord, "what shall I do?" Build another bow.... He finds the tools to make another bow. Then he goes to his father Lehi, where shall I go to find food? Lehi prays, then they find out.
Nephi has a problem. His bow is broke, they are in the wilderness, everyone is hungry. What does he do? Will murmuring help? No. Will crying about it help? No. He gets to suck it up and try to fix the problem. He prays. He gets an answer.
We all have problems. Life problems. Nephi's broken bow is a parallel to our life problems. Loss of Job, special needs children, falling outs, broken car, broken garage door, (not that these are mine or anything.....) etc. What are we going to do about it? Whine and cry and jump up and down saying "It's not fair." Sure we would LOVE to do that, and maybe we do for 30 seconds, but then we have to suck it up, pray for strength (receive enabling power of the atonement) and be done with it. ON to the next.
Then there is Nephi building the ship. He is given a task. A VERY big task. A task not many are asked to do, because seriously how many men do you know who have built a ship solo. Not many. Likely he was overwhelmed at some point. He went to his brothers to ask for help. Some said yes. Some said no. Some helped willingly. Some he had to pull their teeth (or strike them with his finger). He went to the Lord. "How do I do it?" "Where do I find the tools?" "How about an instruction manual?"
All very important questions to ask. He asked for help. He could not do it alone. He needed his brothers and other family members to help him. This is not a work for just one man to do alone. He needed help. Plain as that.
Nephi building a ship is an almost near impossible task. Not NEAR. It can be done. With some serious help and some serious instruction and some serious patience, time, talents, and tools. Not everyone was asked to build a ship and not everyone will be asked to build a ship.
We can compare Nephi building the ship to the BIG trials in our lives. Those that we hopefully only have to do once. Ever. You know which ones I am talking about. The ones that make you want to stay in bed all day. The ones that make you sick to your stomach. The ones that hurt you so deeply you never in a million years believe or think that you will ever recover. Here is how you might endure these trials:
1. Pray: Nephi prayed to the Lord. He went to the Lord for help.
2. Tools: Nephi had tools. We all have the tools. We just have to dig them out of our closets... Words of the prophets, scriptures, conference talks, Faith, Accountability, Enabling power of the Atonement.
3. Help: Nephi couldn't do it alone. He needed help. He called on his brothers and sisters and sons and daughters and parents to help him. We have friends and family and neighbors who help us with those big trials. We are not alone. We can't do it alone. It would be impossible. It is simply impossible.
Well there are my thoughts. It might even cost two pennies. LOVE YOU!!!!