
Showing posts from April, 2011

Far From the Home I Love

David graduates in less than 3 weeks and we are headed to Colorado Springs. He will take the Bar Exam in Denver near the end of July - STRESSFUL!!! Well, actually, getting through the home stretch of his last semester of law school is the only stress he can handle stomaching right now, but as soon as that is over he will have to bear the weight of the impending Bar Exam. (And he still manages to whip up experiments in the kitchen and help me fold the laundry... A-mazing !) Anyway, enough about my awesome husband...he'll make me delete this if I write too much... :) *** Anyway, although we are very sad about leaving our families, our cute little condo, and our student life (seriously), we are SO excited about this beautiful place: The skies in Colorado Springs are always breathtaking. The parks are beautiful and impeccably groomed: AND we are blessed to be able to be with this dear family, my uncle Dale and his boys: Most important of all, I'll be with David, and 'there wit