Thursday, February 27, 2014

Early Spring

February was so warm this year. Warm enough that we put on our jackets and went outside. I couldn't believe we were outside playing on the grass in February. The kids loved it and it was a nice break from the winter.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friday nights

On Friday nights we have tried to start a tradition of Pizza and movie night. The winter months are long when you can't go outside so we stay inside and make pizza and try to watch a movie :)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. He asks every time we listen to music if we can listen to "lucy's song", which
is "Lucy is in the sky with diamond's".
2. He is becoming so independent and is getting
dressed all by himself. He still can't do buttons but he will do his shoes and socks
3. He has taken a nap on the couch every day this week. Around 2 I put
on TV the "Preschool Prep" DVD's and within about 20 minutes he is asleep.
4. He had a great conversation with Dave on Valentine's day about
some of the girls in his pre-school class. They got in trouble and he told dave all about it.
5. He loves to practice riding his bike (this week has been so warm outside) so that 
we can get him a new one.
6. He has done so well transitioning to Primary. The first couple of weeks
were hard for him but now he loves it!

:: Lucy ::

1. Lucy loves to eat with a fork and a spoon! She can eat a whole bowl 
of cereal by herself. She is so independent.
2. She is walking more and more each day, even though she hates it.
3. She has struggled with her naps this week. She goes down about 1, right after
lunch but some days doesn't fall asleep until 2:30.
4. She loves to jump on the trampoline in our family room.
5. This morning she took a car in each hand and pushed them
on the floor as she made the "vroom" noise with her mouth. It was adorable.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day

With kids it's fun to celebrate V-Day and tell them about love and how we can all love each other. :) I picked out a few presents for the day and Marcus loved passing out Valentine's at pre-school. They each got a fun tumbler cup (which they both ended up dropping and they cracked - waste of money) and then Marcus got a doctor kit and lucy got a book.

We had our traditional Randall Valentine's breakfast of heart toast and eggs.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. Marcus loves to watch curious George. He saw one episode where George
builds a robot. He wanted to build one too!
2.  Marcus is getting really tall. He can reach things on our dressers and
he just started to drag the chair over to cupboards and gets whatever he wanted out of it.
3. If I give Lucy a compliment Marcus wants
the exact same compliment. It's so cute.
4. He learned that you say "Bless You" after someone sneezes, now he loves
to say it when Lucy sneezes. When he sneezes he says "bless you me".
5. The other night he said "Lucy is cute", "mom is cute", "toby is cute",
"marcus is cute". When Dave asked if he was cute he said "no" and shook his head.
6. He has really been into taking selfies on my phone - he takes some good ones.

:: Lucy ::

1. She started walking about a week ago but still hates it. She still
crawls everywhere unless I make her walk.
2. Whenever I tell her anything is hot she immediately starts
blowing and then smiles because she is so proud of herself.
3. She absolutely HATES it when Marcus takes a toy
from her. She starts screaming and yelling.
4. Whenever she hears music - a store, at our house, or the car - she starts dancing.
5. She cut a tooth and another one is on it's way. She hasn't slept
real well but she has been relatively happy for cutting teeth.
6. She has learned to give big bear hugs as she spreads her arms big.
7. She loves when I do her hair and she will hold
still as long as she is sitting on the bathroom counter with toys to play with.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

A day at the BYU

We took Marcus down to BYU for the day. With Lucy taking a lot of our time and attention we thought he would like one-on-one time with mommy and daddy. We first went to the BYU bookstore where he got to pick out a few fun BYU things. He found a magnet that he liked and we picked out a fun sticker for our new van. He also got to pick out a BYU tie which he loves. We then headed over to the BYU creamery, even though Marcus doesn't like ice cream. He was pretty good while we waited for our food but of course didn't eat much.

We had some time to kill before the BYU basketball game started so we went over to the mall and played a few video games and walked around. We saw this cool picture booth and decided to document the day in a fun way. I love the first picture of Marcus, he looks so happy!

We then headed over to the BYU basketball game. We had gone to a game a few weeks before and Marcus had asked every day when we could go to another one. We had nosebleed seats but Marcus loved it! Daddy got sick about half way through so we had to leave early.

Gymnastic's Birthday Party

We had a great time at cousin Brynnley's birthday party held at Gymcats. Too bad we don't live closer to Gymcats so Marcus could take gymnastics there. I think we might start him in gymnastics at a community recreation center.

Brynnley loved the minnie necklace we gave her and it matched her leotard perfectly!