
Showing posts from May, 2011

First Visitor in C-Springs

My brother Thomas flew out to visit us for Memorial Day Weekend!  He is our first visitor after about a month here in Colorado Springs.  It was so much fun for us to have him here.  I was really missing family.  We had a very fun-filled weekend with lots of activities.  We picked Thomas up from the Denver Airport on Friday morning.  After we got home, Kyla randomly fell asleep on him.  It was so cute! On Friday night we went to Seven Falls, a waterfall made of 7 different smaller falls.  It was fun abut scary getting Tay up and down the 230+ rickety little stairs to the top of the falls.   On Saturday Thomas took us to breakfast - mmmmm!  On the way home we were following signs to a yard sale and had to pull over for an ambulance.  When we got to the sale several minutes later, it was at the house across the street - random.  Then he and David spent several hours cutting and hauling tree branches and other random yard stuff to the dump.  We went to Manitou Springs and walked around i


Yesterday Taylor got his foot caught under the door as it was swinging open.  It bled a LOT.  Poor guy.  After he got over the initial shock he kept saying sadly, "I be too closer to the door" He was very good to stay off of it most of the day as I kept reminding him if he moved around it would bleed more.  He kept saying, "I jus' need ta ree-lax!"  Cute kid.  Hopefully it will heal quickly.  It is a pretty nasty & deep cut.  Tay loves to wear this backpack he found that used to be my cousin's.  He wears it a lot: Kyla is a little daredevil always climbing up onto things and is totally unafraid of  heights.  She isn't satisifed to just sit on Daddy's shoulders...she has to stand and bounce: Such a little biter! On Sunday I couldn't get Taylor to settle down for a nap and he was really tired so I told him I'd lay down next to him for just a minute.  David came looking for me an hour later and found this: Also, for those who have been

Baby's First Birthday

Kyla turned one last week. She is still wearing 6-9 month clothes and size 2 shoes. We haven't had her 12-month check yet, but a month ago she was 26 inches and 17 lbs 10 oz. Her petite size makes it harder for me to believe she is actually 1, but then she opens that cute mouth of hers and says, "Hi Mommy!" then points to her toys and says, "baby" or "bear" and then when she gets it, she smiles and says, "Happy!" That's when I realize she REALLY is 1! She has also been saying "thank you", "pretty", "Tay Tay", "Daddy", and "Yay!" a lot. Lately she has said a lot of: "Oooh yeah!" and "Who Dat?" (I think she copied Tay on that last one.) She will copy most anything we say to her including songs. She is still so social and loves to be part of any conversation. She isn't walking yet, but stands up on her own and is very proud of herself when she does it. Favorite Toys:

6 Years!

It's our 6 year anniversary today - CRAZY!  I can't believe how fast those years went by.   It seems like just yesterday, but somehow so much has happened in our lives since then. We both definitely look 6 years older now than we did on our wedding day. (David's goatee is just a week and a half of not shaving.  I kind of like it, but he wants it off - too itchy!)   We went out to dinner to celebrate.  We had to take our kids because we don't know anyone here yet to ask to babysit for us.  We ordered Taylor the chicken fingers and fries.  He proceeded to eat all of David's broccoli and most of mine.  LOVE that boy.  Kyla spent the whole dinner twisting around in the high chair trying to get the table of people behind her to let her in on their conversation.  That girl is SO social.  Luckily they thought she was pretty cute & weren't annoyed. Happy Anniversary D!

Juris Doctorate

I am behind on posting due to the craziness of moving and graduation, but this is one I can't miss. David graduated with his Juris Doctorate from the J. Reuben Clark School of Law (BYU) just over a week ago. I am SO proud of him!!! The graduation ceremony was very nice. It has traditionally been held in the Provo Tabernacle, but was relocated to the Dejong Concert Hall in the HFAC due to the fire in the tabernacle a few months ago. It was really cool to see the whole class sitting on the stand when the curtains opened. David sang in the law school choir and also said the closing prayer. Family who came: Some of our friends we've made and will definitely miss: Anyway....Go David! Now we are living in Colorado Springs and David is studying to take the Bar Exam in Denver the last week of July.