To make it "fair" I recommend big game hunting with a handgun to kill a Grizzly bear . . .
Big game hunting with a handgun
Big game hunting with a pistol is not a new idea. Here is my 150 year cap lock rifle that some redneck chopped down and converted into a 50 caliber pistol!
A big game pistol made from a rifle (From the private collection of Donald K. Burleson)
Here is my big game pistol, a Thompson 30/30 that packs a whallop:
When you have to carry a hunting rifles over great distances, it's easier to slip the pistol under your belt, but beware, the cold steel will tickle your nads:
Carrying a high-powered pistol in your britches may make you appear amorous
Gun accuracy is not always about the length of the barrel. Packing a pistol makes sense of you are tracking a mountain lion over hill and dale for 15 miles, with a pistol that has far less weight and just as deadly.
For example, I did a ballistic test on my trusty Marlin 30/30 lever action game rifle, weighing about 8 pounds with my Thompson pistol:
But man oh man, does the Thompson pack a monster kick! The muzzle flash alone is awesome, and my hands ached after shooting only 10 rounds in this monster.
The Thompson centerfire in high caliber has the greatest recoil of any gun in the world!
Watch this fellow shoot a 60 caliber Thompson Contender, the most powerful handgun in the world. It’s hilarious!
But recoil aside, you cannot deny that the Thompson centerfire is among the most accurate pistols in the whole world.
Check out this Thompson center pistol hitting balloon at 300 yards:
“Floggings carried out under Islamic law are almost a daily punishment in Sudan for crimes ranging from drinking alcohol to adultery. But vague laws on women’s dress and behavior are implemented inconsistently.”
I worry that racist attacks are on the rise in America. . .
- Brutal Beating: Just before Thanksgiving our son was robbed and beaten by three men who ambushed him from behind some bushes while he was walking home from school at East Carolina University. They grabbed him from behind and tried to strangle him . . .
- Racist taunts: I have been the victim of racist attacks right here in North Carolina. In just the last six months Janet and I have been publicly derided as "whitey" and "cracker" by racist people. . .
I hope that this violence is not a trend . . .
Check out this scary video, a pregnant woman robbed and attacked on a bus by hoodlum teen girls:
There is a lot of racism lately, and not all racists are white people:
Back in WWII, the Allies poked fun at Hitler, calling "Wolfie" a failed Austrian house painter:
Hitler the housepainter
It's a funny double entendre , but it's completely true, he was indeed a housepainter.
But Hitler could only paint houses. He never mastered painting people. If he hadm he would have been accepted into the Vienna srt school and he might never have become the most evil man of the 20th century, responsible for the death of over 50,000,000 people:
A housepainting by Der Dictator
Here is how Hair Hitler rendered people, he sucked.
Hitler's inability to paint people may have caused WWII
After becoming dictator of germany, this frustrated housepainter even designed the official German WWII flag, today, the universal symbol of evil:
It's a sad fact that if he had been accepted into the Vienna Art Academy, he might not have gone on to become one of the most evil people of the 20th century.
The bigots at Westboro Baptist Church (famous for their intolerant rants like "God Hates Fags" ) protested the funeral of cancer victim Elizabeth Edwards last Saturday, all because she was a practicing Catholic.
The Westboro Baptist Church web site says Elizabeth is now in Hell for a life spent "in defiance and disobedience to God".
There is a special place in Hell for these people. This crap reminds me of the 20th century bigots who said:
"The Jews to Jerusalem, the Blacks to Africa, and the Catholics to Hell"
Westboro bigots hate Catholics
Do not tolerate religious intolerance
I hate religious zealots of any kind, anybody who persecutes those who do not believe as they do.
America is built on religious tolerance, and Phelps and Westboro Baptist church are an exception, and I proudly advocate intolerance of these intolerant and ignorant bigots.
I believe in the right to free speech, but there should be a law against religious extremists protesting at the funerals of American heroes killed in action.
It's more than disrespectful, it is treason against America:
Westboro religious extremists: I hope they burn in Hell
I applaud the residents in Oklahoma to refused to help the Westboro bastards get their flat tires fixed, so sad . . .
Protesting the protestors at the Funeral of Elizabeth Edwards
Young folks usually stage a counter-protest to mock these religious extremists whack jobs, and I hope they showed up at Elizabeth Edwards funeral:
Several Henderson North Carolina convenience store owners (named Muhammad and Abdo, according to the news report) have been raided by police, Referal agents and the FBI, investigating a plot relating to food stamp fraud and stolen cigarettes sales.
The Henderson convenience stores that were raided include:
- Brothers Food Mart on William Street - Dabney Pit Stop on Dabney Drive - College Station on U.S. 158 Bypass - Poplar Creek Road and M-S A&A at West Andrews Avenue and North Chestnut Street
The news here says that several have been arrested and charged after the search warrants were executed. They also found something called "Khat" a controlled substance:
"Mohamed Mohamed Nagi, 33, and Abdullah Ahmed Almuwallad, 32, made first appearances Friday in federal court.
Nagi has been charged with the unlawful acquisition, possession and transfer of food stamps.
Almuwallad has been charged with possession of the illegal stimulant cathinone, more commonly known as khat, and transporting stolen cigarettes."
Muslims protesting American freedom
*********************************************************** "Henderson at home" provides unverified gossip about the store owners: (WARNING: unverified claims):
- "The owner of business being FBI investigated, also operates the Henderson Furniture Outlet on Garnett St in downtown Henderson"
- "Saleh has a mosque behind the furniture store on Garnett–near the Chamber of Commerce"
- "there is a madrasah run in the mosque too…"
This conversation gives both pros and cons, and this poster "Khalid from Yenen" notes:
- "[The Henderson Police Department] (HPD) are a bunch of fake cops weet weet flash those flashlights. Had a chopper over henderson why? . . . To my Yemenis, everyone makes mistakes… Hasbunallah Wani ‘mal Wakil لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله (lā ʾilāha ʾillallāh, Muḥammad rasūlu-llāh)"
- "I believe in deen al islam , and thats all that really matter. What you or any other person says doesnt even matter. Maybe the fbi came out because they needed new batteries for their flashlights. LMAO THEY CAME OUT HERE FOUND NOTHING AND NOW LOOK STUPID"
“Mohamad Hammoud was convicted in June 2002 on federal charges of materially supporting terrorism. His brother, Chawki, was convicted on related charges, and eight others pled guilty in this case.
These conspirators bought cigarettes in North Carolina, which then had a 5-cent-per-pack tax, affixed phony tax stamps, and then sold them in 75-cent Michigan. Over four years, this 70-cent tax spread yielded a $1.5 million profit, part of which this gang forwarded to Hezbollah, along with laptops, night-vision goggles, stun guns, blasting equipment, and more.
These conspirators bought cigarettes in North Carolina, which then had a 5-cent-per-pack tax, affixed phony tax stamps, and then sold them in 75-cent Michigan.
Over four years, this 70-cent tax spread yielded a $1.5 million profit, part of which this gang forwarded to Hezbollah, along with laptops, night-vision goggles, stun guns, blasting equipment, and more.”
Here is the news report of the FBI raid on the stores:
We have all heard the word "dastardly" and I remember the "dastardly villian" from 1960's cartoons.
This dastardly Canadian battled Dudley Doright for the favor of Nell:
Dick Dastardly and Muttley
The interweb sez that before the late 1400s the meaning of Dastardly was somebody who was lazy or stupid, and the word "dastard" comes from the old French word "dast", meaning "dazed".
The words "Dastardly" is used to describe the acts of a treacherous cowards, like the Japanese sneak attack that brought America into WWII:
"The unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on...December 7th"- President Franklin D. Roosevelt
You Dastard!
So, if there are dastardly people, is there a "dastard"?
I looked it up in my Funk and Wagnall, and evidently there is an definition for "dastard":
Definition of Dastard - a despicable coward. coward - a person who shows fear or timidity.
December 7th was the 20th Century 9/11, a dastardly sneak attack by a cowardly enemy that started a worldwide conflict.
As FDR said, Pearl Harbor day should always be remembered:
"The unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on...December 7th...
A date that will live in infamy".
The first day of WWII is personal to me, my family was there, fighting the enemy in the Pacific.
Remember to put your flag at half-mast on this scared holiday:
Just hours after Pearl Harbor, Clark Field got a sneak attack from the Japanese.
My own Dad was there, and he was nearly killed by a bomb fragment. The shrapnel burned him badly, and he kept it as a reminder that there are always enemies out to steal our freedom.
I still have the bomb shell, my personal reminder never to let December 7th fade from the American psyche. . .