Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas Eve traditions

On Christmas Eve we always do the Nativity story.  This year Grandpa read it, the girls acted it out with little tike characters and Joy played hymns to go along with it.  I love this tradition, it helps us grow closer as a family.  The girls also get to open one present, usually PJ's.  This year they had an extra set of PJ's in their gift that they thought fit a doll they already had but SURPRISE!!!! Mom and Dad got them new "My Twinn" dolls.  They were sooo excited!  Jaylee got a blanket/animal I made, those dolls are as big as she is! We also made Santa cookies of course.  
We had a great Christmas Eve.

 Kenna and Charity

 AJ and Allyson
 Jaylee just loved the boxes and paper, but she look so cute
 in her jammies!
 Brylee and Sophia
I love that I am sewing better every year.  The PJ's turned out pretty good.

Excitement was in the air as the girls went to bed.  
Santa was coming and they could not wait!

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Years!

I know I am out of order but posting about Christmas is going to be a long process so I am avoiding it!  lol... We had a fun New Years party out at the Allen Ranch.  Played minute to win it games, ate a lot of junk and had a lot of FUN!  The girls especially loved the silly string.  I am the one who accidentally sprayed Jaylee, ha ha, it really was an accident.

 Ryan and Mel

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Brylee turns 5!

 Our sweet little Brylee is 5!!!  
This was her year for a friend party and she had so much fun!  Everyone came that was invited.  She loves all of her gifts and was very sweet about saying 'thank you'.  And she did a great job sharing her new things with her sisters.  She originally wanted an owl cake but changed her mind and decided on an ice cream dirt and worm cake.  It was a great day.

 Brylee chose owls as her invites and decor.
 Brylee, Aspen, Vivi, Jarom, Taysia, AJ, Brancyn, Megan, Ella, Mary, Natalie and Issy.  (McKenna is around somewhere.)

 Brylee and Ella
 Played pin the tail on the donkey, pretty funny.
 Cinderella shoes from mom and dad
Strawberry Shortcake shirt is from McKenna, she ran and changed into it right away.
AJ got her a cool Barbie giant coloring pages book.  She loves it.
 Art kit from mom and dad
The headband and flower are from Grandma Dawson. 
 Maximus and Flynn from Aunt Joy, as you can tell she as pretty excited.
 Newborn baby Dr. Barbie from Grandm and Grandpa Bailey, pretty excited about this too.
 Razor scooter from Grandma and Grandpa.
She could barley lift the box. 

 Newborn baby from mom and dad.
 She really wanted this so she was pretty excited.
Riding her scooter through the house.
 Jaylee riding Maximus, lol
Brylee at age 5 interview with mom:
Q:   How tall are you?  
A:   I don't know, maybe 90 or 60?
Q:   What is something you can do all by yourself?
A:   A cartwheel (as she stands up and demonstrates.)
Q:   What is something you still need help with?
A:   Those things where you stand on your hands only. (handstands)
Q:   What is something that mommy says to you a lot?
A:   Cute!
Q:   What is something that daddy says to you a lot?
A:   I love you
Q:   What makes you happy?
A:   Birds
Q:   What makes you sad?
A:   When I get in trouble
Q:   Where is your favorite place in our house?
A:   My room
Q:   Where is your favorite place to go?
A:   Grandpa's house
Q:   How many teeth do you have?
A:   60 I think, or maybe 30 or 90?
Q:   What is your favorite primary song?
A:   The temple song
Q:  What is your favorite meal?
A:   Pizza
Q:   How many shoes do you have?
A:   39!
Q:   What is your favorite book?
A:  I'll go get it! (ran a got a princess book)
Q:   Where do you live?
A:   In this house
Q:   What does mommy do all day?
A:   Dishes, wash clothes, walk all over the place. (mommy just laughs...)
Q:  What is your favorite color?
A:   Pink, purple and tur-key-oise.
Q:   What do you want to be when you grow up?
A:   An art girl and a mom
Q:   What wasd your favorite b'day gift?
A:   Flynn Ryder and my baby doll
We love Brylee so much!  She is such a character.  Always saying or doing something funny.  She loves art and is getting better at it everyday.  Brylee loves her sisters and is really good at playing with them and with friends.  She is a fairly healthy eater.  She loves vegies and fruit.  She is a total animal lover.
We just love our sweet Brylee!  
Happy b-day Brylee!