Thursday, July 31

21 Weeks

Here's our Bumps at 21 weeks. Notice how flat Davis is!! :)

The Bump

Davis and I decided to take pictures of "the bump" as it grows. To make it fair, we are taking pictures of Davis's "bump" as well. He claims to have gained weight since I have been prego, but as you will see, he gains very little, if anything. It's not fair that he can eat right along with me and not gain an ounce, even when I was throwing everything up! Here's a picture taken at 16 weeks of each of us...

Wednesday, July 16

It's a BOY!!!

We're having a cute little boy! The doctor was able to get several good shots to confirm that. :) I won't post them here to save the little guy some embarressment. (they got some pretty graphic ones!)

Everything looks great, Dr. Fuller (the specialist) was happy. He said everything in the heart looked awesome. Which is sooo great! We are super duper excited!!

Tuesday, July 15

Pink or Blue?!

Tomorrow is the big day! We find out if we'll be buying pink or blue for the baby!! Our appointment is at 9:45am at St. Mary's hospital. My OB, Dr. Pringle, referred us to a specialist for this ultrasound and check up because of our families' medical histories. Which makes it kind of scary. But I'm sure everything will be just fine.
Feels like we've been waiting FOREVER to find out! We set the appointment up 5 weeks ago and have been counting down ever since! We are just so happy to have a baby we will be excited with a boy or a girl. (Secretly I am hoping the doctor will find a second baby in there.... I would love twins!!)
Anyways, I'm still learning how to blog so you'll have to be patient with me till I figure this out. Other than accidentally erasing this post once, everything has gone pretty smooth! :)

Thursday, July 10

Baby's 1st Photo

We went to our first docotor appointment on 5/13/08 and had an ultrasound done. Everything looked good. It was fun seeing the little teddy gragham wiggle around! Here's our baby's first official photo, kind of!!