Wednesday, November 17

Happy Birthday, Gavin!

Crazy to think that 2 years ago today you were born. We love you so much! You never stop talking and always make us laugh! You love fruit snacks, going to the park, feeding the ducks, reading books {for hours}, Elmo, "washing your hands" aka playing in the water in the bathroom sink, taking baths, going for walks, playing in the leaves, giving Hayden kisses and high 5's, helping burp Hayden, and pointing out things to us. 

For your birthday, you got new Pediped shoes, PJ's, and we're going to shop for a pull toy this weekend.

Tuesday, November 16

Hayden's birth announcements

Here's a preview to Hayden's birth announcements. I am getting $25 GC from Shutterfly to post this here, so why not? :) 

Andante Dots Cerulean Baby Announcements
Customize your own baby announcement at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, November 4

Hayden's newborn pics

Here's some pics I took of Hayden when he was almost 2 weeks old. We had paid a photographer to take some of him, but I was very disappointed in his lack of skill and blurry shots. So I decided my amatuer skills could do better than him and we made a homemade studio with lighting from Home Depot. And it worked out pretty good! I'll be posting about the studio we made on my craft blog soon.
I crocheted his diaper cover. Isn't it cute?
 There's nothing more peaceful than a newborn sleeping.
  Love a good gas grin!
 Hayden is a pretty good baby. He has 2 cry spells a day: after lunch and right before bed. Hoping those go away soon, but other than that, he's really sweet and easy going.

 Gavin calls Hayden his baby "brodder" and gives him tons of kisses and high 5's. It's been interesting having 2 kids, but we're adjusting pretty well. Everything with the second baby has been easier, I've been surprised. But we are definitely looking forward to the day Hayden sleeps through the night! Right now he wakes up every 3-4 hours. Sometimes every 2 hours.