Saturday, March 29, 2014

BYU Spring Scrimmage

Since Marcus has started to love anything BYU (because I brainwash him :) I thought it would be fun to go to the Spring BYU Scrimmage. It's not very long and with Marcus's attention span it worked out perfect! We got all dressed up in our BYU gear and met grandma and grandpa Randall at the stadium. It got me really excited for fall football to start! The bookstore at the stadium was having a huge sale so we bought some BYU gear and a stuffed animal for little Lucy. That entertained her the whole game. Marcus loved watching the team play. I think it might be a yearly tradition since our kids are too small to go to a regular football game.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


After Brynnley's birthday party I thought it might be good to sign Marcus up for a community gymnastics class. A friend recommended the one in Riverton, which was not that close but it was affordable and not too long. He did like it but had a hard time doing what they asked. He really like the rings and doing somersaults.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. He loves watching "Frozen" and he will sing one or two lines
from the first song, this is big because Marcus does not sing - ever!
2. Marcus got to meet one of his favorite characters from
TV this week - Daniel Tiger!
3. He will say "I love you" but only when you say it
first and he will always say "Love you too".
4. No matter where you go he always wants a kiss and
a hug before you go out the front door.
5. Have I mentioned that he still isn't potty trained at night. We need
help with this one!

:: Lucy ::

1. Lucy has cut 4 teeth this week! Two molars and two eye teeth.
2. She is mesmerized by the movie "Frozen".
3. She LOVES bubbles! She will see them in the cupboard and
says "babababa" and starts blowing.
4. We changed car seats this week - she inherited Marcus's old car seat which
means she now faces forward and she loves it!
5. She has been extremely clingy this week. Because of the teething.
6. She started getting a bad rash on her chest which spread to
her back. We think it's ecxema.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Daniel Tiger

We all were watching TV one night and I was looking at facebook, scrolling through the boring yet interesting posts. I had started following "Danier Tiger's Neighborhood" to get the free printables for Marcus. He LOVES this show and I like it too because it teaches him about feelings. So as I'm looking through facebook I see an update from Daniel Tiger that says he will be coming to the Salt Lake County Library. I start screaming and telling Marcus that Daniel Tiger is coming! He got so excited and ran to the upstairs door and waited. He started crying when we told him Daniel Tiger wasn't coming to our house but to the library in a few weeks. I shouldn't have said anything and now I've learned my lesson to keep my mouth shut and not tell Marcus about anything until right before.

The day finally came when Daniel Tiger was coming to the library. Marcus could hardly contain himself. When he saw him he was in shock. He wasn't scared he just stared at him. He finally warmed up to him and gave him a big hug. I think he was bigger than what Marcus thought he would be. On TV he is so small but in real life he is REALLY big! Marcus's friend Lucas and his family met us there. Lucas also loves Daniel Tiger. Mabel joined us a little later but was also so excited to see Daniel Tiger. Marcus enjoyed being with his friends Lucas and Mabel and finally meeting Daniel Tiger!

They got all sorts of fun stuff like masks, a little box to put a kitty stuffed animal in, and a trolley to color and cut out.

Lucy wasn't that into it. She really loved splashing in the water outside of the library.

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patricks Day

I love making a big deal out of St. Patricks Day because it's the only way to get through Spring. Plus with Dave being from Irish descent it's fun to say we are Irish. I made Irish Stew and then we had shamrock shakes.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. Marcus had his first play date this week. The neighbor's behind us
have a little girl named Sarah who is 6 and Marcus loves talking with her
through the fence. She came over and they had so much fun all afternoon.
2. We went to the library and Lucy was walking all over
taking books off the display. I was checking the books out so i asked
Marcus to help put the books back and help Lucy. He was so great to help out
and to control Lucy he started holding her hand. After that he has wanted to
hold her hand when she walks anywhere.
3. Marcus's favorite sentence right now is "I don't want to".
4. He has a weekly chore chart which has been motivating
him to help around the house. He earned a Daniel Tiger toy and he absolutely loves it.
He tucked Daniel Tiger into his bed last night.
5. Whenever he gets in trouble and sent to timeout he immediately
starts saying "sorry lucy, sorry lucy", even if it didn't have anything to do with Lucy.

:: Lucy ::

1. She is becoming a professional walker.  She can walk so fast now
anywhere she wants. She spends half the day walking around the house.
2. She is talking all the time and loves to try and imitate what I am saying. We can't
understand a lot of it but she can say "ball" and "dog" we think.
3. She is the best cuddler! She is a mama's girl so she will cuddle
with me whenever I want.
4. For some reason she has become afraid of the ceiling and
being lifted up close to it. She grabs onto you so tight if you start lifting her up.
5. She has two bottom teeth that will be starting to come out soon. We
just started brushing her teeth - are we late or early?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. Marcus has a friend in our neighborhood that he only
gets to play with through the fence - Sarah. Marcus loves to hand her things
through the fence. (we will get him over to play soon).
2. We started gymnastics this week and he loved it. It took about 10
minutes for him to warm up to it. We are hoping it helps him with his
balance and overall coordination of his body movements.
3. He is really progressing with his ABC's and numbers. 
4. He is loving his chore chart that he is doing to earn slurpees. He now
makes his bed on his own.
5. He found a Curious George Seek n' Find book at the library
and he loves it.

:: Lucy ::
1. I love seeing her personality come out each day. She has the funniest facial expressions
and reacts so sweetly to different situations.
2. She is a pro using a fork and spoon!
3. She is starting to get frustrated if something does go her way
or she can't do something. Her head shakes when she tries to open something
and she grits her teeth.
4. She is a cuddler and loves carrying her blankie around.
5. I still can't get her off the bottle - I need some help.
6. She won't sit in the cart at any store.