Sunday, April 28, 2013

South Jordan Gale Center

We decided to take a field trip to a place we had heard from family that was fun - the South Jordan Gale Center. It's more of a museum but they had some great interactive places for Marcus. Lucy didn't like it much because she was in her car seat, therefore we didn't stay long. Here are some pictures of the fun we had.

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. We did some yard work on saturday and being the typical boy
Marcus was throwing the dirt in our garden everywhere. He was covered in it. (The only
picture Dave got of him is so weird looking)
2. His eyes are changing colors, they used to be really blue
and now they are blue - green (hazel). It secretly makes me happy!
3. He cried when I dropped him off at nursery again this week. After about
2 minutes he is just fine.
4. We bought Marcus a play vacuum and as predicted he loves it. I tried looking
at D.I and Kid to Kid and finally found the perfect one at Toys r' us. He pushes
it around all over the house.
5. We had Marcus' transition meeting with the school district to set
up his testing for pre-school. I hope he qualifies so he can get more help with his
speech. He is doing a lot better but could use more help.
6. Marcus LOVES oreo's. But what kid doesn't. Every night
he is able to have 2 for a snack, and he always has to dip them in milk.

:: Lucy ::

1. Lucy is starting to grab on to Sophie, the toy. She shoves it in her
mouth and drools all over it.
2.  She has been so hungry lately, eating a lot more than she normally
does. This makes it hard with nursing.
3. She loves to jabber all day long and she has the cutest little
4. She is still the happiest baby in the morning, she did not get that from me.
5. Her favorite toy is my hair, even though I have cut it, she
still loves to grab on.

 These pictures just stop my heart, I  can't believe how darn cute she is!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lucy :: 4 months

I know everyone says that kids grow fast but I can't believe how fast Lucy is growing. I can't even keep up with these posts (she turns 5 months next week). Lucy continues to be a dream baby. She is starting to move around more and grabbing at more toys. She puts up a lot with her older brother and still cries a lot when he tries to play with her. She is so very sensitive and it warms my heart that she is such a girly girl. I can be holding her and making her smile when marcus will yell or scream and she will automatically look scared. She loves to be held and hates to be on her toy mat. She will also just sit in her bouncer chewing on "sophie". That is her new favorite toy right now. 

Lucy still sleeps through the night 8 pm - 8 am. I still can't believe she sleeps that long at night. She hasn't woken up in the night for a the last few months. She wakes up so happy and smiles so big when I go in to get her from her crib.  She is starting to smile at Marcus when he smiles at her, it's the cutest thing. 

At her doctor's appointment I told our pediatrician that she never seems full after I feed her and he recommended starting rice cereal. I was so sad because she is growing up way too fast.

Here are her stats from her 4 month appointment:

Length: 25 inches - 75th percentile
Weight: 13.2 pounds - 50th percentile
Head: 41 - 50th percentile

 Yes she is flipping me off

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1.We were trying to grow out Marcus's hair and wanted 
to just trim it up around his ears and in the back. He moved when
dave had the trimmer and we had to just buzz his head. (I was so sad, but it grows
fast so I was ok)
2. Regarding his speech therapy, Marcus is talking a lot more and
is doing so well. Dave and I know mostly what he is saying
and it's good to see improvement and progression.
3. Marcus loves to clap when we get excited that Lucy pooped (she has
been constipated), it's hilarious because he gets so excited.
4. Have I mentioned that this kid is addicted to orange juice. Since we have
taken his binky away his juice has kind of become his binky. I guess it's
ok for him to have a lot of orange juice. (I try to get him to drink
water before he drinks his juice)
5. I took a picture of his nightstand because each night there is
usually a few cars, his batman bike and his buzz coin bank. Such a boy.
6. He loves to go really really high in his swing - this kid is fearless and I think 
would love all the dizzy rides at Lagoon.
7. This week Marcus has been obsessed with playing his new
"Memory" game that Grandma Kelly gave him. He is
really good at it and remembers where the matches are better
than I do.

:: Lucy ::

1. Lucy is a mover, meaning she does not like to be swaddled anymore. She would
constantly get out and then be cold. So we don't swaddle her anymore and she is doing
amazing and sleeps great! (Marcus made it to 7 months before he was not swaddled during
naps or at night)
2. Lucy has been constipated this week and didn't poop for about 5 days. We
started her on the white grape juice mixture (1 ounce) and it worked like a charm.
3. She still prefers to be held than be in her swing. I do put her on the floor more than
in her swing because I'm hoping it will help her to roll over.
4.  We went back to church this past Sunday for all 3 hours (it has been since Christmas
that all of us have been to church for all 3 hours). Lucy was a dream and just slept. I loved
just holding her (I don't hold her when she naps anymore) even though my arm
was so tired.
5. She is starting to get the chubbiest thighs and from the following pictures you can see her
adorable chubby cheeks. I kiss them constantly all day long!
6. Lucy had her first swing ride on Sunday outside. She didn't have
that much of a reaction, but Marcus loved pushing her in the swing.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. Marcus is becoming such a good helper with Lucy. Right now he helps
me get her down for her naps by playing with his cars while I get her diaper changed
and then when I start rocking her he goes out to the hall and closes the door (he knows
I need it quiet when I rock her to sleep)
2. Bedtime has been such a challenge lately, he is the world's best doddler and
he gets really onry at night. I know it's normal but it's also really annoying.
3. This week his favorite toys are cars, he always is carrying at least 2
cars around. It's so cute.
4.We are trying to grow his hair out so it looks really scraggly right now, but
we are tired of it short.
5. He stopped eating breakfast this past week, I don't know what
it is but he won't eat anything. He doesn't even like sugared cereal anymore.
6. He discovered a puddle on our front sidewalk and took advantage of it.

:: Lucy ::

1. She still sleeps in her "swaddle me" blanket and usually has her head
 laid down on the left side of her crib.
2. I spoke too soon with her sleeping from 8-8, she now gets up around 3 or 4 and 
wants to eat :( but I can't complain.
3.She is so close to rolling over, she is usually on her side when
she is on her tummy mat.
4. She likes to have her hand in a fist up by her head when
she is tired and nursing.
5. She is a morning baby, she is nothing but smiles all morning long!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Random pictures of Lucy

I love taking pictures on my phone of little Lucy. I took a lot more pictures of Marcus when he was little because I had more time and he was the only child I was taking care of. So here are some random pictures of Lucy that I want to post for the blog book :)