
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sammy's Plans

So, tonight, Sammy had a hard time cleaning up a mess he accidentally made.  He dropped a plate of food on the floor and his mother appropriately asked him to clean the floor.
He adamantly refused to use his hands to clean up a simple mess because he A)doesn't want to do any jobs, and B)didn't want to get his hands dirty.

AAAHHH!! Children!

A nice day in the park

As most of you already know, we've relocated!  So I've started a new job for the last year and it's been great.  The family is doing well after the coldest winter of all time, and the plagues of mosquitoes that even the 90 year olds I take care of have a hard time comparing a worse swing of seasons too.

We went out this week to the park to get some good sun, the weather has been nice now and this park is decades old in a little town near where we live.  Here are some updated pictures.  

Friday, May 30, 2014

Kids say the darndest things...

I was brushing Gracie's hair this morning when she asked me if I knew what kind of horse she wanted. I made a few guesses and after being informed I was wrong she told me the horse she wants is a girl and is seventeen hands high. I told her that seemed really big for a horse and she said, "well the average is 15-16, but I am tall and I want to be able to ride it... not like a pony or something." Then she told me her dream horse is chestnut (reddish) in color. Also, she will find it in the woods alone because it's parents will have been eaten by wolves. And she will name her Ruby. So if anyone sees any tall, red, orphaned horses around please let Gracie know. 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Birthday Boy is 2

I wanted to do a quick post with pictures of the birthday boy. Brigham Duke Keith turned 2 yesterday. On Saturday we took him to Chucky Cheese. All of the kids had a blast!

I was really really proud of how the cake turned out! I got the idea from Pinterest of course and had people stopping by our table to look at the cake the whole time we were there. I even had one guy ask me if I sold cakes and if I had a card he could get. :)

 Feeling the Chucky love!
There goes the knight riding off into the sunset with his girl behind him.
Happy Birthday Brigham!
At 2 years old Brigham is a big bundle of teasing and energy and fun. He follows me around the house everywhere I go and is constantly telling me, "I hungy" or "I wanna nack (snack)" or "I wanna treat." Seriously, this kid would eat all day if he could. He is saying more and more words his favorite things are "Choo-choos" and "Be" (Lightening McQueen... don't ask me why he calls it that). One of my favorite things that he says is "nee nee nee nee nee" any time he wants something opened. He loves to color and swing and play outside and read stories and watch "mee-moo"s (movies) and I just can't get enough of this kid. We are so lucky you are a part of our family Brigham! Your momma loves you with her whole heart!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Seneca Lake for Labor Day Weekend

David had a rare 3 day weekend last weekend and it was so fun! We had a little stay-cation and it was just so nice to be able to spend a little time as a family before school started again. We went to Seneca Lake on Saturday with our adopted grandparents that live here.
Me making sure the rugrats didn't fall into the lake.

Our uber handsome boat driver.

The cute boat driver let the kids "help" him steer the boat.

Hank. It is actually Hank and Sandy's boat, but he was more than happy to let David drive so he could relax.
Sandy. Our kids just love Hank and Sandy.

This is Brigham's I am going to be a stinker smile. And he was a stinker!!! He did NOT want me to touch him on the boat and he kept trying to climb out closer to the water. He was totally freaking me out!!!

It was such a fun day and the kids had such a good time. It really made me want a little cabin next to a lake somewhere. It was so relaxing and we played at the pool and met some of Hank and Sandy's friends for a barbecue afterwards. So so fun!

First Day of School! First Day of School!

Gracie and Sammy start school today! They are so excited. Gracie is going into 2nd grade and Sammy is starting Kindergarten. I already can't wait for them to come home and tell me all about it. :)

Benson started preschool yesterday. He had a great time and cried today when his brother and sister got on the bus and he didn't get to go to school today. Tomorrow buddy. You can go again tomorrow.
I always love the first day of school. I love going and seeing all the kids in their spiffy new duds and knowing how excited they are to go make new friends and learn new stuff. I was so excited for them I got up at 4:00 a.m. yesterday and today!  I remember loving the first day of school when I was a kid and so far my kids have been kindred spirits in that aspect. Gracie has been talking about the first day of school for over a week now and picking and re-picking which outfit she was going to wear today. Sammy even changed his mind this morning on which new outfit he was going to wear. Hahaha! Have a great day today kids! Your mama loves you!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day Julie

Every uncountable moment is consumed by your giving
From our marriage, to the birth of our youngest
                to the needs of each day
To those stormy nights I am not beside you
                and you lie awake as I work though a night
                I wish I was there each time
You give with your whole soul
                dedicated to me and our little ones
                and still seek to serve others
Finding peace in irregular patches
                rarely seeking your own comfort
                and rarely finding it
Motherhood lives in you
                it finds life and meaning in your motions
Our young ones cannot now conceive
                the wealth they in have in your influence
I cannot repay the debt I have incurred
                for multiple blessings, honors, and love that
                your eyes, voice, kisses, and touch have given
My wife
Their mother
A daughter and sister
Someday with sheaves far beyond counting
                You will smile, and be smiled upon
                By the countless
You are a mother

Happy Mothers day, Julie Girl
Love David

Friday, January 27, 2012

Gracie's 7th Birthday

A few months ago Gracie had her 7th birthday party. She wanted it to be a princess party so we sent royal invitations to all the neighboring royalty. It was a simply smashing party. The girls danced and walked with great poise (with books on their heads), searched for princess treasure, had a tea party, ate dinner and cake and icecream, opened presents, played musical chairs... the list goes on and on. It was super fun and I have to say the best part for me was listening to all of those girls giggle over girly-princessey things.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween from our lil monsters!

Happy Halloween ya weirdos!