
Showing posts from September, 2011

Parents Visit/Wedding

Thomas' last visit was overlapped by my parent's flying in for the weekend for my Uncle's wedding.  Our living room was pretty squishy with the 3 of them all sharing it for the night, but it was fun to have everyone here.  On Saturday morning we hiked 'The Incline' - 1 mile straight up (68% grade) the side of the mountain on 'steps' that used to be an incline railway - pretty intense, especially with the high altitude here.   Then we rushed home to quickly shower and get ready for the wedding.   This is the only picture I had of the bride and groom, haha!  My Dad's brother, Dale, and my new Aunt, Jean:

Uncle Thomas Comes Again!

Last month, Thomas came to visit us for the 3rd time since we moved!  Love it. :)  We went to the Garden of the Gods: The Molly Kathleen Gold Mine (1,000 ft down) - so cool! (I got in trouble for this it's all we got...) And a museum in Cripple Creek:  Our kids love "See-ums" (Museums)  Taylor was all worn out from all the fun he had with Uncle Thomas.

County Fairs in CO

David loves going to County Fairs, so we try to hit as many on summer weekends as possible.  Here are just a few pictures from this year.    Yeah - I totally did the Marines bar hang and got over the required time and got a T-shirt. :) The benefits of carrying kids around... Other than the animals, this is our favorite part - funnel cake.  (Side note - one of Taylor's costume suggestions for Halloween this year was to be a funnel cake, haha!)

More from our Life!

  Kyla found a new hang-out.  We were excited about having the DVD player behind closed doors and out of the way, but now she is more interested in playing around it than before-haha!  It's a lot easier to get in than out. :)   Tay loves reading scriptures.  He loves to play "Nephi and Lephi" and to read "all myself!"  Kyla just loves sitting on me whenever I am lying down.  I love it!  Trix are for kids!  My family never  had these as kids.  I always felt like the rabbit... SO - when I found them for super cheap at our new favorite grocery store - Extreme Bargains (discount groceries from overstocking/being close to the expiration date, etc...),  I had to get them for our kids.  As you can see, they were well-liked.  Tay loves to rock the scrunchy-face smile. Kyla loves jam.  So does Tay.  They also love this Pepperidge Farm goldfish bread we bought for super cheap guessed it...our favorite discount grocery store! It'

Cripple Creek

Colorado Springs has lots of interesting little towns surrounding it.  Recently we went to Cripple Creek and checked out a Veteran's Rally.  It was awesome. :)  The public park had an outdoor play-place.  So cool! This picture caught kyla mid blink - poor girl!