Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Winter fun

 Future piano player.
 Jaylees first time sledding.
 AJ's friend Avery came, she is a cute girl.
 See those little blue bum sleds they are on?  Those are pretty fun!  
I even tried one.  It goes fast!

 I think the girls favorite part is being pulled back up the hill. 
Gives Dad a lot of exercise!
 This snow ball had to weigh almost as much as Brylee.
 Bum sledding, she went down the whole hill like this. 
So funny to watch her scoot and slide just a bit and then scoot again.

 Warming up in the truck.
Jaylee liked sledding, she was laughing at the end of the video.  She didn't love how bright it was outside but she had a good time.  All the girls did.  I went down the hill a couple times too, Glenn did as well.  It was a fun family activity. We have a ton of snow.  We got dumped on for about a week and haven't had any fresh snow since but since we live in Rexburg our snow does not melt so we still have plenty.

Glenns new office

 Showing off our cute hats!

I love Jaylee's hat! So adorable.
We went and visited Glenn on move in day.  His work decided it would be beneficial to have 2 locations so Glenn is now in the busiest spot on campus.  The Manwaring center.  So far it has been successful but stressful.  Hopefully it will work out. 


 Aunt Joy got all of us girls cute hats made by my cousin Kim.
 The girls look so adorable!

 From the Mehls

 McKenna and Brylee got new Ipods. Crazy huh?  I never would have thought my 3 and 5 year old would have Ipods.
 Leave it to Santa or Grandpa...
 New art for Grandma from us
 Glenn surprised me with this amazing picture of the SLC temple.
 Matching PJ's from Grandma
Jaylee had a question in her sleep, lol. 
This was us Christmas morning, just waiting for the girls to wake up.

 The girls all got Dream Lights.
 Minnie mouse from Aunt Joy.
 Kiama made the girls dresses for their new dolls.
 Hat from Aunt Joy skirt from Gma Mehl

Our family gift: to us from us.  A nice family Book of Mormon
I got 2 Miche bags with 8 shells from Joy.  LOVE them!

 Glenn digging for the presents...

 Jaylee excited for her plane, AJ excited for her Ipod docking station.  It was like the last thing she opened.  She was getting sad because she really wanted one and thought she didn't get one.  You can tell from the pic she was pretty excited to open it.

 Brylee got an abundance of dolls.... pushing them in Grandpa's wheelchair.
We had such a great Christmas.  Everyone got what they wanted plus some. We were blessed to be surrounded by our family.  The weather worked for traveling, we were all fairly healthy (Kenna did puke once)  but we had such a great time.  I love building memories as a family.  I am already excited for next year!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Look who's 3!!!

 Princess McKenna being pulled on her float, too cute!

 New big girl carseat and bike!!!

McKenna is 3!!!  Wow time is going too fast!  McKenna is such a character.  She is always doing something funny.  She still likes to be held by mommy or daddy but is a very active child.  She runs everywhere.  McKenna is very smart.  Her use of words like "actually" or "cool huh?"  are used appropriately so it cracks us up.  She speaks very well and very clear.  She is just mastering potty training.  She is stubborn so it took a bit but now that she likes her panties she is going for it and doing very well.  McKenna loves all her sisters.  Her and AJ play so cute together when McKenna is in the mood.  Her and Brylee play and fight like best friends and no one can make Jaylee laugh as hard as McKenna can. 

Interview with mommy at age 3:
How old are you?   3
What is something mommy says to you a lot?   I love you
What is something daddy says to you a lot?  I love your smile
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A mom
Where is your favorite place to go?  The park
What do you like to do at the park?  Play
Where do you live?  At my home
What is your favorite food?  String cheese and hamburgers
What is your favorite color?  Green
What is your favorite animal?  I like horses
What was your favorite b'day gift?  My new baby

We love our sweet and wild McKenna! 
Happy 3rd b'day!!!