Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Heart Breakers

Some Valentine Pics of our Sweeties

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I dare you to take a bad picture of this kid

Strike a pose!  As opposed to her twin brother, every picture of Kadence turns out fantastic.  What a cutie!
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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Did I mention he climbs?

On the couch...
The back of the chair...
The boys' computer desk...
And that's just in one day!
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Friday, February 10, 2012

The Babies' New Past Time

I have been encouraging the babies to climb the stairs for months now so I don't have to carry two squirming babies up and down the stairs.  When Kadence just learned to climb the stairs, she would climb to the landing, pick up a flip-flop and make the final ascent to the upstairs with flip-flop in hand.  Thunk!  Thunk!  Thunk!  Good luck finding a complete pair when you needed to run out quickly.  She has moved on from those early stair climbing days and now the babies have developed a low tolerance for shoes on the landing at all.  If left to their own devices, they throw all the shoes down the stairs.  If they don't make it all the way to the bottom in one throw, they go down the stairs clearing them one by one.

Every day.
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012


The babies love climbing everything.  Especially Austin.  He'll climb onto the benches in the dining room to get up to the table (or onto the table) or to get at the boys computer.  He'll climb up onto the piano bench to play the piano (or scale the piano).  He gets into his own highchair.  He'll also clear off bookshelves and climb up into them.  Kadence loves to climb, but usually makes sure she is completely safe and has a secure footing where ever she is.  If Kadence is climbing something and falls, she won't try again for days.  If Austin is climbing something and falls down, he's right back at it before the tears are dry.  I like to think of Austin as incredibly determined, but what if he's actually not very bright? 

I'll stick with determined.  He is a Gibson after all.