
Showing posts from October, 2010


Happy Halloween! I love how having little ones makes holidays so much more exciting! We had lots of Halloween fun this week. We had soup and made sugar cookies with 'Mama Cindy' on Tuesday: We went to the law school 'Trick or Treat' at the carrels on Thursday afternoon: We went to a Halloween dinner party with some of my high school friends and their families on Friday evening: I went to see a spoof on Harry Potter at the Desert Star Theater in SLC with my sister on Saturday afternoon : Taylor & Kyla hung out with Grandma (oops-didn't get a picture!) & Grandpa: He wouldn't let go of this creepy old doll for the picture, I guess it's befitting for Halloween - haha! And we got to spend time with and go Trunk-or-Treating with ALL 5 of the Dayton cousins on Saturday evening! We were so excited because the Thomas Family surprised us all and came for the weekend, so we got to spend time with all of David's siblings. It was a very fun Halloween!


Taylor is in such a cute stage and is saying lots of adorable and hilarious things as of late: *The other day as we were walking into church he tripped and fell in the grass outside the front door. As we stopped to help him up and see if he was okay he looked up at us and said, "Oh! Tackle!" This little boy loves football. :) *We live right near to BYU campus and whenever we hear the marching band or the sounds of the stadium, Taylor calls out, "Go Tougars!" He also likes to sing the fight song and do the 'rah rah rah's at the end. *His newest favorite show is Sesame Street. He loves to ask, "Who dat?" (actually he asks that about EVERYTHING) and his favorite characters are 'Elmbo' and 'Tookie Monster'. Every time he talks about Cookie Monster he has to pretend like he is gobbling up cookies - it is super cute. *While riding in the car with Grandma Cindy ('Mama Cin-dee'), she said to him, "Taylor, you are such a good b

My Champ

David was on another Intramural-Championship-Winning team at BYU (and for those of you who've watched or played Intramurals at BYU, you know this is a BIG deal!) He played on a volleyball team with some other BYU Law Students and last night they won the championship game! It was pretty intense and fun to watch. The most exciting part is getting the Intramural Championship T-shirt.

A Tooth!

Kyla's first tooth (bottom left) finally broke through yesterday, at exactly 5 months old. Taylor's first tooth came in at exactly 4 months. My babies get their teeth too fast!!! She hasn't been fussy, but definitely VERY drooly for a while. Anyway, here are a few recent pictures of our cuties: This little girl ADORES her brother. We went to the Homecoming Parade on Saturday and saw Uncle Tia & Aunt Marie and Aunt Jessie in it: We cheered for David's soon-to-be Alma Mater: Kyla fell asleep half-way through even with all of the noise: AND, I bumped into my friend Jessica who I haven't seen in 2 1/2 years!!! BYU actually won the game too, so that was a definite plus for us. It's been a pretty disappointing season for our last year here.