Sunday, May 15, 2016

San Diego day #2

So day #2 Glenn had class from 8-5.  I woke up with my right eye almost swollen shut! I had a stye! Awesome timing. So glad I took my glasses! We had breakfast at the hotel restaurant, which by the way is up seven flights of stairs. After Glenn went to class I had the shuttle driver take me to Walgreens and get some ointment for my eye. I asked them if I could walk and he said no because that area was sketchy so I happily accepted the ride. Then I sat and did a warm compress for like an hour. I went to the five and dime and had fun looking around there, got fresh tortillas from a little Mexican restaurant and went back to meet Glenn for lunch. A lady, named Sarah, and I decided to go tour and shop through Old Town. The only problem is once we hiked this pretty good hill to see the old colonial houses I realized I forgot my phone! So i don't have pictures of what her and I saw up there but they were beautiful and well preserved. After that we walked through all the little shops. I absolutely loved that! So fun and not that expensive really. Old Town is just cute and charming.

 For dinner that night they took us on a very fancy bus to eat at Sea Port Village. We quickly realized we ate at the non-drinking table. It was us and 4 other people from Utah. It was quite comical really.  I am so thankful I do not need to drink to feel happy or social. We had a fantastic time at our sober table. We met some really nice people. 

 Oh man it took some major convincing to get Glenn to pose like this for me! But so glad he finally did! I love this picture!

 Group picture

Before we left for San Diego we found out that randomly Sheri would be there too. So while we were eating at the Harbor House she says hey we are by your hotel. We were stuck at the Harbor House until everyone finished eating so we tried UBER for the first time. It was so slick. We signed up got a driver and were back to Old Town in about 10 minutes. It was totally worth it. Cost us $6 instead of a taxi which would have been much more. We got to see the Beebe family for just few minutes but it was fun to capture that coincidence!

Day #2 success!

San Diego Day #1

ST. Patricks Day cuties!

Glenn was asked to go on a work conference trip to San Diego.  We made it into a little vacation! We had the most amazing time! The girls stayed at the Baileys house and had a great time themselves. Our trip was so great. We made the most of our time. Besides the stye I got in my eye and the temple being closed it could not have been any better. Amazing weather, sights and time together. 
 Our flight was short and uneventful which is what we want on a plane. We flew in through clouds which was cool. Once we got there we called our hotel to send a shuttle to bring us back to the hotel. Driving in San Diego is quite the experience. Crazy fast drivers. We stayed at the Hacienda Hotel in Old Town San Diego. It was pretty nice and it was huge. 
 First thing we did even before checking into our room was go on a trolley tour throughout San Diego. You could get on and off as much as you wanted. We stayed on through the last stop because we really had no idea what we wanted to do. We crossed the Coronado bridge which was a lot of fun. We got off in Little Italy. Who doesn't want to try pizza in Little Italy!?!?We were told to find "Filipes" and when we did we were slightly confused. You had to walk through a VERY stinky store and go to the back to be seated in the restaurant part. But once we had the pizza we understood why they told us to eat there. It was seriously the BEST pizza either of us have EVER had! YUMMY! And the whole feel of Little Italy was just fun and romantic. 

 After we ate we decided we wanted to go back to Midway and ride the Ferry to Coronado Island. It was quicker to walk than it was to wait for the shuttle. It was fun walking back and seeing more sights. Midway has awesome ships. Including a pirate ship! And the Midway museum ship with all the aircraft on it. We didn't tour that but it was awesome even from the outside. As we were on the Ferry to Coronado we saw the famous kissing Sailor statue so we rode the Ferry back to Midway to get a picture by that. Then we called our shuttle driver from the hotel to take us back, we checked in and then had dinner at the hotel restaurant with all the people there for the conference. We were literally down the street from the Mormon Battalion so we hurried through dinner and ran up there for a tour before they closed. What a fun little museum and experience. It was really interactive. All the pictures talked and taught stories about the pioneers in the Mormon Battalion. I am so glad we went there, plus we got to "pan for gold" to take home to the girls. What a great first day! So many sights and fun experiences! 

 On the Ferry
 Awesome street performer. Looks like a statue but isn't. Pretty good dancer. 
 perfect photo op right there! Luckily there was another couple trying to so the same thing so we took turns taking each others pictures but they didn't tell us when they were done we sat there forever and I ended up laughing. But still what a priceless photo! 
 Cactus plant! And the sunset!
 Mormon Battalion
 When the person in the picture frame sneezed it scared me so bad I screamed. 
Yep embarrassing a little bit. 

Day #1 was a success!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Provo Temple open house and double date with Mom & Dad!

We were able to go to Utah for the Provo temple open house. The Mehls came with us and brought Payton, Braxton and Hudson. The cousins hit it off right away like they play all the time. Especially Payton and McKenna.
 I love catching moments like daddy whiepering in Jaylees ear about the temple. 

 Joy got mom & dad and Glenn & I painter vouchers for Christmas. We found a night of the "love birds" painting and made it a double date. It was so much fun. Thanks Joy! 

 We also did hair cuts with Erica! 
 Brylee did a Wax Museum for class. She was Ameila Earhart 
 These two are just the best of friends! 
 Grandpa got sick with a kidney infection and Ecoli. He was in the hospital for a few days. It was hard to be in Idaho and not able to go see him. But Brylee made him a card so I texted it to him. 
 Brylee won student of the week at gymnastics! Yay Brylee!
 FHE building King Benjamin Towers. I love my family!