
Showing posts from April, 2008

My 23rd B-Day

I turned 23 last week, so this post is a little late, but I had a great birthday thanks to my wonderful husband, family, and in-laws. *** My birthday was on a Sunday and we don't have church until 1, so I got to sleep in and then David made me a lovely breakfast of bacon and french toast with whipped cream and strawberries. It was delicious! After church, we went up to SJ to see my family. My mother made a fabulous dinner - chicken cordon bleu, mashed potatoes, spinach salad, fresh strawberries, homemade rolls...all of my favorites! (And luckily I didn't know about the 'borderline' gestational diabetes yet - so I could eat all of it!) Then we opened presents - my main present from my mom was the stroller/carseat for baby Taylor-yay! The boys got tired and fell asleep after the whole 5 minutes of unwrapping presents. :) Then we had some cheesecake - also one of my favorites. I always have cheesecake on my birthday because I don't really love cake that much, and my si

Our "visit" to Labor & Delivery

So, I've had the braxton hicks contractions for a while now, but they have always been random and really spaced apart. This last weekend on Friday night, I laid down on the couch and started noticing that I was having them really frequently. I didn't really think it was that big of a deal and figured they'd go away after I'd relaxed for a while. Well, they were still going when I woke up on Saturday morning. I had a fairly easy day and wasn't doing any major physical activity, so by evening when they were still going and I really started aching in my stomach and hurting in my lower back I got kind of worried. I laid down for a while and we timed them and they were literally four minutes apart. I really didn't want to call the OB after-hours line because I felt like I was probably just being paranoid, but David made me. :) The doctor called me back immediately and told me that if they were closer than 10 minutes apart that I should definitely go in to Labor &

A Good Day

Yesterday was a good day. I went to lunch with my friends from work, several of them have already left the Health Center, so it was fun to catch up with them. We are all going in different directions soon - it is fun to move on with life, but sad to leave friends. After work, David and I went and visited his cousin, Lisa, and her husband, Adam, and their brand-new 6 day-old baby boy, Steven. He was absolutely adorable! It makes me soooo incredibly excited to have Taylor here in just 10 weeks. We can't wait to be parents!

Pictures from the Past Week

Here are some pictures of some things we've done/seen the past week or so: We saw a brand new baby colt when driving from my parent's house to IKEA - so sweet! David's cousin and family visited Utah and we got to spend a little bit of time with them and their cute kids. I watched while David played lots of basketball. :) I tried to play soccer - it doesn't work so great when you are 7 months pregnant. :) We went to a baby blessing. (The baby -Mateah- belongs to David's friend from High School, Joe Pututau.) We fed David's family's horses.

Law School Update

The J.Reuben Clark School of Law (BYU) Well, we've officially put down our deposit for BYU's law school. It was a rough decision for David because he had some scholarships from several better-ranked schools, but none that really have a good Slavic base to their International Law programs. The hardest school to turn down was Washington in St. Louis (located in Missouri.) They are ranked 19th, and they gave him a scholarship and also flew him out there and were very nice and welcoming. However, they emphasize in East Asian studies with their International Law program - something that really doesn't interest David. Washington University's Law School - it is breathtakingly beautiful!!! A room in Washington University's Library - wow!!! Another view of Washington's Law School. So we figured that of the schools he's been accepted to - BYU has lots of connections (through the church) with law programs all over the world, plus they have a great undergrad program