Saturday, March 29, 2014

Wakefield Farm has begun!

Today our children squealed with delight as 6 baby chicks flew into their lives!  Jessica and I have always wanted our children to experience raising little chicks and seeing them grow and make eggs.  We have no idea what we are doing, but sometimes you just have to get your little feet wet and give it a go! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Construction Zone

For those still interested...this blog will be under construction until further notice! If you haven't noticed, it hasn't been updated for a while due to computer problems, camera problems, you name it,  it's happened!! Just be patient as I update our lives from the past few years.

Friday, February 28, 2014


Over the past couple of weeks Alysson has been testing and experimenting for her science fair project. She has never done a science fair project before and wanted to really do it this year. After lots of thought and planning, she came up with the question..."M&M's...Do they melt faster in your mouth or in your hand?". She tested them in different scenarios. She would walk/run while holding in her mouth or hand. She also tested it with different temperatures (body, outside, inside, etc.). It was a big project but a lot of fun for her (and me too!) to do!
Once the experiment was complete, data collected and pictures taken, we she had to make a poster filled with all her results. She also had to compete against other 4th graders from 3 different schools in the area. Needless to say, she was very nervous. I wasn't allowed in the room that she was competing and being judged in, so Kasey and I participated in the science activities that were being held at the school. We had fun while we waited for the results!
Finally, Alysson came out.  She said that she had to present her project TWICE because the judges wanted to narrow it down between her and another student. Once the judges tallied up the scores they would announce 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners over the speakers. Soon enough they announced that Alysson had won 1st place out of all 3 schools!!! How awesome is that! The prize was $100.00!!! We are so excited for her! She really worked hard and did a great job!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012