Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. Water balloons have become his new obsession. Ever since we
found the amazing new toy that pumps them up and ties them.
2. He has started calling Dave by his name "Dave" instead of saying dad. It's funny
but then we have to correct him.
3. He likes to whisper secrets to Dave and I. He tells us
that he loves us, that is his secret.
4. He is loving the horse therapy that his speech therapy has
started with him. He especially loves to ride fast on the horse.
5. He hasn't been sleeping very well lately. We are not sure
why but he wakes up 2-3 times a night. We are hoping it is just a phase.
6. He loves to play peek-a-boo with Lucy under the table, when they
are eating.

:: Lucy ::

1. Lucy is very afraid of fly's. Anytime there is one in our house
she starts screaming and jumping around.
2. She is a dancer. Anytime music comes on she starts moving her body
and moving around.
3. She has started imitating us when we say certain words. Her favorite
word right now is "go".
4. She loves wearing her rain boots and splashing through the
puddles. She would stay out there in the rain for hours!
5. She is a momma's girl. She loves to cuddle with
me and doesn't go to Dave very often. I love every minute of it!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Family BBQ

Our favorite place to be during the summer is our backyard. We invited the Randall family over for a fun summer BBQ. The kids love jumping on the tramp (that's the best thing we have bought for our backyard) and everyone fights to sit on the porch swing. Yummy food and fun conversation!

Monday, June 16, 2014

A visit to the aquarium

Dave has been volunteering for Unite since he became a real estate agent with Newmark Grubb. Every year they have an annual family event and this year it was at the aquarium. The kids had never been there before and they loved exploring! A favorite place was in the dining area where we had dinner. They had a huge window into the big fish tank so they just stood there and watched the big fish swim by.

The whale's are always fun for pictures even if you can't see a real one.

Marcus loved the penguins but wouldn't hold still long enough to get a good picture.

They had this cool bridge to cross. Daddy was such a good sport and did it with both kids even though it was wobbly.

The birds were mommy's favorite. They were beautiful and there were so many of them. Thanks United Way!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. Marcus is obsessed with Curious George. He constantly
wants to watch it. I have to really limit his TV time otherwise he would watch it all day long.
2. The other thing he constantly wants to do is jump on the trampoline. He
doesn't like to do it alone. Even if it's cold outside he wants to jump. (After having
2 kids my bladder is not as strong as it used to be).
3.  His new thing is to say "Uh - huh" but not with the right tone - it's really cute.
4. He is getting ready to start his first summer away from school and
I can tell he is excited to be home all day.
5. His favorite toy right now is playing with lego's and his lego table.

:: Lucy ::

1. When Lucy walks she swings her left arm, not both, just her left one.
2. Every time she walks into our room and see's Toby's bed, she
runs right for it and just throws herself on it. She gets Toby hair everywhere unless
I remember to turn it over before she lays on it.
3. After she wakes up from her nap she loves
to snuggle and then read book after book.
4. Her favorite new thing to do is wear her helmet and
have me push her on her bike. She cries and cries when we put her bike
in the garage.
5. Luckily her eczema has gone away. We still wash her with special
eczema body wash and use eczema lotion every day.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Bear Lake Family Reunion

The Randall family reunion this year was at Bear Lake. My parents used their timeshare to get a condo by the lake. The kids loved the sand, especially Lucy. Marcus loved the swimming pool and slide. He would go down it over and over without blinking an eye. Marcus tried mini golf for the first time, he just ended up putting the ball in the hole. We spent most of our time on the lake and 4-wheeling. The kids loved going up in the mountains. We were able to find a small pond where they could throw some rocks. Dave and I brought up our bikes and bike trailer and tried to take a bike ride. It didn't work out and ended up being too windy and the kids hated it. Overall the trip was so fun and the kids loved playing with their cousins!