Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. Marcus is growing up right before our eyes. When we went to the
part with cousin Jack and Brooklyn instead of wanting to ride in the swings he wanted
to push Lucy and Jack, he was so sweet.
2. I asked him what he learned in primary today and he said "we learned about
the spirit, the spirit makes you strong". Not sure what that means but he was cute when he said it.
3. We are working on him saying his "s's". It doesn't come easy for him
and he has to think about before he says it. I'm constantly reminding him to say the "s" at the
end of the word "this". He is working so hard on talking.
4. We moved his room around this week so we could make a reading
corner for him, like Lucy's room. He loves it and reads in there every day by himself.
5. He is really onry when he wakes up from his naps. He still naps from
2-3ish on the couch watching his "preschool prep" DVD's.

:: Lucy ::

1. Lucy is a giggler. She will giggle and get excited about
the littlest things. She will giggle when I hold up her blankie to her, when
I give her some juice, when she sees her dolly, etc. She will giggle and it brings a smile to my face.
2. She got her first professional hair cut this last week. (my mom has trimmed it a few times) She
held so still and was even better when she had it braided. She looked so darling
and so grown up with it braided (now if only I could do it braided).
3. While Marcus was away at Father's and Sons she had the best
time playing with her toys and running around the house without Marcus chasing and
taking her things away. She didn't cry once.
4. She loves to play dress-up and put on my cleaning gloves and hats
and go around the house cleaning and pushing her dolls.
5. She loves her reading corner and will put all of her blankets and
stuffed animals in the corner while she reads.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. He has been coming up to dave or I and saying "mom told me I 
could ________". Sometimes it's true and sometimes it's not.
2. He has seen his two aunt's who are pregnant 
and says he wants a baby in his tummy.
3. His primary teachers say he volunteers to do anything which is so surprising 
because he has never wanted to be in front of the group.
4. He says "uh uh" so cute with this high pitch to it and then he shakes his head up and down.
5. He still loves to eat bananas and nutella. He would have 4-5 if
I let him but I tell him one per day.
6. He found Dave's superman lunchbox and insisted on eating lunch
out of it outside. He even found a second superman lunchbox that Dave had and 
had lucy eat her lunch out of it. They had their own picnic outside.

:: Lucy ::

1. Lucy loves to dress up. I got the dress up stuff down and
she wanted to wear the superman cape and this pink scarf. She got so mad
when I took it off her at night.
2. Her vocabulary has taken off, she loves to say "Me, me ,me", "dee" for candy,
eyes, ears, nose, mouth. She also says hi to everyone.
3. She has become the pickiest eater this week. She only
wants candy and sugar. We have created a monster.
4. She would watch TV all day if I let her. I really have to limit what she watches.
5. She can entertain herself really well. I think she will be
so happy when she gets playtime to herself while Marcus is at pre-school.