Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::
1. Marcus changes his mind every day about what he wants to be for 
Halloween. I finally just bought him a ninja turtle costume and said
here is your costume. He loves it.
2. He asked me the other day "What costume are you going to wear on Halloween"
mom and I said I don't really like dressing up for Halloween. He just sat there
looking sad.
3. He finished up soccer and loved it! He didn't score a goal
but he did kick the ball a lot more and loved being part of a team.
4. Every once in a while he will say that Santa is coming and
bringing him a certain toy. I'm really excited for Christmas to see all
the joy and happiness on his face as we celebrate the season.
5. He told me this morning as I was getting ready for church "you are pretty mom". It
melted my heart and I told him he should always tell the girls that they are pretty.

:: Lucy::

1. She has 3 freckles on her nose that popped out this week. She is
getting older every day.
2. Every time she is in the bath and we wash her she giggles and giggles when
we wash behind her ears. I love to hear it so I do it for a few minutes.
3. She continues to dance anytime she hears a beat.
4. She asks for her binky at least 10 times a day and now that her teeth
have all cut through I don't give in. She only has it when she sleeps. She throws the biggest fits though.
5. She loves to say "pretty" after I do her hair and then she touches
mine and says "pretty".
6. She has to have a blanket on her back when she is rocked to sleep. It's
her queen cape. She usually walks around all day with it around her back.