A Prepublished Novel in the Process of Revisions and Rewrites

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Remember that book I told you I'd pulled from the publisher and would be resubmitting to a more romance oriented venue? Namely, Dancing on the Edge? Well, I submitted a query two days ago. Fingers and toes crossed. Wish me luck:)

Donna Sundblad, nonfiction craft and fantasy author, will be dropping by to hang out tomorrow, so please put us on your calendar to check out. Donna will be talking about that thing called scene-setting.

Also, don't forget to sign up for Dayana's "Let Freedom Ring" guestblog celebration next month. It's a perfect way to promo upcoming books, events, and gab about writing in general.

See you tomorrow.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Launching a new event for July!

First, I'd like to say Happy Flag Day! Are you flying the Red, White, and Blue?

A Bestial Cravings update.

Whoa! Friday the book dropped to #2 then further to #3 so I figured it was going to keep the downward spiral but NO! I signed on last night and damned if it wasn't back up at #1!

Wow! A great big hearty THANK YOU to my readers. Without you the book wouldn't continue to hold first place on the Best Sellers List at The Wild Rose Press.

Now for a great promo opportunity for all you authors out there. If you would like to participate in my "Let Freedom Ring" Fourth of July blog event please begin by signing up for Dayana's Happenings on the sidebar.

Note: The above and below information is for actual guestbloggers. If you would like to receive newsletters, events, contest information/winners, and just keep up with "Dayana's Happenings" but not participate in the July event, please feel free to sign up as well. Access to the calendar is specific so although you may view it you will not be able to edit it without permission from the group moderators.

Let me tell you a bit about this event.

It will be a month-long guest blog event. I will be offering all visitors a chance at a single grand price that can be a collective effort of all participants or not. Participants will decide before the end of June.

To enter for the grand prize, visitors will have to list sitings of the Liberty Bell graphic I've posted to the left. This graphic will be posted to random blog posts throughout the month. Also, I would like each guest blogger to offer a prize daily within their post. By signing up to my informational loop and if you have an yahoo email address all participants will have access to my loop calendar. All blog participants should access the calendar from the loop page and choose their blogging date, then you should create your blog complete with all links and artwork you would like included and email it to me as a separate document named JulyBlogEvent-Author-blogdate in the email subject line as soon as possible. If you do not have a Yahoo address, you can contact me with your choice of date but please access the calendar to be sure said date hasn't been taken.

More details will be posted to the loop as they become available. Drawing for the grand prize winner will be the first week of August. Visitors should not post their lists to the blog comments but email them to me directly at gothscribegirl@aol.com with "Liberty Bell graphic Sitings" listed in the subject line of their email. Anyone who posts their list to the blog will be disqualified.

Have I confused anyone? If you are interested and have questions you can contact me anytime through this blog or my email address: gothscribegirl@aol.com

Looking forward to lots of fun next month. And I will be sending out my very first newsletter, as well, which I am very excited about.

Promo, promo, promo...


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Updates and some thoughts on POV...

Bestial Cravings has dropped to #2 on the main Best Sellers List at TWRP as of yesterday, but hey! that's still good:)

The weather here is getting hot and humid. Dark Goddess that I am, I prefer the dreary, thundery, rainy weather *grin* And, of course, the Florida winter. This time of year we tend to stay in the old AC like the Northerners stay in during their cold months.

I've been pondering, plotting, and jotting ideas and events down for Book Two of the Roma Wolf Tales series. And for those who've read Curse of the Marhime , you know the book is in third person with only one POV character. The next book will be in multiple POV not really sure how many POVs but no more than four or five. I am really only considering three main this time around but we'll see how it goes:) I began the series this way because Pita was the main character as well, the catalyst for the story, and I wanted to challenge myself to keep at it. It was a test of wills to keep Niko's POV out of it, so for me as a writer, it was both a test and an exercise.

I am not a fan of many POVs in my writing. Nor do I like to read books with more than a handful of POV characters. I feel it confuses and convolutes the main characters who, in my humble opinion, are the most important. Also, as a reader it annoys me when I have to keep track of too many characters. So I guess we can say I write within the parameters I like to read.

In my experience, the editors I've worked with have been of the same mindset. Some are stricter than others but most prefer limited POV characters and headhopping within the story. Headhopping, as most know, is when the POV jumps back and forth between characters sentence to sentence or paragraph to paragraph. This is a strick no-no in my experience but there are bestselling authors that get away with it. They've earned the privilege, but us newbies need to stick to the basic rules, LOL.

I stick to one or two POVs per scene. If I do go into two POVs, I will transition as smoothly as possible from one to the other and split the scene between the two characters.

For a fast-paced scene, such as in a highly charged action scenes that are all happening at the same time with different characters, I've seen a spiraling POV used which does jump multiple POVs to anty up the fast pace. I've used it and read it in many action suspense-type books, and it really is an interesting concept. But again, I want to mention it still does not jump POV sentence to sentence or even paragraph to paragraph.

Whoa! Sorry...

I think I've gone a bit overboard and turned this into a discussion so I will move on with some more updates and then slink off to get some work done now.

Other things in the works are a newsletter I am working on putting together with all sorts of shares and information. As you may have noticed, I've set up a new Yahoo group as a venue to sign up for the newletter and share lots of other information such as new releases, events, guests announcements, recipes, craft articles, pictures, etc. Please take a moment to sign up. The loop is informational only. No need to worry about posting and keeping up with yet another loop:)

Look to the sidebar as well for upcoming guest bloggers. Next up is Donna Sundblad, author of Pumping Your Muse, a nonfiction, craft writing book used in current writing classes.

As always, thanks for dropping by.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Whoa! Still Snoopy Dancing...

Bestial Cravings is still at #1 across the board at The Wild Rose Press. This is amazing and such a high:) I do know that it won't last forever and I see my dear friend Helen Hardt has a new release this week so...


It is actually a collection of hot western's called Lawmen and Outlaws. I know I can't wait to delve into that one.

Also, as you can see, I've finally gotten my internet back up. Wow! It is really quite frustrating not knowing what is going on in cyberworld:)

Finally, I wanted to mention, I was making my blog rounds this morning and discovered that Callie Lynn Wolfe, Senior Editor of the Black Rose line at TWRP is hosting Pink Fuzzy Slipper Writers today on their blog. She has posted some interesting pointers on what she looks for in submissions. Check her out.

Well, I'm off to do some weed pulling in the front gardens today. Is it me or do they really get out of control fast, nasty little weed critters.

Talk to all soon,


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bestial Cravings is NUMBER 1, NUMBER 1, NUMBER 1 at The Wild Rose Press What a wonderful surprise! Thank you for pointing it out, Catherine!

My internet has been down and I had no clue!

Oh this is a great wake up call:)

A very happy, snoopy dancing,


Monday, June 1, 2009

Please welcome Eilidh MacKenzie, Black Rose Editor, TWRP

Hello, Eilidh!

As you may all know, Eilidh is an editor at The Wild Rose Press . Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us about the things you see in submissions that are either off kilter in this case with Scottish research and other taboos we authors tend to not notice that take a manuscript down into the slush pile of sudden death.

I for one am happy to sit back and listen to the things that both irritate you enough to reject a manuscript as well give you positive cause to accept a manuscript. So without further adieu take it, Eilidh.

Thank you, Dayana. I edit for the Wild Rose Press’s Black and Champagne Rose lines and I’m happy to talk about what I look for in a manuscript. I’ll be popping in all day to answer questions, so feel free to comment.

Factual and historical accuracy is very important to me. Thorough research makes your story ring true and your readers can experience a different world. As a Scot working in romance publishing, I sometimes cringe at the descriptions of Scottish people and history. Subs come over my desk asserting that all of Scotland’s strong young men were killed in the battles with the English. Well, that was true 260 years ago, but a generation later, there was a whole new crop of strong young men.

I’ve lost count of the historical or time travel stories, whose hero, seven hundred or a thousand years ago, is the stereotypical kilted Highlander, the noble underdog, struggling against oppression by the English. Actually, when the Scots weren’t cattle raiding and pillaging their own Highland and Lowland neighbors, they made outright invasions of English territory. The English perpetrated horrific retaliations, but if you bang on a beehive, you gotta expect to be stung.

And they didn’t wear kilts back then! In fact, when the modern kilt became popular in the nineteenth century, it was a fashion statement stimulated by Queen Victoria’s romance with the Highlands. By the time Highlanders fought in kilts, they were fighting for the English, in the British army.

Okay, I’ve calmed down a bit now. I must admit that, of course, Highlanders wore a form of the kilt centuries ago and yes, they fought against the English, but probably not as much as they fought amongst themselves. The original kilt—the belted plaid—showed up around 1600. It was a vast plaid blanket, maybe five feet wide and up to twenty feet long. The wearer scrunched it by handfuls up the middle of the length and belted the bundle around his waist. The plaid fell below the waist to about the knee, and the top half was draped and pinned about the torso.

Sounds awkward, but this was actually a practical garment in the gales, rain, and snow of the Highlands. The naturally dyed colors blended with the heather and gorse of the mountains, so your rival clansmen didn’t catch you stealing their cattle, and the layers of wool kept some warmth trapped against the body. Scratchy, yes, but a linen shirt under the plaid made it comfortable. At night, you could wrap the plaid around yourself, and a friend, if you were lucky, for a cosy sleeping bag.

What does all this have to do with romance novels? Those Highland warriors make superb alpha male heroes. I would dearly love to see manuscripts showing the realities of Highland life, instead of the softened, cartoonish, pretend Scots that never existed. Two excellent resources for learning about the Scotland that actually was are The Emperor’s New Kilt: The Two Secret Histories of Scotland, by Jan-Andrew Henderson, and How the Scots Invented the Modern World, by Arthur Herman.

Here’s tae us; wha’s like us?
Damn few, and they’re a’ deid.

(a Scottish toast)

Eilidh MacKenzie

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Bestial Cravings is climbing in the 'Best Sellers' list at The Wild Rose Press' over all list. It is #1, as well, on both the Paranormal Best Sellers and the Black Rose List!

Wow! I am excited. You think?

I'd like to thank Catherine Bybee for having me over at her blog on Friday to unveil the release formally, and also Donna Sundblad who also hosted a promo for my new release over at The Book Hookup.

Thank you both:)

Other announcements.

Still working on getting Black Rose Line editor, Eilidh Mackenzie on board to give us a lesson on Scottish research--Do and Don't/Trues and Falses--Accuracy in Scottish history.

Also, Donna Sundblad, Fantasy Writer and craft non-fiction guru will be visiting talking about building your settings to read believable.

I have signed on for another multi-author booksigning in August, which I am very excited about, hosted by Mary Ricksen, author of Tripping Through Time. Will keep you informed as to where, when, and who:)

Gained some new favorite haunts this week. I've recently been invited to join the ladies at The Pink Fuzzy Slippers and discovered Roni Adams' new blog. Check them out.

Have a wonderful weekend:)

signing off for now...


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Release day has come and gone...

Believe it or not I spent the entire day yesterday down with a migraine. Never made it out of the darkened bedroom until midnight last night and finally was able to keep some soup down. Ugh!

Ah well...

Such is life. So much for enjoying the release of my new project, LOL Though a day late and a dollar short is not anything new *grin* I was thrilled to see Bestial Cravings up and available and that there seems to be some activity on it as far as purchase power. It was #2 on the Paranormal Best Sellers list this morning and #1 on Black Rose's list. Good news, I think.

Anyway, its off to the day job today since I missed yesterday. I thought I should put in an appearance though I'd love to sit here in front of this computer and put some diligent hours into working on book II of the Roma Wolf Tales.

Talk later!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bestial Cravings will release in THREE MORE DAYS!

Happy Memorial Day! Don't forget to remember our men and women who make our freedom possible. God Bless America!

Happy Memorial Day from

Good morning! I do hope you are sitting back have a wonderful start to your summer season. Tossing some burgers and dogs on the grill. Spending time with family and friends and, by George, I hope your weather is cooperating and maybe a dip in the pool, nearby lake or ocean is in order.

Me, I'm excited about my third Wild Rose Press release, Bestial Cravings.

Bestial Cravings is a companion short contained within the Roma Wolf Tales Series. Bestial Cravings is a stand alone story which was designed to introduce new characters into the mix for the upcoming sequel to Curse of the Marhime also available at The Wild Rose Press.

Vesta Johns has everything going for her—except her health. Desperate to find the answers to her lethargy and her insatiable desire for raw meat and sex, she seeks out the help of her doctor, but Dr. Cohen can give her no answers.
Or can she?
Torrence Simiene is a medical consultant with a unique specialization. As an alpha werewolf, it’s been his job to aid Dr. Cohen’s distinctive patients through their transition from human to shifter, for years. This time, however, it’s different. Vesta arouses his primal lust, and he’s having a hard time keeping her at a distance.
Will the doctor’s plan of care offer the ultimate cure for Tor and Vesta’s bestial cravings, or further drive them apart?

I'm currently working on Book II of the Roma Wolf Tales Series. If you haven't already, please check out Curse of the Marhime, Roma Wolf Tales, Book I, where it all began.

For more information about these and other available books, contests, etc., please visit my website at www.romawolftales.com.

Well I'm off to celebrate the holiday weekend with lots of sunshine, hopefully. May yours be safe and chock full of fun.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A mind cleansing weekend...

and new projects and research on the horizon.
Dropped everything this weekend and took to the road with my sister-in-law and my furry daughter-Girls Gone Wild our theme:) A.) I needed a break and B.) I wanted to further aclimate Bea to traveling. The weekend was a success in more ways than one.

We settled in on Friday morning and lounged about just enjoying the beautiful weather and peaceful quiet. No family issues, husband catastrophes, ringing phones, pressure to get on the laptop and write or deal with email. And best of all no day job worries--you get the picture. Bea settled in like she'd been there all her life. She found the loveseat, stretched out and well...She knows how to let go and simply relax *grin*

Sis and I had quiet conversation, went to the grocery store for salad fixings and after a whopping bill of $75 of which we saved $25, came home with fixings for a nice healthy foodfest for the weekend. We traveled to the beach on Saturday, Bea in tow, and once again, Bea greeted each new experience like she'd done it all her life. We shopped in thrift and consignment shops and spent quiet evenings--Sis watching TV, me reading or working small amounts of time on my laptop. But the best part or our retreat were the ideas that slid into our relaxed mindsets.

Which brings me to another subject I'd like talk about today. The art of research. Research is a very important part of writing any story. When I was in the writing phases of Curse of the Marhime, I spent hours researching Romania, history, geographical information, peoples, climate, etc. Research is fun. I love history and learning new things so its not the tedious process that many may think it is. I have a folder three or more inches thick with information stowed within down to common phrase and actual tourbook info on the country. Over the years, I have met people directly from Romania and who have migrated to the USA who are more than happy to guide me in my desire to get facts right. Also, I was lucky enough to have a wonderful writing peer and friend, David Hayes, (author, The Bratwurst Kidnapping) who spent many years working in Romania. He shared so much with me about the daily living experience there. Believe it or not, I actually have a contact in Romania.

On to my point of research.

I am in the process of planning the next book of the Roma Wolf Tales series, untitled as yet but ideas are fresh and plentiful. As many of you know, I have a companion short releasing the end of this month(May 27th) called Bestial Cravings at the Wild Rose Press. This story introduces two new characters and book two will encompass new adventures for Pita, Niko, and Tomas.

If you've read Curse to the Marhime than you know I delved into palm reading and tealeaves. Again, much research went into that. I am now practicing the art of Tarot. So once again, I've locked down to intensive research: got my Tarot card deck and manual to study and understand the cards. I hope to have a reading day on this blog to try out my newfound gift. Wouldn't that be great fun? All you would have to do is post a question and I can do a reading based on your quesiton.

Tarot has a wonderfully colorful history. It is what you and your reader interpret. It isn't going to solve the world problems but it has been proven to work. Once again, the fruits of research can open so many doors to our information hungry minds. I've always been on my Pagan side since a very young girl. I delved and researched many aspects of the arts of witchcraft, seances, Paganism beliefs, palm, tealeaf, and Tarot reading, etc. I find the earlier interest makes further research so much easier. Anyway, I'm off to it.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. Keep an open mind and think of a question when I delve into public reads, LOL
