
Showing posts from September, 2010

Better Late Than Never!

I know, I know! I am WAY behind in blogging. Life has been crazy (even more so than normal) the last month and a half and I completely slacked on updating our blog. I'll have to do some posts soon that are back-dated because we did quite a few fun 'summer-y' things in the 2 weeks after David came home and before his 3rd year of Law School began. The biggest news as of late is that we moved from South Jordan back down to our beloved condo in Provo. We lived here for 3 years before and we definitely feel like we have come back home. :) It's the worst when you're right in the middle of moving and everything is in disarray and it feels like you'll never be settled: I think Tay's face says it all: But now we are happily settled back in Provo: Cheering on the BYU cougars as always: I am busy being a mommy of 2: Plus working quite a bit too: David is ridiculously busy with law school this year: But is definitely enjoying his last year as well: