Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We had Thanksgiving this year down at my parents house in Fairview. We went down the day before and stayed overnight. We had a great time being with family and only had a few mishaps :) My dad stepped in the apple pie that was cooling outside, then my mom started a towel on fire that was too close to a burner. We all laughed about it afterwards.

We all went around the table and said what we were thankful for. There were things said like: Prayer, Family, Each other, Amazon, being able to serve.

We ended the day by throwing the table settings off the balcony - I think it's a new tradition.

After everyone left Grandma Randall got out the christmas tree and Marcus helped decorate it. We stayed the night and left he next day to put up our own Christmas decorations.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Lucy's 1st haircut

Lucy has the same hair as marcus and it was growing into her eyes. My mom offered to trim it up. I was so sad when she mentioned it but knew her hair needed a trim to get it evened up as it grows out. She did great and looks so adorable with her hair trimmed!



Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. His new favorite show is Curious George. He gets excited and
starts moving around when it gets exciting in the show.
2. We have not had much luck with potty training
at night so we started using pull-ups which has been great. He wakes
up dry now.
3. He LOVES coloring! He hasn't liked it up until now
and he also holds his crayon right!
4. His favorite book right now is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear".
5. He has finally started eating breakfast - frosted mini-wheats and sunny side eggs.

:: Lucy ::

1. She loves to eat meat! Her favorite is ham and cheese for lunch.
2. We started to add a little whole milk to her bottle
to start transitioning her to milk from formula.
3. Her hair is growing so fast, I don't want to cut it but it
is in her eyes.
4. She loves to put things in containers, she will do it all day long.
5. She has no intention of walking anytime soon. She cruises
along furniture and will walk if you are holding both of her hands but won't
take a step by herself. She can stand for 5 seconds by herself.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

11 Months :: Lucy

Lucy is our girly girl. She loves stuffed animals, dolls, and cuddling with her blankets. It's amazing to see the difference between girls and boys. Lucy has so much personality and charm. She gets really shy when someone looks at her. She puts her head down on my shoulder and turns away. It's the cutest thing. She is a cheeser when she smiles or grins - you can't help but smile when she cheeses at you. She is a great eater, eats all table food now. She also will drink from her sippy cup. She is on formula and looks like it will be difficult to wean her from the bottle, we will see. She did drop her morning nap, which was a huge shock to me. Marcus took two naps until 18 months so 11 months seemed really early but once she took just one in the afternoon things were so much better. She was fighting both and now she takes one nap 3-4 hours. She still sleeps great at night 8-9 hours straight. She has been a better sleeper than her brother. She still only has 2 teeth, maybe for Christmas she will get her two front teeth. We haven't had any constipation problems with her like we did with Marcus and I think she will transition great to whole milk. I love walking into her room every time she wakes up, she is always standing up waiting for me with the biggest smile on her face.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. He hit his head the other day when we were doing yard work
outside and a few days later this huge goose egg showed up.
2. He has been obsessed with stacking blocks, he wants to do it all day long
3. He has another favorite show - Curious George. It's nice he
has another show he likes to watch.
4. He probably eats 2-3 bananas a day right now - loves them.
5.  He loves to hold his fingers for Lucy to hold onto when she practices her walking.
6. He loves to wear the same clothes as dad.

:: Lucy ::

1. She can crawl up the stairs, we are still working on going down.
2. She would live in the bathtub if we let her.
3. She babbles all day long - she loves to say "oh" and keep her
mouth in the shape of an "o" - it's adorable.
4. She has finally gotten over her cold and hopefully sleeping through the night again.
5. She has the hardest time going down for her afternoon nap - like an hour to
finally fall asleep. I hate when she gets sick and it messes up her naps.