David's cute cousin took some pictures of our family when David graduated. These are a few of the pictures she took of Sammy. I just love his smile and funny personality.
***Warning***Warning***Warning*** Poop and piddle info coming up... stop reading if you think it is TMI!
Sammy is going to "poop school" right now. That is where you learn to poop in the potty (and piddle too). He used to want a "potty train." He didn't want to be potty trained he just wanted a potty train... you know like a train-train... like chugga chugga choo choo train. But now we are sending him to "poop school" and he is pretty excited about it. He has been struggling off and on with this for a little while. I can get him to "go" any time I put him on the toilet, but he would never tell me he needed to go. Well today, a friend of Gracie's invited her over for the day. I thought it was a perfect time to take Sammy's underwear off and see what happened. About 5 minutes later he pooped on the carpet. Lovely. This was after he had pooped in his underwear and piddle in a couple of other pairs as well as dropped his clean ones in the toilet. Wonderful day... But then he got it!!! after pooping on the carpet once he has run to the potty all by himself all afternoon when ever he needed to go (helped along by lots of caprisuns and juice and a little diareah that just happened to come along on the perfect day). We have turned a corner. I know we will still have plenty of accidents, but I am so happy that he is starting to figure it out that I could seriously throw a party... if my house didn't smell like piddle and if my little boy wasn't running around naked on the bottom. Guess we will have our own little party.