Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Halloween day was so much fun! I made a cute shirt for Marcus with bats that he loved wearing! Then we went trick-or-treating at dave's office. He loved every second of it! We also took him trick-or-treating around the neighborhood in our ward to a few houses to get some candy for Marcus and then came home to our trick-or-treaters. Marcus loved to answer the door when the kids came up and he also loved spreading out his candy.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I never blog about Toby anymore even though we consider him part of the family. I took some cute pictures of him so I thought I would post them. He is growing older because he is getting gray hair around his mouth, but he is still healthy and a fun dog to play with.

Halloween costumes

We had a few costumes this year, thanks to dave. I had big plans to make Willy Wonka theme costumes with marcus as a oompa loompa but being 7 months pregnant I knew I didn't have the energy or the time. Plus Marcus is really into Toy Story so I talked Dave into being Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head and Marcus buzz lightyear. One of my friends in the ward said we could borrow her costumes that they wore last year that were Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. I was so relieved. So then when our neighborhood had a fun Halloween party I was set to wear our potato head costumes but Dave wanted to wear something different. He loves halloween and dressing up. So we decided to do the bun in the oven because of my big belly. Overall it was a great halloween with great costumes.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Kelly Family Halloween Party

We hosted the Kelly Family Halloween Party this year and had a great time. We wore our costumes of Mr and Mrs Potato Head (which we borrowed from a neighbor because I am too tired to make some) and Marcus was Buzz Lightyear. His cousin, Caleb, was also buzz, they had fun playing on the swing set together.

5 Years

Dave and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on September 27, 2012. Normally your 5, 10 and 15 are big deals and this one was a little different. We knew with the baby coming that we were not going to do anything big but we did make dinner plans. All day long it was fun to think about our wedding day and what has happened in the last 5 years. Dave's Aunt Karen passed away unexpectedly the night of our anniversary and our thoughts were with his family. We did get a chance to watch our wedding video and eat Cafe Rio. Maybe we will plan to start saving for our 10 year, but probably not. Whether we do something big or not, it's still fun to celebrate the happiest day of my life. Thanks cutie, I love you!

 This picture is from the BYU game after our anniversary but it's still a cute one of us together

Carving Pumpkins

When we picked out our pumpkins we didn't realize how many we were getting. Dave loves carving pumpkins and I like it when it's done. I wanted to more see what marcus thought about it. We found a cool buzz carving for his pumpkin and I chose tigger. Dave chose Animal from the muppets. They all turned out great and Marcus loved carving like his daddy. I was a little nervous with the knife but it was dull and he just stuck it in the pumpkin in the same place.

 Marcus was so excited to stab a sugar cookie!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday Snippets

1. Marcus is learning his numbers and his favorite is the number two, he
says it for everything. Anytime he wants something he will say what he wants and then hold up his 
pointer finger and say "two".
2. He is very particular about what binky he has, he thinks
they are different so it will take him a few minutes to look through them
to find the right one or the right color. (with our little girl i will
do the binky thing different, I think).
3. He has learned what "i'm sorry" means, when he gets in trouble and has to
say i'm sorry he will give us hugs, it's cute until he hugs you and
then wacks you only to give you another hug. We have tried explaining
that you can give hugs whenever you want without hitting.
4. The other morning he wanted to go through the tupperware cupboard
and I was too tired to say no so i let him make a mess. He loves to stack things.
5. His favorite halloween candy is smarties.
6. His nose finally stopped running, we are not sure if the tooth
popped out or not but he is back to sleeping and not being as cranky.
7. This morning he waned to go outside and have a popsicle, so I let him. It was 50 degrees and 
he was sucking on his popsicle on the swing set. Winter is going to be hard.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

::32 Birthday::

These were not the flowers that Dave brought home (i'm sorry, I forgot to get pictures of the ones Dave bought me) but these flowers have a funny story. A delivery man came to my door with these flowers and balloon and I thought how sweet dave was. Then the delivery man asked if I could hold onto these for my next door neighbor because she wasn't home. I was surprised because  I wasn't expecting him to say that and I didn't know my neighbor had the same birthday as me. So I enjoyed my neighbor's flowers and balloon for the day and then when she came to pick them up I said Happy Birthday and told her how fun it was to share her birthday)

I had a great birthday that I got to spend with Marcus. We went to Target to get a few things but also had lunch. Marcus loved his slurpee with his fun straw. I did some sewing during Marcus's nap and talked to my parents and a few friends. Dave brought home chinese food and then after Marcus went to bed Dave and I relaxed. Dave bought me a beautiful picture of the Salt Lake Temple and some beautiful flowers. I know 32 will be treating me well because of our little girl being born and our little family growing so fast!

Kelly Family Pictures 2012

It's been 4 years since we had Kelly Family Pictures, so I was excited that the pictures turned out and we finally got everyone together! Thanks Kelly family for indulging me in our family pictures, they turned our great!

Randall Family Halloween Party

My family had a fun halloween party planned at my sister Tresa's house. She always makes the most amazing donuts! Dave and I were the only adults dressed up this year but that's ok. All our cute nieces and nephews looked great in their costumes. Marcus loves playing outside on the tramp with his nieces and nephews and he loved the donuts! We missed my little brother Jarom and my mom and dad but we still had a great time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

30 weeks baby bump

I'm now seeing my doctor every two weeks, which is a lot for me right now. I take Marcus because the appointments are so quick and easy. He has been fairly good to just sit in the chair while the doctor measures my tummy and listens for the heart beat. I'm still measuring right on schedule and the heart beat was 160. I've noticed this week i am starting to get more tired. The beginning and end I am exhausted. Plus Marcus just keeps me going and going. Baby sister is very very active and loves when there is music playing. It's getting harder to have Marcus sit  in my lap because my belly is growing. We do the best that we can.

I have moments where I am totally ready to have this little girl and then I remember all of the house projects we have to finish first. We have to get Marcus's room done so we can transition him at least a month before the baby comes. Then Dave is remodeling our bathroom over Thanksgiving, just pray we can get it all done before Christmas. I have a lofty goal of getting my christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving so I can enjoy Christmas and get ready for this little girl. Wish me luck.